Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 213 - Life is a Drama. Only Good Actors Survive

Chapter 213 - Life is a Drama. Only Good Actors Survive

Chapter 213 Life is a Drama. Only Good Actors Survive
Only one person could survive!

These words made Chi Ling see hope. Just before yelling that she wanted to live, she saw Ouyang Jin on one side was staring at her.

“Ouyang…” Chi Ling muttered. “You…”

Ouyang Jin looked away and turned to stare at He Shishi below.

“Sorry.” The vortex was swirling in his deep eyes.

But He Shishi would never be trapped again in his eyes. She smiled and said, “I don’t accept your apology. You know me, so one of you guys must die today. Hurry up! It’s going dark.”

Ouyang Jin also smiled, first time to smile during these days, and still kept his charm. However, in Lil Xi’s eyes, this smile was full of sadness. Lil Xi tended to say something but didn’t after thinking it through.josei

“I don’t want you to forgive me for I can’t even forgive myself.” Then he looked at Chi Ling again. “You choose.”

Chi Ling said while crying. “I don’t want to die… I’m sorry, Ouyang. I really don’t want to die…”

“Chi Ling.” Ouyang Jin calmly looked at her without any emotion in his eyes. “I owe you nothing now. From this day, be a better person.”

He Shishi only saw Ouyang’s mouth moving but heard nothing since his voice was extremely low.

“Done?” She felt a little annoyed and wanted to end it all as soon as possible.

Ouyang Jin was looking at He Shishi. And she couldn’t tell if it’s true that his eyes were particularly bright. “Let her go, I’ll die.”

“As you wish!” He Shishi raised her hand and put Chi Ling down, who stood up and said nothing, running away without giving Ouyang Jin a look.

He Shishi watched her figure fade away. She turned and sneered. “This is the person that you care for. Isn’t it ironic?”

“Haha, yes!” Ouyang Jin smiled. “Take care.”

He Shishi was about to raise her hands when Lil Xi pulled her and said, “Are you really going to kill him?”

“What do you think?” He Shishi suddenly dropped her hands down, and Ouyang fell down consequently.

“Are you insane?” Lil Xi pushed He Shishi away and rushed to the seaside, taking off his jacket and going to dive in.

At this moment, she saw a yacht coming over and rescuing Ouyang Jin.

“Take him away!” He Shishi turned and left.

Lil Xi breathed a sigh of relief and rolled his eyes towards the sky. “You scared me stiff…”

What happened that day was made into a video, and that night, A Miao and Wei Meng had watched it.

“You were still too softhearted to kill them at last!” A Miao sighed. “Do you feel better this way?”

He Shishi was smiling while watching this. “Who says I’m too softhearted? And I’m feeling fantastic now!”

“I’ve said that death is the simplest way.” Wei Meng had already seen through He Shishi’s plan. “Actually, what she did will make Ouyang Jin and Chi Ling suffer forever.”

A Miao had a dazed look on her face. “…”

“Stop being a fool!” He Shishi poked A Miao’s face on the screen. “What is more pathetic than being abandoned by someone you care?”

Ouyang Jin was very nice to Chi Ling, but she instead willingly accepted that he would die for her. Not a single man could bear this ending.

“Only keeping Ouyang Jin alive can he experience that pain.” He Shishi coldly stared at the air. “As for Chi Ling… ha! Without protection from Ouyang Jin, how long does she have?”

This stupid woman was troublesome, plus her face was ruined. Moreover…

“The video you saw today has also been sent to Ouyang family.”

A Miao covered her mouth and said, “God! Ouyang’s family will not forgive her.”

“I’ve told you that death is the easiest way.” Wei Meng looked at He Shishi who was guffawing with shakes. “Nothing is of more evil than the heart of a woman, not even the deadly sting of a bumblebee.”

He Shishi gave her the stink eye. “That’s enough. A Miao, you should also be careful. I heard that Xiao Mei likes doing something these days. I will go back in about half a month, and we will celebrate till then!”

In the evening, A Miao told Shen Xinglan what happened.

“I’ve known it. Lil Xi has already told me.” Shen Xinglan’s arms were around her. “Ouyang is still in a coma. He has already been injured, and falling into the sea made him worse.”

A Miao curled her lips. “He deserves it!”

“So that should be it.” Shen Xinglan kissed her. “I’m afraid that Xiao Mei is about to take actions.”

Recently, many foreign mercenaries had sneaked into this country illegally. Clearly, no one would hire them except Xiao Mei.

“Do as I say.” A Miao sat up. “You know it will work.”

Shen Xinglan took her hand. “Don’t be like this. I can’t bear the consequences if something goes wrong, you…”

“Do you guys always act like this?” A Miao suddenly asked. “Do you people always get too cautious, and always worry about nothing?”

“This time is different…”

“How is it different?” A Miao was anxious. “You should take it as a normal task. As long as we’ve taken care of everything and prepared for all possibilities, how could it go wrong?”

Shen Xinglan cuddled her. “I can’t put you into risk, and I’ll figure out another way.”

