Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 212 - Only One to Live

Chapter 212 - Only One to Live

Chapter 212 Only One to Live
While Shen Xinglan was finding a way to deal with Xiao Mei, Ouyang Jin saw Chi Ling.

“Why are you so late?” Chi Ling shouted at Ouyang Jin with hatred, “Look at my face! It was all over! All over!”

Ouyang Jin looked pale and the wound on his waist had been torn. Chi Ling didn’t notice these abnormalities and pounced on Ouyang Jin. “Go to find He Shishi! Kill her! Kill her!”

Bang! Ouyang Jin was pushed down by Chi Ling and Lil Xi who was behind door rushed in and helped him up to the bed.

“Don’t you see him hurt?”

No one knew whether Chi Ling was now crying or laughing, but she stared at Lil Xi crazily. “It wasn’t my fault. Look at me! My face is more terrible than his!”

She ripped off the gauze on her face and exposed a palm-sized wound, which looked disgusting because it began to fester without disinfection.

“You had it coming.” Lil Xi despised her already and said angrily when seeing Chi Ling was still so self-centered, “Go away. Don’t pester Ouyang.”

Chi Ling wanted to call Ouyang up again but was afraid of Lil Xi. She waited on the sofa with an angry face. Fortunately, Ouyang Jin woke up and opened his eyes after a short while.

“Lil Xi…” He frowned, reaching out his hand.

Lil Xi helped him up and said, “You should have a good relax instead of staying here. Look, your wound broke up again.”

“Thanks!” Ouyang Jin knew that Lil Xi followed him all the time. “Tell others that I’m here, please.”

Lil Xi curled his lip and went out to call others. Chi Ling walked to him with tears in her eyes. “Ouyang, are you okay?”

“I am fine.” Ouyang stared at the wound on her face and comforted her. “I will find a doctor for you. Hang on.”

Chi Ling said emotionally, “No use! It’s useless! I am disfigured! Look at He Shishi. Her face is still a mess!” Then she suddenly grasped Ouyang Jin’s hand.

“It’s her fault! Don’t let her go! She did it on purpose!”

Ouyang Jin said nothing. He felt guilty to He Shishi. When he came here in a hurry, he even didn’t understand whether he was concerned about He Shishi or he was afraid of her killing Chi Ling.

“Why don’t you talk?” Chi Ling looked crazy. “Well, we should leave right now. Take me away now! My face hurts! It hurts so much!”

Then she started to drag Ouyang Jin out, and Lil Xi pushed her away when he entered the room.

“What are you doing? Killing him?”

Chi Ling was knocked down on the ground. She couldn’t think clearly suffering from days of unbearable pain and only wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

“She wants to kill me! Doctors! I need doctors!”

Ouyang Jin noticed Chi Ling struggling all over the floor and couldn’t help closing his eyes.

“I really don’t understand why she ever deserves your protection.” Lil Xi sneered at him. “As if you loved her so much!”

If Ouyang Jin really fell in love with Chi Ling, he would have taken her from his brother’s hand instead of doing nothing about their marriage, for the Ouyang brothers were all overbearing.

“You don’t understand…” Ouyang Jin rubbed the space between his eyebrows and said, “He Shishi knows I am here, right?”

Lil Xi rolled his eyes. “Just now I wanted to see her, but her bodyguards stopped me.”

“Go and find a doctor for Chi Ling. I believe that Shishi will soonly appear.”

In fact, He Shishi knew his presence the minute he stepped into the hospital. At this moment, she was putting on some makeup. And her wound had changed to a dark red dead skin after several sessions. It seemed that the wound would only become lighter at the end.

He Shishi was just like a noble queen with her red lips, wearing red wrap dress and 10-centimeter golden high heels. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

“Miss, the people come with Ouyang took a doctor to the ward.” A bodyguard came in and reported to He Shishi. “What should we do?”

He Shishi looked at herself in the mirror with a contented smile. “Let the doctor help her! Watch them, and call me when the doctor leaves.”

Till the sun went down, bodyguards informed He Shishi as she was eating steak gracefully beside the window.

“Let’s go!” She wiped her mouth. “Are the cars ready?”

One of the bodyguards replied, “Yes. We will bring them out on your command.”

Chi Ling’s ward was on the other side of the hall. He Shishi treated fairly about her living and eating. However… with such unbearable pain, Chi Ling could hardly eat anything.

“Why are you coming here?”

Chi Ling felt better after cleaning her wound and taking medicines. She was about to discuss with Ouyang Jin about the escape when He Shishi suddenly came in.

“Shishi…” Ouyang Jin had something to say but stopped. He relievedly smiled with his eyes on He Shishi’s face.

He Shishi was truly the queen of the casino. Her powerful vibe and beauty would never be spoiled by the scars on her face. Somehow Ouyang Jin felt his heart racing for her.

Something seemed to break out of his body.

