Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 221 - An Agreement Reached

Chapter 221 - An Agreement Reached

Chapter 221 An Agreement Reached
When A Miao stepped one foot on the boat, her mood was unspeakably complicated.

“It’s all right!” Shen Xinglan hugged her and said, “Let’s talk more about it after the ship sails.”

A Miao turned her head to the direction of the island. On the highest roof, a figure stood. Undoubtedly, it had to be Yu Sihan. He seemed to be waving his hand at them.

“A Miao.” Wei Meng’s voice arose.

When A Miao was about to hug her, she saw Ding V had rushed up.

“Mengmeng! I followed your words and took a lot of pictures.”

Wei Meng touched Ding V’s head and smoothed his hair. “You are so great. I’ll see you later!!”

So, Ding V obediently went away with contentment.

“Wei Meng!” A Miao reached out and said, “I’m sorry to make you feel worried.”

Wei Meng looked at her and said, “You seem to be slimmer, so you’d better eat more to nourish the fetus as soon as possible. Nutrition is very important for females before they give birth. Males should hunt well at this time, otherwise…”

“Have you finished speaking?” Shen Xinglan stared at Wei Meng gloomily. “Get in quickly. The ship is leaving.”

The other people returned to their island in another big boat. Fortunately, there was no death this time. Otherwise, A Miao would have been very upset.

“All ready.”

Half an hour later, Lil Xi came down from the cockpit. “It’s not under the control of the island. I set up an automatic navigation system. In the evening, we have to land and the ship needs refueling. You can decide if you’ll go back by plane or by ship.”

“Le Yi, you and Ouyang go first by plane,” Shen Xinglan said.

A Miao echoed him. “Yes, Ling Lang is going to give birth to a baby.” She looked at Ouyang Jin and said, “Shishi… She’s over there.”

Ouyang Jin produced a forced smile and said nothing.

“All right.” Le Yi agreed. A Miao was safe now, and his heart was flying to Ling Lang.

Shen Xinglan touched A Miao’s face and asked her, “Are you tired?”

“No, let’s gather the information!” A Miao suggested.

Ouyang Jin asked, “Do you think what Yu Sihan said is true?”

“It should be true…” Shen Xinglan paused and added, “But he certainly didn’t tell us everything about it.”

Le Yi agreed and said, “You should find that the island is full of very modern high-tech weapons, which proves that he is rich. At such a young age, he inherited all of the property of the Yu family. Just a treasure would not worth it for him to do so much.”

“Maybe there is something in the treasure that he wants.” A Miao thought about it. “Yu Sihan is so neurotic that nobody knows what strange things he likes.”

Wei Meng, who had kept silent, suddenly said, “Look at this.”

She threw a stack of pictures on the table, all of which were taken by Ding V before, of the scenery and buildings all over the island.

“Look at these.” Wei Meng picked out three pictures and showed them. “Did you find anything different?”

Ding V looked at them most seriously, then raised his hand and said, “A lot of grass and flowers!”

“Isn’t that nonsense?” Lil Xi glared at him. The scenery in these three pictures was a vast area of flowers, which did not seem to be the same place. Flowers and plants were flourishing, and several vines were bright green.

Everyone looked at Wei Meng and waited for her to continue.

Wei Meng drew a circle around a field of gorgeous red flowers. “This is called safflower lycoris.”

“A Datura flower?” Le Yi knew a little about it.

“If it is white, it is called Datura.” Wei Meng pointed at the photos. “If it’s red, we usually call it Manjusaka, which is the Equinox Flower blooming on the road to hell as the oriental said.”

Apart from Le Yi, who was thinking, the others were listening with blank faces.

“Manjusaka usually only opens up in a graveyard or execution ground,” Wei Meng said.

Le Yi went on to say, “Because this flower needs a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil for it to flourish. Not to mention the island, even in ordinary places, this kind of flower is rare.”

“Nitrogen and phosphorus…” Shen Xinglan immediately caught the point. “There’s something… It produces a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil.”

Wei Meng and Le Yi looked at each other and said with one voice, “A corpse.”

“Do you mean that there’s a corpse under these flowers?” A Miao shivered. “Is there a man buried there?”

Le Yi, afraid of frightening her, said implicitly, “More than one…”

Shen Xinglan touched her head and said, “Maybe it’s a corpse pit.”

“…” A Miao leaned into his arms with a pale face. “I… I did saw him kill a person, but… but did he kill so many people?”

Wei Meng said with certainty, “It must be a very large corpse pit. There are several places in the west of the island. That means there are many places where they buried the corpses.”

“What on earth is he going to do with so many dead people?” Ouyang Jin frowned. “Normally, there can’t be so many corpses.”

Shen Xinglan held A Miao in his arms and constantly touched her arm to comfort her. “Leave him alone first. Then we should try to find out more information about the treasures of King Qin.”

“We can break the agreement,” Lil Xi said. “Last time, we were careless, and I don’t believe that he can kidnap A Miao again under our vigilance.”

Le Yi shook his head. “That’s not the way. Do we have to be careful and worry about being kidnapped every day?”

“Yes!” Ouyang Jin also thought that hiding was not the way. “Anyway, let’s wait for A Miao to give birth to a baby first. We still have a year. We should try to prepare it well.”

