Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 211 - I Want You to Hurt!

Chapter 211 - I Want You to Hurt!

Chapter 211 I Want You to Hurt!
The wound on He Shishi’s face had scarred, and doctors had already arrange her a cosmetic surgery. However, it was a long shot to restore her beauty. She had been ready for this, and had come up with a few methods with Wei Meng these days.

“Miss, the woman is here.”

The bodyguards knocked on the door and came in.

He Shishi was not short of money. The hospital she lived in was very expensive with a comfortable environment. Every ward was like an apartment, and each one was far away from another. Chi Ling was dragged in with her eyes blindfolded. People must have noticed this, but no one dared to say anything.

“Shishi?” Chi Ling found herself released, and hurriedly took off the blindfold. “It’s really you!”

He Shishi was leaning against the window, looking at her with a side of her face. “I haven’t seen you for a long time. Seems that you have not been very good.”

“You told people to lock me up. How can I be good!” Chi Ling shouted with bloodshot eyes. “Even no clothes for me to change. Look at my hair, how greasy it is.”

Wei Meng said with a zombie face, looking at her like seeing an idiot. “Now, you can choose to ruin your left face or the right. Hey… but I guess He Shishi will ruin your entire face.”

“What dis you say?” Chi Ling opened his mouth incredulously, trying to rush to He Shishi, but was dragged by bodyguards.

He Shishi stood up and walked to her, her left face was completely exposed to Chi Ling. She screamed, got rid of bodyguards, and trembled backwards.

“Fear my face?” He Shishi smiled. “Then you’d better get used to it, because your face will be more disgusting and uglier than mine.”

Chi Ling’s face turned pale, and moved close to her, shivering. “Shishi, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it. You know that I didn’t, right?”

“I don’t know.” He Shishi withdrew her smiles. “I don’t care whether you are unintentional or not, ’cause it has no effect on my decision.”

“Then… what about Ouyang? Don’t you care about him?” When Chi Ling thought of Ouyang Jin, her confidence found its way back. “If he knows that you ruin my face, he will not forgive you.”

He Shishi contemptuously said, “I don’t care!”

“But you like him, don’t you?” Chi Ling thought she was not understood, and thus she tried to talk her down like she meant it. “If you like Ouyang, you should think about him. You know how much he cares about me.”

“Plus, I guess he didn’t have a clue that you caught me here!” Chi Ling sighed. “Rest assured, I will tell him that I voluntarily came here to accompany you. What’s more, I’ve talked to Ouyang and he said he wouldn’t leave you whatever you become.”

Chi Ling pulled her sleeve and said, “Go and buy me some clothes now. I need to take a long bath! Oh, some steaks, please. I haven’t had any for a few days. I also want…”

She was interrupted by a slap.

“Stop talking, or I’m going to have a stomachache.” Wei Meng shook her hands and her glance flitted at Ding V. “I took back the words that your IQ was not high. Compared with Ouyang, you can choose women wisely at least.”

Ding V fawningly grabbed her hand and said, “Next time, let me go to fight. Does it hurt?”

“Why did you hit me?” Chi Ling finally realized that she just got slapped, and asked with tears.

He Shishi rolled her ring and said, “If she didn’t punch you, I would have shotted through your head just now.”

Before her voice had died away, the bodyguards behind Chi Ling were holding pistols to her head.

“Chi Ling.” He Shishi looked up. “What do you think you are, and what the hell is Ouyang Jin. If I like him, I can do anything for him; but if I don’t, I won’t even look at him if he dies before me.”

This is what people are like. When they are in love, they treat their lovers as treasures; when they are not, they throw them out like trash.

“What… what do you mean…” Chi Ling felt something wrong. He Shishi’s eyes were full of arrogance, looking at her as if she was watching some low creature.

Looking at the scar on He Shishi’s face, she suddenly gained a sense of pleasure and pride, thinking that she was prettier and smarter than her, but so what? After all, Ouyang didn’t like her, and now with her face ruined, how dare she speaks such arrogance!

“I’ve told you very clearly.” Chi Ling also looked up. “You’d better calm down before talking about it with me.”

He Shishi suddenly smiled, “Or… we can wait until Ouyang Yu finds you, and then let’s talk together!”

“That’s great!” Chi Ling thought that she still cared about Ouyang and nodded with satisfaction. “So are you going to lock me up again?”

“Of course not.” He Shishi’s face suddenly became very strange, making Chi Ling shivered. “What about sending me back, and then I will let Ouyang come to you!”

He Shishi raised her hand and one bodyguard quietly went out.

“Don’t worry, he will come soon.”

“Miss!” The bodyguard soon returned. “All set. No one can hear us.”

He Shishi slowly walked towards the dressing table and picked up a curling iron from above. She casually threw a piece of paper tissue on it. Before long, that facial tissue began to turn yellow, then slowly shrank even caught on a small fire.

“This is specially designed for you.” She glanced at Chi Ling.

The color left Chi Ling’s face. She shuddered and tried to escape.

