Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 210 - Sisters of Xia Family

Chapter 210 - Sisters of Xia Family

Chapter 210 Sisters of Xia Family
Xiao Mei smirked when she noticed Jiang Quanyu looked pale. “What happened? Did she cry to you?”

“Haven’t you all heard about it?” Jiang Quanyu put his phone down. “She said nothing.”

Xiao Yue curved up the corners of his mouth. “It seems that they had a quarrel.”

“Women!” Surprisingly, Xiao Mei agreed with her. “All of them might feel jealous.”

Jiang Quanyu stared at her with hostility. “What are you planning to do?”

“None of your business.” Xiao Mei got up and prepared to leave, turning her head when she reached the door and warned, “Don’t do anything useless. We have no time.”

Xiao Yue touched her teacup and said, “It’s not over yet. It’s not too late to inform A Miao.”

“You know that I can’t say it!” Jiang Quanyu punched on the chair back violently. “Jiang and Xiao family won’t leave A Miao alone without the bronze mirror and jade pendant.”

He had little say in his family. Once they knew they couldn’t get the treasures, they would go after A Miao like crazy. And at that time, he would not even be able to protect her life.

“I have heard that Shen Xinglan has a close relationship with some killer group. Maybe he has his own way to handle it.” Xiao Yue reminded him. “Haven’t you told me that he seems to be the leader of one?”

Jiang Quanyu kept quiet. No matter how badass Shen Xinglan could be, it’s not like that his killer group was the only one in the whole world. And a puny killer as he was, he would not stand a chance against big families with colossal wealth and rich connections accumulated for generations.

At the same time, the despised puny killer was cooling off in the garden, holding his own treasure in his arms.

“Well, I originally did not want to take advantage of him.” A Miao was a little disappointed. “But he also cheated me.”

It was A Miao who came up with the idea to use Jiang Hua to feed Xiao Mei mixed messages. But it was also she that felt bad about it. Before the phone call, she even thought that if he told her the truth that it was all part of Xiao Mei’s scheme, she would change her mind and not do so.


“Maybe Jiang Hua doesn’t know it at all?” A Miao raised her head, asking.

Shen Xinglan glanced at her. “You think you’d feel better with this self-consolation?”

“… All right.” Leaning back on the man’s chest, A Miao soon figured it all out. Essentially, she and Jiang Hua were on the opposite side. She would look pretentious if she still thought too much.

“Let Xiao Mei do that as long as she doesn’t affect you.” Shen Xinglan kissed her forehead. “But I think those reporters will find us here sooner or later.”

A Miao laid her eyes on the strawberries on the table. She reached out to grab one and put it into her mouth. “Haven’t we already covered this issue? You are supposed to leave in a minute according to our plan.”

“Miss Elder, Shen Xinglan is returning to the city by car.”

Xiao Mei picked up a phone call from her subordinate and smirked. “Are you sure he is actually in the car?”

“Yes, he was escorted by his two bodyguards.”

“Great. Just keep looking.”

As Shen Xinglan had expected before, Xiao Mei began her one-woman show. Reports of her and Shen Xinglan could be found on all kinds of newspaper and gossip magazines.

Those pictures were mostly Shen Xinglan’s profile, or sometimes of his blurry front. But all people naturally believed that man was definitely Shen Xinglan because of the media’s coverage.

“I saw Mr. Shen was fighting with his wife last night when I got off work. His wife was crying sadly.”

That’s what a staff member from the resort said in an interview two days later. The outsiders were more convinced of the relationship between Shen Xinglan and Xiao Mei. Some of them even rumored that he had already divorced A Miao, preparing to marry Xiao Mei.

“She deserves it!” Xia Wan felt so good after reading those reports. She threw the magazines on the table and said, “And that’s not long after they got married. That stupid woman thought it was easy to be a wife in those rich and powerful families.”

Bai Youran raised up his head from a pile of documents. “I have told you already. This bastard will end up in ditches, and now you can be happy.”

“How can I be happy?” Xia Wan shot him a glare. “My mom’s location is still a mystery and my father is always arguing with my second uncle in the company. They all drive me nuts!”

“I have already sent private detectives to find mom. Don’t worry. Since it’s her decision to leave, she won’t be in danger.”

Xia Yongqiang was busy fighting with his younger brother since Xia Hailin took charge of the company. Yao Lili also secretly left them with her clothes and all the money in her secret stash.

Even Xia Wan did not know where she was.

“I just can’t understand why she should run away at this moment.” Xia Wan was a bit annoyed. “All right. I am going to have my hair done.”

Bai Youran saw her off in person. “Maybe we can have dinner together tonight.”


Xia Wan saw Xia Mei was about to leave when she finished her massage.

“When did you come? I didn’t see you!” Xia Mei took Xia Wan’s arm warmly and said. “I just thought to call you. Let’s have a meal together!”

The 23-year-old Xia Mei was young and beautiful. She became more lovely and clever when she was abroad. Now Xia Mei was wearing the latest miniskirt in the season, displaying her slim legs.

“Maybe another day. I’ve got a date with someone.” Xia Wan pushed her away with a cold face. She wished to give Xia Mei a slap in her mind.

