Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 226 - Mother-child Vermin

Chapter 226 - Mother-child Vermin

Chapter 226 Mother-child Vermin
Xu Shiguang was pretty sure that there were vermin inside A Miao’s body.

“If you don’t believe me, you can film the insider her body with something like an internal recorder,” Xu Shiguang said scornfully. “Anyway, now technology is well developed, so we can see everything in her belly clearly.” “If you don’t believe me, you can film the insider her body with something like an internal recorder,” Xu Shiguang said scornfully. “Anyway, now technology is well developed, so we can see everything in her belly clearly.”

Shen Xinglan believed him. Or it could be said that he was already convinced, even when Wei Meng was still in doubt. It was only that he didn’t want to face the fact. But now… he could not escape anymore.

“Can you tell me what this vermin is?”

When Xu Shiguang was doing the research, Shen Xinglan had not been idle. He read a book about vermin, and he learned that there were at least a few hundred species of vermin, some of which were very vicious.

“It is a type of Mother-child Vermin,” said Xu Shiguang. “In general, only Mother-child Vermin can be such a well-behaved kind.”

“Well, not necessarily. If the one who planted the vermin hasn’t started to trigger the vermin’s movements, it will not affect the person,” interrupted Wei Meng.

“Didn’t you say that she fainted when she saw blood?” Xu Shiguang said, touching his imaginary beard. “It indicates that the vermin inside her body are rather healthy.”

Shen Xinglan’s face fell all of a sudden because he could not accept that Xu Shiguang used “healthy” to describe something like that.

“You may as well say that the vermin are very active,” Wei Meng reminded Old Xu.

Xu Shiguang curled his lips. “If the vermin are so active, it means that they don’t need something else to trigger their movements. They can move by themselves.”

“So, if someone wants to control this kind of vermin, he should definitely get the mother vermin first.” Wei Meng understood now. “Then it must be the Mother-child Vermin.”

Trying to calm himself down a little, Shen Xinglan controlled his emotions. “I want to know if there are any solutions because I must take the vermin out of my wife’s body.”

“There’s no solution.” Xu Shiguang threw up his hands. “Even ordinary vermin cannot be removed easily, let alone Mother-child Vermin. Only God knows what kind of Mother-child Vermin are inside her body…”

He paused slightly and continued to say, “Usually, when either the mother vermin or the child vermin die, both of them will die after.”

“Then just let them die together,” suggested Shen Xinglan. He didn’t know why they were so hesitant to do that.

Wei Meng threw a glance at him. “Professor Xu means that when both of the vermin die, as the host, she will die, too.”

It seemed that all the space around them froze up immediately after she said that. Shen Xinglan stared at Xu Shiguang with ice-cold eyes. “Is there no other way?”

“Well…” Xu Shiguang scratched his head and said curiously, “Is it your wife who has been implanted with the vermin? Doesn’t you know who did this to her? You can just find out who the person is and ask him.”

But the premise was that they should catch Yu Sihan first.

“That guy is so terrible,” said Ding V, who seldom considered others to be terrible and was somehow afraid of Yu Sihan.

Upon hearing what he said, Xu Shiguang immediately understood what he meant. His face crumpled up like a dried flower. “Then… we have to go to Yunnan Province!”

“Yunnan Province?”


Yunnan Province had been a gathering place of ethnic minorities since ancient times. Among those ethnic minorities, the South Xinjiang nationality was famous for its skills to make use of and raise vermin. From an early age, those tribes in South Xinjiang made their living by making use of the vermin. And they had also developed a lot of other venomous creatures.

“People in South Xinjiang are good at producing poisonous things to feed vermin, so they should have solutions to relieve the vermin in your wife’s body.” Xu Shiguang rummaged through his messy desktop for a long time and found a crumpled small note.

“I have been to one of the villages in South Xinjiang before and made acquaintance with the chief. We can try our chances there.” With this, Xu Shiguang shook the small note in his hand.

Wei Meng cast a sideways glance at him. “Professor Xu, that’s what we will do.”

“Exactly! We are going to do this.” Xu Shiguang shot her a glare and asked, “You want to leave me alone, don’t you?”

