Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 220 - The Legend of the Bronze Mirror Jade Pendant

Chapter 220 - The Legend of the Bronze Mirror Jade Pendant

Chapter 220 The Legend of the Bronze Mirror Jade Pendant
After listening to A Miao’s words, Shen Xinglan was silent for a long time. Then, as A Miao almost fell asleep, she heard him say something.

“Anyway, let’s leave here first.”

“I don’t know if Yu Sihan will let us go, but I’m sure he won’t kill us.” A Miao yawned. “I think… he wants us to go with him to find the treasure.”

Shen Xinglan kissed the corner of her eye. “What about today? I saw the chessboard. We could come in safely if you won. Am I right?”

“I almost forgot about that!” A Miao suddenly felt refreshed. “You’re so smart. How did you guess that?”

“A feeling…” Shen Xinglan bit her earlobe. “It was just a sudden feeling that you were fighting with me.”

A Miao yawned again. “Well, fortunately, I’m still good at chess and you gave me enough time later.”

Shen Xinglan bowed his head and again kissed the corner of her eye. “Now sleep. I’ll talk to that guy tomorrow. We’d better leave early.”

No one woke them up the next day. A Miao was still sleeping when Shen Xinglan woke up. He called Lil Xi and asked him to sail to the island. Then he went next door to see Le Yi and the others.

When he returned to the room, he saw A Miao sitting up.

“Are you awake?”josei

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” A Miao rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?”

“It’s almost noon.” Shen Xinglan opened the wardrobe, scanned the monotone white skirts, frowned, and handed her one.

A Miao took it and put it on. “Song Baohua usually wakes me up.”

“It seems that Yu Sihan didn’t let her call you today.” Shen Xinglan curled the corners of his mouth.

It seemed that Yu Sihan was being very considerate, thinking that they had a hard day yesterday, so he let everyone sleep well. It was clear in Shen Xinglan’s mind that this youth who was only 12 years old was not an ordinary youth at all.

His mind and behavior were totally beyond the typical standard of a 12-year-old boy.

“Shen, are you ready?” Le Yi arrived knocking at the door.

Seeing A Miao had combed her hair, Shen Xinglan opened the door and said, “Let’s go.”

“A Miao!” Le Yi joked to her, “Well, it’s good not to be haggard or thin like a bamboo pole!”

Ouyang Jin also waved to her.

A Miao smiled at him. Although she had some dissatisfaction with Ouyang Jin because of the matter with He Shishi, she was touched by having such friendship that he would risk his life to save her.

Then she asked Le Yi, “Hey, why are you here? Ling Lang is about to deliver a child. You should stay with her.”

Le Yi smiled and said, “Right, so we have to go back as soon as possible!”

When the four people went downstairs, they saw Ding V coming in from the outside.

“Where did you go?” Le Yi asked him.

Ding V thought for a moment, then said, “I went to see the surroundings.” Then he lowered his voice mysteriously. “Mengmeng had me go. She asked me to see if there was anything strange.”

“Did Wei Meng also come?” A Miao also asked in a low voice.

Shen Xinglan looked at the two people with some amusement. Everything on the island was under the eyes of Yu Sihan.

“Yes, she is on board with Lil Xi.”

The man who was previously identified as a housekeeper by A Miao came over and said, “Please follow me, everybody. Our Young Master has been waiting for you for a long time.”

They followed him to the shade outside. At the other end of the long wooden dining table, Yu Sihan was lazily leaning on a high-backed chair. Seeing them coming, he sat a little upright.

“I thought I would wait for you to have dinner. Sit down please!”

He looked like an innocent youth.

“Sit down.” Shen Xinglan nodded to them.

As soon as they took their seats, the maids started serving dishes. Each dish was exquisite and beautiful and seemed to have been taken right out of the pot.

“First of all, welcome to my island!” Yu Sihan raised his wineglass. “Although it’s not as big as your island, the environment and facilities here are quite good!”

Shen Xinglan raised his cup and shook it. “Yesterday, we experienced this. It is really good.”

“Haha!” Yu Sihan looked at Shen Xinglan with his head tilted. “The man that Miss A Miao likes is excellent. But she said that I am more handsome than you!”

A Miao glanced at Shen Xinglan, who nodded slightly and looked at Yu Sihan. “I think so too. As a child, I did not look as handsome as you. But I’m a man now. Let’s compare again when you grow up to be a man.”

“Hmph!” Yu Sihan bowed his head proudly and ate a roasted lamb chop that was scorched on the outside and tender inside.

Shen Xinglan also helped A Miao cut the meat well and took some fruit for her.

As for Le Yi and Ouyang Jin, they also bowed their heads and dined after making sure that they could have a meal when they stopped quarrelling.

As for Ding V…

He kept eating.

Half an hour later, Yu Sihan wiped his mouth and said, “Everyone seems to be full!” The maids came up, then removed the dishes and served the strong milky tea, coffee, juice, and several plates of delicate fruit.

“Yu… Mr. Yu,” Le Yi said, “would you mind me addressing you like this?”

“I can’t call you baby Yu… Am I right?”

“You can call me Master Yu.” Yu Sihan lifted up his chin.