“Are you showing off? Since the company now is in such a terrible situation, no one wants to see your pretentious face!” Xia Wan thought.

“Is that someone my brother-in-law?” Xia Mei asked smilingly. “We haven’t met each other for a long time. Take me with you!”

Xia Wan abruptly looked at her.

“What’s the matter?” Xia Mei seemed to be scared and stepped back with her hands on the chest. “Sister… did I say anything wrong?”

In this premium club where all the guests belonged to the same circle, everybody clearly knew about the Xias’ recent situation. Noticing Xia sisters went toe to toe, they all enjoyed watching and eavesdropping silently.

For Xia Wan noticed it was not a suitable place to quarrel with Xia Mei, she suddenly changed her face and said smilingly, “Nothing. I just remembered something. Are you hoping to have dinner with us?”

“Hm…” Xia Mei hesitated when she noticed the hatred in Xia Wan’s eyes.josei

But Xia Mei immediately reminded herself that she was not that little girl who used to be at the mercy of Xia Wan anymore. Her father was the leader of the Xia family right now!

“Is that OK?” She stared at Xia Wan with intended defiance.

Xia Wan nodded as if she didn’t notice her expression at all. “Of course. I will get changed. Give me a minute.”

Bai Youran was surprised to see Xia Mei and asked, “Why are you here too?”

“What’s that about?” Xia Mei looked at him, pouting. “I haven’t seen you for a long time. Can’t I have a meal with you together?”

“Are you sure you can go through this?” Bai Youran said angrily.

He still remembered that once he was drugged to have sex with Xia Mei. Although the little girl had become a beauty, she was still unattractive to Bai Youran.

On the contrary, Bai Youran was disgraced to see her.

Although this man was just mediocre, he was loyal only to Xia Wan. Bai Youra would never betray Xia Wan as long as she loved and stayed with him.

“Why?” Xia Mei felt uncomfortable when she observed he had no reaction seeing her. The words just rolled off her tongue without her thinking twice. “If there were anyone who couldn’t sit this through, it must be my sister.”

Xia Wan, sitting opposite to her, smiled satirically. “Well, I certainly can’t eat seeing you here. But you insist on coming with me. What should I do?”

“Can we move to another place?” Bai Youran glanced at Xia Mei with dissatisfaction. “Remember, though your father is the boss now, we still have more than half of the shares.”

“Brother-in-law!” Although Xia Mei was complaining, she still kept throwing flirtatious glances at Bai Youran. “I said nothing. It’s my father and my old brother who are in charge of the company. I know nothing about it.”

Xia Wan lifted her wine glass, taking a sip of wine and smiled gracefully. “It seems that you have been socializing overseas these years because you learned nothing but flirting.”

“Sister, how can you say that?” Xia Mei changed her face. “I really wanted to have dinner with you.”

When Bai Youran looked at Xia Wan’s elegant manners, how slutty Xia Mei was suddenly made him sick. “Did you go to those nude parties…”

“Of course not!” Xia Mei was in a furry. “What… what are you talking about?”

Xia Wan snorted. “That’s all. We have no time caring about what you have done. This time it’s my treat. If you still want to see your brother-in-law, you might as well invite him alone. Perhaps… he’d say yes!”

“No way!” Bai Youran didn’t care about Xia Mei’s feeling and stood up, saying, “Let’s go.”

Bai Youran and Xia Wan ignored Xia Mei and left hand in hand. Xia Mei chased out to the parking lot with a terrible look. A car went past her, through whose window Xia Wan’s sardonic face appeared.

“I don’t believe it!” Xia Mei stamped grumpily. “I don’t believe that I cannot beat you. I don’t believe that Youran will still choose an old bitch like you over me!”

She worked so hard abroad to be a charming woman, but she didn’t expect Bai Youran still ignored her…

Chi Ling was suffering more than her.

“When can you let me leave?” She ran down the stairs and shouted at those two men.

A tall bodyguard glanced at her and said, “Why don’t you give up asking me such a meaningless question every day?”

Ding V threw her in and left three days ago. Chi Ling was afraid when she was first caught by Ding V. She was scared that Ding V would revenge for He Shishi, but nothing happened whatever she said to him. Later Ding V was so annoyed by her that he knocked her out.

“Was it He Shishi who told you to imprison me?” Chi Ling wasn’t stupid. She clearly knew that He Shishi was disfigured. So what? She didn’t mean to do that. She actually felt a bit guilty before being locked up.

However, Chi Ling had got angry since Ouyang told her to hide and voluntarily lured those killers away.

“Where is He Shishi? Tell her to see me!”

“It was just an accident. Now even Ouyang is one of her targets. She has gone too far!” Chi Ling thought.

The bodyguards didn’t want to answer. The phone rang when they prepared to send her upstairs.

“Miss!” The bodyguards listened to the order respectfully and replied. “As you wish. We will take her to you right now.”

Chi Ling shouted without waiting for him to hang up. “He Shishi! Is that you? Let me go! Or Ouyang will be angry with you!”

“Stop yelling.” One of the bodyguards believed that she was a simpleton. “Don’t you want to be out? Let’s go.”

You would find that being locked up here was heaven when you met our lady…

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