Before Wei Meng could react, Xu Shiguang cried out, “Little girl, you are too bad. You cannot cast me aside when I have made my contributions!”

“You are so old. If anything bad happens to you, we can’t afford the loss.” Looking at him coldly, Wei Meng said, “Besides, most of the roads in South Xinjiang are mountain roads so that you will be a huge burden to us.”

At first, Xu Shiguang felt touched over Wei Meng’s concern of his body. But when he heard the latter part of a sentence, he twisted the corners of his mouth a little. “She is concerned about my body only because she is afraid that I will hold them back.”

“I don’t care! I must go with you.” Relying on his seniority, Xu Shiguang threatened, “Otherwise, I’ll tear up the note with the address now.”

He pretended that he was going to tear the note up. However, to his surprise, the already ragged note broke up into three pieces for real…

“Do you want to die…” In a flash, Shen Xinglan grabbed his neck.

Xu Shiguang was freaked out. He could see that Shen Xinglan had a strong background, but he didn’t expect that Shen Xinglan would really come attack him!

“Cough… Cough…”

Chuckling at Xu Shiguang’s discomfiture, Wei Meng said, “Let him go. He knows how to get there.”

“Yes… yes…” Xu Shiguang exclaimed quickly, “I know the way. All the routes are all in my head.”

Shen Xinglan released him. After that, Shen I, who was behind Shen Xinglan, hurriedly handed a piece of tissue to him.

“Lead my men there.” With a disgusted expression, Shen Xinglan wiped his hands with the tissue and said, “If my wife is fine, I will sponsor your research in the future.”

At this moment, Xu Shiguang very angry with him in his heart. Xu Shiguang planned to run away after he sent them away. But now, upon hearing Shen Xinglan say this, he asked with his eyes shining, “Are you serious? Do you really want to support my research on vermin?”

“I promise you that he won’t lie to you.” Noticing that Shen Xinglan didn’t want to answer his question, Wei Meng told Xu Shiguang proactively, “We’d better set off as soon as possible.”

Xu Shiguang nodded delightedly. “OK, OK. I will pack right now. You can book the airline tickets for tomorrow. Right! My traveling expense is on you…”

“At seven tomorrow morning, my car will pick you up.” After that, Shen Xinglan left without looking back.

After Shen Xinglan left, Xu Shiguang sighed with emotion and asked Wei Meng, “Oh, my gosh! Who is that guy? How can he be so arrogant?”

Giving a reproachful look to Xu Shiguang, Wei Meng said, “What you should know is that he would dare to kill you anytime he wants. Since you are in, you must make sure that everything is all right. Don’t get me into trouble if you die there.”

After hearing what she said, Xu Shiguang angrily drove Wei Meng and Ding V out.

“So, Wei Meng will go with you.” After he heard all that Shen Xinglan said, Le Yi felt a little bit worried. “With Ling Lang’s current situation, I cannot leave her alone.”

“You don’t need to go.” Shen Xinglan had arranged everything. “Ding V will go, of course. I will ask Shen I to bring some people to take care of them. There should be no problem.”

Unlike the times before, now even stockaded villages in South Xinjiang had to listen to the government. Things like vermin had not been exposed to the public for a long time. That was why those ordinary people thought the vermin only existed in the novels.

“It’s a good thing that you didn’t say you would go there yourself.” Le Yi had thought that Shen Xinglan would go there in person anyway.

Shaking his head, Shen Xinglan said, “I won’t leave A Miao alone.”

“Then… do you want to look for Yu Sihan?” Le Yi said and took a business card from a drawer.

There was only a line of beautiful characters in cursive style on the business card. It was Yu Sihan’s name along with his telephone number.

“No,” Shen Xinglan answered with a glint flashing across his eyes.

The purpose of Yu Sihan’s vermin was nothing more than to control A Miao, for fear that they would go back on their word a year later.

“If Yu Sihan knows that we are going to help A Miao get rid of the vermin, will he do something to harm A Miao?” Le Yi suddenly became concerned.

However, Shen Xinglan closed his eyes and thought about it for a moment. “Actually, I hope that he will take action.”

“Why…” Le Yi opened his mouth and tried to ask something, but he soon understood what Shen Xinglan meant.