“Nice!” He Shishi sat on the sofa and said. “You still survived from five shot. So lucky.”

Chi Ling stood at the other side of the bed, staring at her. “What else do you wanna do?”

“You tell me!” He Shishi peered at her and turned to Ouyang Jin.

Ouyang Jin sighed. “Shishi, Chi Ling also got injured on her face. Can’t we stop here? I owe you a favor. I’ll promise you whatever you want.”

“Ouyang…” Chi Ling grasped his arms. “She has already disfigured my face. We owe her nothing.”

“It’s none of your business.” Ouyang Jin refused her and said. “I can handle it.”

He Shishi stroked her slender fingers and lost her interest in teasing them while watching their posture.

“You have already become my enemy since you pushed me out to those people and let them take me away.” She lightly touched her face and continued. “Disfigurement is just a retaliation. Now… is the revenge.”

Ouyang Jin was stunned and then looked at Chi Ling with cold eyes. “You pushed her?”

“No! I didn’t!” Chi Ling gritted her teeth and shouted. No one could prove He Shishi’s words and Ouyang Jin wouldn’t trust He Shishi if she denied.

“Pfft!” He Shishi showed her a sardonic smile. “Believe it or not! It’s no use for me.”

Ouyang Jin turned around and stared at her. “I believe it.”

He understood He Shishi, who put her pride before her life. She would never lie, for lies were an insult to herself.

“Ouyang!” Chi Ling screamed. “I can’t believe that you didn’t trust me?”

Ouyang Jin looked at the woman who wanted to pounce over with an ugly face and felt upset. He once promised to protect her and give her a happy life, but how could everything end up this way?

That night 20 years ago flashed in his mind. A little girl was holding an umbrella for a boy lying on the ground to keep out the storm and did not care she herself was wet.

“Are you going to dicth me?” Chi Ling’s tears suddenly fell down, staring at Ouyang Jin with sorrow.

Ouyang Jin shook his head. “No. I won’t do that.”

“Finished?” He Shishi interrupted them. “Let’s go.”

Chi Ling warily looked at her. “We won’t go anywhere. Get out.”

“Hehe!” He Shishi stood up and said. “It’s not up to you.”

She clapped her hands and suddenly a few bodyguards rushed in.

“Take them.”

Ouyang Jin wanted to tell her something but Lil Xi pulled him back. “Shut up. Anything you say right now will only make it worse.”

“Don’t touch me!” Chi Ling yelled and threw everything on the table to the bodyguards.

Lil Xi smiled to He Shishi and said, “Well… let me help Ouyang, lest your men should be worn out.” Then he carried Ouyang Jin on his back and left without He Shishi’s permission.

Chi Ling thought they wanted to escape, and then she stopped struggling and chased up.

Three cars drove to the beach. He Shishi sat in the front car, and Lil Xi together with Ouyang Jin sat in the second one. As for Chi Ling, she was in the last car for Lil Xi didn’t wait for her.

“Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. Whatever He Shishi says to you, be quiet. No matter what she wants to do to Chi Ling, just keep silent.” Lil Xi stared at Ouyang Jin seriously. “I have to bring you back. but the premise is that you won’t do anything wrong.”

Ouyang Jin said nothing but looked out of the window. Just like the blue ocean near by, his mind which though appeared to be calm was raging deep under.

As much as he knew about He Shishi, it would be worse if he pled for Chi Ling. Even if he sacrificed himself for Chi Ling, He Shishi wouldn’t her go and would kill her for sure.

“Maybe from the beginning, I have made the wrong decision…” Ouyang Jin suddenly murmured, “but it was too late, too late…”

Lil Xi left him alone. It was too late for Ouyang Jin to realize his true love. He had already broken her heart and burnt it down to ashes.

Cars slowly stopped. Lil Xi helped Ouyang get off the car.

“Ouyang!” Chi Ling ran up to them and grabbed Ouyang’s hand. “Why are you going with them? Take me to leave…”

Ouyang Jin glanced at her and asked, “Do we have another choice?”

“Hm.” He Shishi also got off the car and nodded approvingly. “You are always adapted to circumstances.” She raised up her hand and said, “Hang them up.”

Bodyguards came over and bounded them. Lil Xi kept telling them to be careful with Ouyang’s wound while Chi Ling was flustered and attempted to escape.

Ouyang Jin stayed still and let himself be hoisted.

They were at an abandoned dock, where the crane lifted both of them above the sea.

“Do you really want to throw Ouyang into the sea?” Lil Xi asked He Shishi. “It will be terrible…”josei

Beside them, the Ouyangs would not let He Shishi slip away.

He Shishi glanced at him and suddenly smiled. “Guess!”


It was quite a scene that Chi Ling, with her hands tied up, kept swaying in the air so much that her gauze got off, revealing her black and red wound on the face.

“Now I give you a choice.” He Shishi raised her head and continued, “Only one of you two can walk away.”

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