“Oh!” Two bodyguards grabbed Chi Ling’s arms and pressed her into a seat. She crazily screamed, “Let me go! Let me go!”

He Shishi slowly walked over with the curling iron. “I play fair, and I’ll slowly make it even with you. But before that, I’ll make you suffer as I had suffered.”

“No, no… don’t come over, don’t come over!” Chi Ling was held down and couldn’t move her arms or legs. She could only keep shaking her head. “I am sorry Shihi. It’s all my fault. I’m sorry. Please spare me, spare me!”

She was extremely terrified since she knew that He Shishi was serious. This woman was really going to ruin her face.

“Aren’t you right?” He Shishi had already walked up to her and grabbed her chin. “Look at your face. It has been ugly already, so it doesn’t matter if it is ruined.”

Chi Ling was like a drown mouse covered with tears and faintly said, “Yes… yes, so… so please let me go. I won’t do this anymore.

He Shishi scornfully said, “But who cares about your look!” She shook that curling iron and said, “I want you to hurt!”

He Shishi’s wish was to make her suffer and be tortured as she herself experienced before. She wanted to lock her in the fear where she could never get out.

“I beg you…” Chi Ling couldn’t speak fluently, and she kept crying, looking at He Shishi with pleading eyes.

He Shishi glanced at the bodyguards who were standing at the door. They took the sign and came over. One held her leg, and another fixed her head in his arm.

“No… no…” Chi Ling stared in horror, looking at the curling iron getting closer and closer to her face. The burning hot iron touched her hair, which instantly burned to ashes.

“Ah!!!!!!!” The horrible shriek reverberated in the room.

In a mountain resort located in the suburbs of City S.

“This is the fastest and most effective way!” A Miao was trying to convince Shen Xinglan who was angry and didn’t look at her.

“We’ve arranged it in advance, and everything will be fine.” Her words made Shen Xinglan happy again. “We’ve played this show for so long. Even if we don’t take the final step, Xiaomei is going to make some moves.”josei

For more than half a month, the public thought Shen Xinglan was busy dating Xiao Mei. These two went to various places, but A Miao, who was on a vacation, had been deserted.

“She won’t rush into anything if she don’t us quarreling.” Shen Xinglan held A Miao into his arms and said, “We can do it slow, I don’t want to put you at risk.”

A Miao buried her head in his arms and crept, “But we cannot go on like this. What if nothing happens after this summer? Are we going to stay here forever?”

“Boss…” Shen I was knocking at the door.

Shen Xinglan seized the chance to pause this conversation. “Come in.”

“Boss, Wei Meng and Ding V are back.”

A Miao asked as soon as she heard this. “Where are they?”

“They are on their way here. I think they will definitely arrive before dinner.”

Shen Xinglan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Wei Meng was coming just about the right time helping him to distract A Miao.

“Go and arrange for us to have dinner together.” Shen Xinglan noticed that A Miao was weirdly staring at him. “What’s wrong? Don’t you want to ask Wei Menghe something about He Shishi? We can keep her for a couple of days.”

A Miao poked him. “Come on. I know what’s in your head.”

“A Miao…” Shen Xinglan sighed. “Please. Let’s talk about it later and see if there is any other way. And don’t even think about you being a bait!”

While eating dinner, Wei Meng told A Miao that He Shishi was preparing for cosmetic surgery and would be back within a few days.

“What about Chi Ling?” A Miao blinked. “Shishi won’t kill…” She made a throat-slicing gesture.

Wei Meng calmly said, “That would be a far too easy way out for her. Well, Shishi…”

“Don’t tell her about this.” Shen Xinglan looked at Wei Meng’s expression and knew that the following words would be bloody and violent. “It’s not conducive to prenatal education.”

A Miao meant to protest. However, she said nothing after hearing what he said.

“Let Shishi tell you personally next time.” Wei Meng changed the subject. “Tomorrow, we want to go to the hospital to visit Ouyang Jin.”

Shen Xinglan squinted and meaningfully stared at her. “Okay.”

The next day, Wei Meng and Ding V went to the hospital. Before long, Le Yi called.

“Ouyang escaped!”

“I knew it.” Shen Xinglan was not surprised at all. Nobody would believe that Wei Meng, the woman who didn’t even care about people’s death, actually wanted to show her support when she offered to visit Ouyang.

“She must give Ouyang a hint that Chi Ling is in He Shishi’s hands.”

Le Yi nodded on the other side of the phone. “Yes, I guess so. Lil Xi followed them along. I hope they would not make a big scene.”

“Leave them alone first.” Shen Xinglan rubbed the space between his eyebrows. “A Miao said that we should take the initiative to let Xiao Mei come to her.”

“You will definitely disagree.” Le Yi smiled. “However, you know that it won’t last too long.”

Xiao Mei could hire somebody to disguise as him to persuade the public that Shen Xinglan was afflicted with her. Then, Shen Xinglan could also find himself a stunt who would leave the house dressed as him every time.

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