If Yu Sihan took action, it meant that he was afraid of the vermin being taken out of A Miao’s body. But if he did nothing, it meant that… It meant that he was not scared at all because the vermin could not be taken out of her body.

It was three days later that A Miao discovered that both Wei Meng and Ding V were missing.

“Did she return to the lab again?” asked A Miao. She thought that Wei Meng was back at the lab to do her research on something again.

With great composure, Shen Xinglan peeled a shrimp for her and answered, “I suppose that’s the case. Le Yi told me so.”

“Then, it is true!” Thinking of Wei Meng’s enthusiasm, A Miao replied, “No wonder I haven’t seen her in several days.” She ate the shrimp and asked again, “Ling Lang will leave the hospital tomorrow. Do we need to visit her?”josei

“No need,” said Shen Xinglan. At this time, Shen Xinglan was trying his best to keep her away from the hospital. That was because he was afraid there would be trouble if she met with an accident once again by chance and triggered the movements of the vermin.

A Miao nodded. “I agree. We can visit them after they get back home.”

“It will be pretty convenient to visit them in the future.” Shen Xinglan stretched out his hand and pointed to the right. “That villa on our right belongs to Le Yi.”

“The one with the red roof?” A Miao said excitedly, “That makes us neighbors, and it will be very convenient for us to pay visits to each other in the future!”

Shen Xinglan put down his chopsticks. “Right, we will visit them when we have time later.”

At first, everything was going along pretty smoothly. No matter how anxious Shen Xinglan was, he could succeed in holding back his emotions. But before he had gotten any news from Wei Meng, He Shishi arrived at his place.

“A Miao, Wei Meng is missing,” He Shishi said with a solemn look.

A Miao was arranging flowers in her hands! Hearing what she said, she was stunned.

“Didn’t she go back to the lab?” A Miao asked.

“No,” He Shishi replied and showed her telephone to A Miao. “You see, she never replied to my messages, and her cellphone cannot be reached either. This morning, I specially went to the lab but didn’t see her. Her colleagues told me that she hadn’t come back yet.”

A Miao also began to feel panic, and then she called Shen Xinglan in a hurry.

Shen Xinglan was reading documents in the living room. He had overheard everything they said. When he heard what He Shishi said, he knew he was in trouble now.

“Shishi told me that Wei Meng is missing.” A Miao walked up to him with her hands on her belly.

Shen Xinglan threw a cold glance at He Shishi, who looked utterly blank at this time and didn’t know why Shen Xinglan had suddenly become so upset with her.

“I already know about it,” Shen Xinglan said, helping A Miao sit down. “Ding V has something to deal with, so she followed him.”

A Miao said confusedly, “But you told me before that she had returned to the lab.”

“Yeah, I thought that Ding V went there alone, I didn’t expect that he would take Wei Meng with him.”

He Shishi threw a question at him. “What kind of thing can be so important that she even refuses to answer the phone?”

Shen Xinglan really wanted to throw this woman out…

“Even you have no idea?” Seeing that Shen Xinglan remained silent, A Miao started to guess by herself. “Ding V didn’t even tell you about this thing that means that it must be pretty big.”

“Em, everyone has their personal affairs. We should leave them alone,” Shen Xinglan said indifferently.

Although He Shishi felt that something was wrong, she dared not ask anything more when she saw Shen Xinglan’s serious look. She left without having supper. But the next day, she came back.

“I still feel that something is wrong.” This time, He Shishi was a little more cautious, she pulled A Miao into the room and spoke to her in private.

A Miao yawned. “What’s the matter with you this time?”

“Where is Shen I?” He Shishi asked. “I didn’t see him yesterday.”

“It seems that I haven’t seen him in the past two days…”

A Miao thought for a while and then said, “Maybe he has something to do.” A Miao didn’t think twice.

“Why don’t you ask Shen Xinglan?” He Shishi didn’t want to give up.

“Don’t you have anything else to do?” Glancing at her, A Miao said, “Wei Meng left you alone, so now you must feel bored.”

Curling her lips, He Shishi stood up. “Forget it. I will go to play with Ling Lang. Do you want to go with me?”

In the study, Shen Xinglan received a call from Shen I.

“Boss, things are not going well.”

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