“All right,” Le Yi smiled and said, “then, Master Yu, let’s get right to the point. You lured us here for the sake of the bronze mirror jade pendant, right?”

Yu Sihan was apparently not ready to be rigid. He nodded directly. “Yes!”

“So, do we have the right to know what a bronze mirror jade pendant is and why they appeared around us?”

He pointed to Shen Xinglan and Ouyang.

“It’s a long story.” Yu Sihan spread out his hand. “Do you all know that there was an emperor named King Qin in ancient Country Hua?”

Shen Xinglan nodded his head. “It was the emperor who unified the six kingdoms.”

“In his later years, King Qin was obsessed with alchemy and longed for the way of immortality.” Yu Sihan took a sip of tea from his cup.

A Miao’s eyes were in a trance and she remembered what he said after he slipped into her room at midnight.

Shen Xinglan kept paying attention to her and scratched her palm.

“It’s all right,” A Miao mouthed silently.

Having drunk enough tea, Yu Sihan continued, “He once sent someone to take 500 boys and girls to sail to look for the fairy mountain in order to obtain the elixir of life.”

“There are records in the history books.” Le Yi nodded. “In the Qin Dynasty, Xu Fu led 500 boys and girls to a place. They saw that the people and things there were exactly the same as in Chang’an, and there was a mountain thousands of miles north-east called ‘Fushi’, also known as ‘Penglai’. Xu Fu went there and called that place Penglai. Today, the descendants there are all surnamed Qin.”

Ouyang Jin added, “Didn’t someone say that those people fled to an island in a storm and settled there later, that is, some island country later?”

“None of those unofficial histories are right.” Yu Sihan ate a piece of fruit candy. “This is the legend! It is believed by many people with its wide spread.”

A Miao probed by asking, “So where were the people on the boat?”

“How would I know that?” Yu Sihan said with a dissatisfied expression.

Shen Xinglan said, “Master Yu said so much just now, so I thought you knew.”

Yu Sihan lifted the corners of his mouth. “I don’t know where they went in the end, but I know where the treasures they brought with them are!”

“Were there treasures on board?” Le Yi asked suspiciously.

Yu Sihan touched the string of jade-covered bodhi seeds on his wrist and said, “Of course. And once someone gets them, he will be ridiculously rich.”

“Do you mean that these pieces of bronze mirror jade pendants are the map and key to find the treasure?”

“I’ve already said that to Miss A Miao,” Yu Sihan said. “Now I’ll tell you why there are seven pieces of bronze mirror jade pendants.”

At that time, Xu Fu was also accompanied by a man named Crow, who was said to be a trusted follower of King Qin. He was followed by seven people, all of whom were servants of King Qin.

After the storm, they drifted to an island. The boat could no longer sail. They did not know if they could survive. But they found that the island had a secret and it seemed to be a tribal altar before.

“So they hid the treasure in the altar.” Shen Xinglan continued, “And according to your words, the descendants of those seven people should be among us.”

Yu Sihan nodded in satisfaction. “You’re smart. That’s correct!”

After Crow took the seven servants to hide the treasure, they left maps in their personal jade pendant, the bronze mirror jade pendant, which is the family symbol, so as to leave a clue for the people sent by King Qin to look for them.

“What about A Miao?” This was Shen Xinglan’s main concern. “Why can her blood be sucked in by the bronze mirror jade pendant?”

Yu Sihan ate another piece of fruit candy. “Have you heard the story of King Qin and Epang Lady?”

“Do you mean that A Miao is the descendant of Epang Lady?” Le Yi looked at A Miao, who gave him an innocent look.

“I guess so.” Yu Sihan went on to say, “Epang Lady is the saintess of Country Qin. After her death, the clan also followed King Qin.”

“The blood of the family servants surnamed A is used as a primer. After collecting seven bronze mirror jade pendants, it is necessary to use her blood to see the map.”

“With A Miao’s blood?” Shen Xinglan’s face changed.

Yu Sihan glanced at him. “Don’t be so nervous. It won’t take much blood.”

Shen Xinglan ignored him. Let alone her blood, he would feel distressed if A Miao even stumbled.

“Well, that’s all.” Yu Sihan looked at them. “Let’s cooperate fairly and go find the treasure together. After we find it, we’ll divide the contents equally.”

Shen Xinglan and Le Yi looked at each other and Shen Xinglan said, “If we refuse, are you not going to let us go?”

“I’ll treat you well until you agree!” Yu Sihan smiled. “You also said that the environment here was good.”

A Miao tugged at Shen Xinglan’s sleeve and silently asked, “Shall we discuss it?”

Shen Xinglan shook his head. “There are monitors everywhere.”

“We agree.” He pinched A Miao’s hand to comfort her.

Yu Sihan raised his glass. “I knew you would agree!”

“But I have a requirement.” Shen Xinglan continued, “We have to wait a year, until after A Miao’s delivery.”

“A year?” Yu Sihan turned to frown. “Will it take so long?”

Shen Xinglan looked at him firmly. “That’s the minimum. If you agree…”

“I agree.” Yu Sihan raised his glass again. “Cheers to our cooperation in one year!”

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