Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 225 - They Say That... There Is Something in Your Body

Chapter 225 - They Say That... There Is Something in Your Body

Chapter 225 They Say That… There Is Something in Your Body
“Look at it.” Le Yi handed the X-ray to Shen Xinglan.

There were five X-ray films, which clearly showed a black shadow on A Miao’s heart. The size of the black shadow was as big as a pinky nail.

“Pay attention to its position,” Le Yi said, pointing at the X-ray film. “Look at the third and fifth X-ray films.”

Staring at these two X-ray films for a long time, Shen Xinglan raised his head. To his horror, he said, “It is moving.”

Indeed, the X-ray film clearly showed the change in the black dot’s position. It was moving!

“What is it?” Shen Xinglan’s voice was a little shaky.

Wei Meng also had a bad expression. “We need to take A Miao’s blood to do some blood tests.”

“She hasn’t done a Down syndrome screening test yet. We could use that as an excuse to draw blood.” Le Yi looked at Shen Xinglan and said, “Will you go talk to her?”

Shen Xinglan was in a trance, as if he didn’t hear what he had just said.

“Don’t scare yourself.” Wei Meng could not bear to see a man like this and said to Shen Xinglan, “We don’t know what it is. If you are afraid now, what will happen to A Miao when the results come out?”

Shen Xinglan glanced at her sideways and went out.

Back in the ward, because A Miao still had not woken up, Shen Xinglan sat quietly and just looked at her. He sat for two hours watching her. During those two hours, Le Yi came in and saw him sitting motionless, then he quietly went back out.

“Are you awake?”

A Miao stretched herself and heard a man’s voice. She opened her eyes and found Shen Xinglan staring at her beside the bed.

“Have you been sitting here?” She yawned. It was beginning to get dark outside.

“No.” Shen Xinglan handed her a box of milk. “I just woke up.”

A Miao drank a little and said, “It’s getting dark. Let’s go back!”

“Ok, but you have to have blood drawn first.” Shen Xinglan patted her head. “The doctor said that you haven’t done a Down syndrome screening test yet. Since you are not busy today, I want you to do it.”

“I know.” A Miao had learned something about it, so she said, “Do you want me to do it now?”

Shen Xinglan hid his expression and stood up. “I am going to call Le Yi.”

When Le Yi was drawing A Miao’s blood, she was still making jokes. “How dare I trouble you! Why don’t you go take care of your son?”

“Oh! He’s sleeping. Ling Lang just had something to eat and they fell asleep together!” Le Yi smiled, remaining calm and collected. “Okay, I’ll have them do some tests. You both can go back!”

Shen Xinglan helped A Miao stop the bleeding with a cotton ball. “Call us when the results come out.”

“Well, we are going to the cemetery tomorrow,” A Miao said to Shen Xinglan. They were supposed to go today, but she overslept.

On the way back, Little Demon and Shen I whispered in the driver’s seat in front.

“The lady fainted again?”

“She fainted when saw the blood.” Little Demon had been following A Miao, so she saw it clearly in the morning.

Shen I looked worried. “Has she had an examination? What was the reason?”

“I don’t know yet,” Little Demon answered. Because she had not seen the X-ray film, she did not know what the situation was.

“How could this be…” Shen I frowned and said. “Now she’s pregnant. If anything really happens, Boss will be mad!”

Little Demon gave him a stern look. “Keep your voice down. The young lady still doesn’t know.”

“Hmm…” Shen I zipped his mouth and said, “I won’t speak about it again.”

When A Miao got home, she was still in very good spirits, probably due to sleeping for the afternoon. Sitting in front of the TV, she held a bowl of fruit and watched a reality show. She laughed every now and then.

“I need to deal with something in my study.” Shen Xinglan stayed with her until he received the messages. Then he stood up and went into his study.

A Miao was obsessed with the TV, so she nodded happily and did not even speak to him.

Shen Xinglan kissed her and left. When he entered the study, the phone rang.

“Shen, there is a toxin in A Miao’s blood.” The voice of Le Yi came from the phone. “It’s different from any kind of toxin we know.”

Shen Xinglan listened quietly. “Then how did you confirm that it is a toxin?”

“You could also consider it as something not coming from her own body.” Le Yi thought for a while and continued to speak. “In short, A Miao’s blood is abnormal.”

Shen Xinglan closed his eyes and said, “Does it affect her body…”

“For now, it is very stable,” Le Yi happily answered. “That means it’s had no effect on her and the baby.”

“What about in the future?” Shen Xinglan asked.

Le Yi was silent for a while. “I don’t know…”

“I want to know what is in A Miao’s body.” Shen Xinglan stared out of the window and said, “No matter what method you use, I must know.”

“I’ll think of other ways,” Le Yi said, then hung up.

When Shen Xinglan went back into the living room, he found A Miao still sitting on the carpet, holding a steamed bun in her hand.

“Want to eat?” she waved at Shen Xinglan and asked.

“You eat it!” Shen Xinglan put her on his legs and touched her belly.

After eating and drinking, A Miao crawled into Shen Xinglan’s arms like a cat. “Did you order flowers? We should bring them tomorrow.”josei

“I did.” Shen Xinglan touched her face. “Are you tired? Just go to bed early!”

“Please hug me!” A Miao held him around his neck. “I don’t want to go by myself.”