Wei Meng blinked and said, “He has only one bronze mirror jade pendant piece, the other six pieces are in our hands.”

“So we have the initiative!” A Miao smiled. “We can put it off for a while, two or three years.”

Shen Xinglan looked at her tenderly. “I think so too. We are not interested in any treasure.”

“That’s settled.” Le Yi looked at his watch and said, “Let’s all go rest. When we get to the port, I’ll call you. You can take A Miao for a stroll by the way.”

When night fell, Le Yi and Ouyang got off the boat and then changed planes to go back. The port city was very big. Shen Xinglan took A Miao to shore for a stroll. Wei Meng also bought some local specialties.

When the ship returned to City S, it was already the night of the next day.

“A Miao!” He Shishi personally went to the harbor to pick them up, together with Little Demon.

When Little Demon saw A Miao, she knelt down and said, “Miss, can I protect you when I come back?”

“Where are you going?”

Shen Xinglan pursed his lips and kept silent, and Shen I whispered behind A Miao. “She didn’t protect you well. She’s going back to the island to receive punishment…”

“It’s not your fault!” A Miao pulled up Little Demon and found that she was much thinner and was very haggard.

She looked at Shen Xinglan.

Shen Xinglan wanted to put on a long face but did not have the heart to refuse her. He had to shoot Little Demon a glare and say, “Just this once.”

“Great!” A Miao took Little Demon’s hands. “I can’t bear for you to go!”

Little Demon was about to cry. She even wished she could hang on A Miao’s waist in the future.

He Shishi stood with her arms folded and said, “It looks like you had a vacation instead of being kidnapped.”

“Shishi!” A Miao looked at her face carefully. “Well, it’s beautiful. It’s better than the picture!”josei

He Shishi touched her face and still said, “Nonsense, a few thousand US dollars per centimeter…”

“Get in the car first.” Shen Xinglan was hugging A Miao to leave.

“I drove here. I’ll come to your house later!” He Shishi opened her car door neatly.

Shen Xinglan glanced at her coldly and felt that she was trouble.

Counting the summer days in the countryside before, A Miao had not returned home for a long time. She stood in the doorway with some feeling and sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Shen Xinglan thought she was uncomfortable.

“Nothing.” A Miao leaned on his shoulder and said, “I suddenly feel that it’s better at home than anywhere else!”

Before Shen Xinglan opened his mouth, He Shishi walked over to him and went straight to the dining room to sit down. “Don’t be so touched over there! Your aunt has already prepared a night-time snack.”

“I’ve hired a new aunt to cook. You can give it a try if you get used to it.” Shen Xinglan had arranged that before he left. Not only that, but also an extra maternity matron was hired. She would take care of A Miao until the delivery.

“I’ll take the credit for that!” He Shishi had already picked up a bowl and started eating sweet soup.

Shen Xinglan had reserved a top post-natal care center for A Miao. And Ling Lang would also give birth there. He Shishi picked an aunt from that place and clearly checked her background.

“Well, should we go to the hospital to see Ling Lang tomorrow?”

When A Miao sat down with the help of Shen Xinglan, He Shishi began to speak again.

“Is she in the hospital?” A Miao asked nervously.

He Shishi took a sweet and sour spare rib. “It’s all right. She went to the hospital last night, and the doctor said she might deliver.”

“Isn’t there half a month left?”

“It’s ahead of schedule! The doctor said it’s normal,” said He Shishi with an experienced look.

A Miao nodded. “That’s good. Let’s go and see her tomorrow morning.”

“Are you okay?” Shen Xinglan was not reassured. “If you feel tired, we can go to see her in two days.”

“I’m not tired!” A Miao smiled and said, “I’m happy to be home.”

Seeing her smile, Shen Xinglan could not help but smile and say, “OK. I’ll take you there tomorrow.”

The next morning, when they arrived at the hospital, they found that not only He Shishi was there, but also Ding V and Wei Meng. And Wei Meng and Ling Lang were sitting there to discuss something. Le Yi was looking helpless beside them.

“Ling Lang!”

Seeing A Miao come in, Ling Lang wanted to stand up.

“Keep sitting.”

“I’m fine.” Ling Lang stood up with ease. She had a big stomach but her figure remained basically unchanged.

A Miao was envious of her because her own face had obviously begun getting round now.

“Sit down!” He Shishi crossed her legs and said, “Look at the two men who are so nervous.”

Shen Xinglan and Le Yi were nervous while respectively standing behind their wives.

“What were you talking about?” A Miao frowned when saw the scattered photos on the table.

That was because those were pictures of Yu Sihan.

“Ling Lang knows something about him.” Le Yi relinquished the sofa. “Sit down and let’s talk about it!”

Shen Xinglan helped A Miao sit and said, “Do you know this man?”

“I don’t know about Yu Sihan, but I’ve heard about his father.” Ling Lang looked at the photos. “He looks almost the same as his father.”

At that time, Ling Lang was a student in the police academy. She once looked through the data while studying a case and occasionally saw a case of missing people abroad.

“Because the suspect in the photo is very handsome…” She paused, ignoring the sullen Le Yi. “It’s normal for an adolescent girl to pay attention to a handsome man, so I took a few more glances.”

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