Unfortunately, Xiao Mei quickly called Shen Xinglan again.

“I heard that things are a little rough with your wife recently?”

Shen Xinglan was surrounded by a few people, so he followed the script and darkly said, “Since Miss Xiao knows that, there is no need to ask. If it weren’t for you, my wife and I wouldn’t be arguing now.”

“Ha! Don’t say that. I just used a few vague photos and said something unclear. If she really believes in you, she won’t quarrel with you.”

Shen Xinglan didn’t want to talk with her even for a second, but A Miao kept gesturing to him.

Therefore, he had to continue with patience, “Are you calling just for this?”

“Of course not.” Xiao Mei suddenly changed her tone. “I am here to see if there is anything I can help, or try to explain it to your wife?”

Shen Xinglan snorted. “No thanks, do whatever you want. Just don’t call me again.” He hung up the phone before Xiao Mei responded.

“Oh, why you hung up the phone?” A Miao ripped the phone over.

Wei Meng coldly said, “When a male hates a female, he can’t even stand her smell. It has already been painful enough to talk with her for such a long time.”

“She is definitely about to make a big move.” A Miao made two turns and noticed that Shen Xinglan was nervous that she might fall down.

Le Yi reminded her. “The best defense is an offense.”

“I also mean this!” A Miao was a little anxious. “Let’s start first, and don’t give her any chance.”

Shen Xinglan still wanted to say no, and he heard Wei Meng’s words.

“When a female is pregnant with her child, she also has to worry about her own turf or fear her partner might be snatched away. This kind of psychology will slowly affect her physiology, and then… lead to ready-to-born babies…”

Wei Meng stopped saying since she noticed that Shen Xinglan’s eyes were sharp enough to kill her.

“Let’s vote!” A Miao raised her hand. “I agree.”

Wei Meng said, “Two votes.”

“Mengmeng is right on everything.” Ding V raised his hands.

A Miao laughed. “Now three to one. Le Yi doesn’t need to vote anymore.”

“It too saves me some trouble.” Le Yi lifted his glasses. “Shen, what do you think?”

Shen Xinglan was looking at A Miao who was full of expectation.

He closed his eyes. “Tell everyone to get ready.”

“Miss, Shen Xinglan left the manor.”

Xiao Mei revealed a proud smile. “Hold him off as long as you can.”

A Miao was sitting under the shadow of a tree and seemed to be very lonely from the back.

“Miss, are you nervous?” Little Demon stood next to her and asked. “Would you like to go upstairs and have a sleep? Shen I will inform me when Xiao Mei comes.”

A Miao shook her head, looking serious. “I have to act well, so don’t talk to me. It’s hard to get into the right emotions.”

“Little Demon, Xiao Mei is coming.” Shen I said through the interphone.

Then, A Miao heard Shen Xinglan’s voice. “A Miao, if you are scared, we can stop right now.”

“I’m not!” A Miao clenched her fists. “Stop talking, or you may influence me.”

“Miss, she’s here.” Little Demon reminded her.

A Miao quickly relaxed and resumed to act lonely as she did.

“Miss Xiao, this is a private place. Please leave.” Little Demon took a few steps to stop Xiao Mei. She didn’t need to act since it was completely herself.

A Miao suddenly trembled, and then slowly turned over.

“Long time no see!” Xiao Mei smiled and said hello. “I’ve come from so far to see you. Won’t you give me a drink?”

“Are you here for Shen Xinglan?” A Miao looked at her with hatred. “He is not here.”

Xiao Mei had been observing her expression and felt better when she saw the hatred in A Miao’s eyes.

“No, I’m here for you!” Xiao Mei sighed. “Actually, you misunderstand me. Shen Xinglan has more than one woman, not to mention me.”

“Shut up!” A Miao yelled at her. “Don’t tell me this. Little Demon, let her go, now!”

Little Demon immediately pushed Xiao Mei outwards. “Please leave. Our lady can’t stand your provoking.”

“Do you think hiding away from all this would be helpful?” Xiao Mei took a few photos from her bag. “Here, I know where Shen Xinglan is, and with whom now!”

Little Demon tried to put these photos back to her purse, but A Miao said shuddering, “Give… give them to me.”

“Just face it!” Xiao Mei passed these photos to her. “This one is his new love, a budding star.”

A Miao took a close look at every picture, with more and more tremors. Little Demon was terrified, believing that she was truly immersed in sadness. However, A Miao was actually trying not to laugh.

“Do you know where he is?” After shaking for a while, she looked up with a terrible face. “Take me to him.”

Xiao Mei shrugged. “Of course! But… why should I take you there? It is reasonable to say that we fall in love with the same man. We are rivals!”

“Do you want the bronze mirror and jade pendant or not?” A Miao coldly looked at her. “I know the password of the safe. I can help you get them.”

Xiao Mei stared at her. “Is that true?”

“Of course.” A Miao touched her stomach. “Part of the password is my birthday date.”

“Okay!” Xiao Mei stretched out to her. “You take me to get the bronze mirror and jade pendant, and I’ll tell you where Shen Xinglan is.”

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