Shen Xinglan held her and stood up. “If you don’t want to leave, then don’t leave. I will hold you forever.”

They went to the cemetery the next day, then A Miao wanted to go shopping. Shen Xinglan stayed with her for the whole afternoon. When they were eating dinner outside, He Shishi telephoned them. She said that she would go to the hospital to see the baby.

“We will go there too. Meet you at the hospital.”

A Miao put down the phone and looked at Shen Xinglan, who was wiping A Miao’s mouth. “We can go, but we can’t stay too long. It’s getting late.”


When they arrived at the hospital, A Miao and He Shishi looked at the baby at the side of the cradle. Shen Xinglan took the opportunity to go to the office with Le Yi and Wei Meng.

“Wei Meng has an idea, you might want to listen.”

Shen Xinglan looked at the woman in front of him. “Speak please.”

“I thought about A Miao’s situation… She seems to have been poisoned by vermin.”

“Vermin?” Shen Xinglan squinted. “The thing in novels?”

Wei Meng disdained him and said, “Who said that? Vermin have existed since ancient times. What human beings don’t know about is often regarded as a legend. People don’t want to face anything that science can’t explain.”

“If I remember correctly, you are also a scientist,” Shen Xinglan faintly said.

Le Yi interrupted them. “In fact, we could use a more scientific method to prove whether or not it is a vermin.”

“But I am afraid that A Miao will notice.” Wei Meng threw her hands up and said, “My advice is to find an expert.”

Shen Xinglan frowned and asked, “Do you know any experts?”

Wei Meng enjoyed doing research, so she knew some weird experts. One of these experts was very interested in the legendary vermin method. Because he always did research on the vermin method, he had a very high theoretical level.

“I will contact him, and we’ll bring A Miao’s blood sample to ask him for help.”

Fortunately, this old man also lived in City S, so it was convenient to go there.

“What do you think?” Le Yi looked at Shen Xinglan.

Shen Xinglan was unwilling to let A Miao find out that she had a problem with her body. Whether it was a vermin or not, since someone could make sure, it was natural to go first.

On the way back to the ward, Le Yi suddenly asked, “If it really is a vermin, do you think… Who did this?”

It was impossible for a vermin to enter a human’s body. Someone must have put the vermin in her. The only person who had the time and motive was…

“Yu Sihan.”

Shen Xinglan spit the words out from his mouth and there was a chill in his voice.

Wei Meng had contacted the expert, who became very excited and wanted them to come tomorrow when Wei Meng told him about the vermin. So the next morning, Shen Xinglan took A Miao to the hospital, then he made up an excuse that he had to attend a meeting. Then he went to Nancheng to see the so-called expert with Wei Meng and Ding V.

“I can’t see what it is from the X-ray film, but I’m pretty sure that it’s vermin.”

The old man, wearing the Tang-dynasty outfit, was in his 60s and looked energetic. He lived alone in a quadrangle courtyard in the suburbs. The environment there was elegant and chic, which meant he had a good standard of living.

“How do you know?” Shen Xinglan asked him.

“Have you seen a dead creature be active?” The old man was not respectful even though he knew Shen Xinglan had a prominent position and fame. On the contrary, he was very casual and even rude.

Shen Xinglan: “…”

“If it’s not a dead thing, it’s a vermin,” the old man said seriously. “I’ll tell you, if it’s not a vermin, it will be even more terrible.”

Wei Meng nodded. “At least we can solve the problem of the vermin.”

“Right!” The old man smiled with conscious pride, and then said with pity, “Why didn’t you bring the person? Let me study them. I’m bored to see the blood, you…”

“Old man,” Wei Meng said slowly, “if you want to die, you can continue.”

The old man was called Xu Shiguang. He was not happy when he was interrupted. When he turned around, he saw Shen Xinglan staring at him as if he would freeze him.

“How… what?” Xu Shiguang trembled. “I… Am I wrong?”

Shen Xinglan warned him. “If you can’t tell what it is, we will go at once.”

“Don’t!” Xu Shiguang was anxious because he did not want to miss the opportunity to see a real vermin. “Give me some time. I can tell you if it is a vermin.”

Back at the hospital—

“Ah! The little baby opened his eyes!” He Shishi shouted excitedly.

Just as her voice reverberated, the little baby began to cry.

“Hurry up and take him to Ling Lang,” A Miao said to He Shishi. “He needs to drink milk.”

Ling Lang lay on the bed. The effect of the anesthesia had worn off, but Ling Lang still felt no pain. She did not know what methods Le Yi had used to make her relax.

“I knew that you were not afraid of pain, but I was afraid that you were in pain.” Standing up and putting a cushion under Ling Lang’s arm, Le Yi handed the baby to her and said, “Feed him and then we’ll have lunch.”

A Miao looked at the time. It was almost noon.

“Do you miss Shen Xinglan?” He Shishi teased her. “It’s only been a little while.” → _ →”

Just then, Shen Xinglan opened the door and came in.

“You are back!” A Miao stood up and said.

Shen Xinglan took a few steps and supported her. “Be careful!”

“Just in time, I ordered a meal. It should be here right away.” Le Yi silently walked to the door and said, “Shen Xinglan, come out and help me choose the name.”

They went into Le Yi’s office.

“What did he say?” Le Yi hurriedly asked.

Shen Xinglan said with a face of gloomy, “It is a vermin.”

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