Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 235 - A Silly Dad, Shen Xinglan

Chapter 235 - A Silly Dad, Shen Xinglan

Chapter 235 A Silly Dad, Shen Xinglan
“Oh!” Shen Xinglan stood up to support her. “The baby is coming. Sit down now… Is the baby coming???”

When he realized what was going to happen, a panic-stricken look appeared unexpectedly on the man’s face, who was always unperturbed.

“I’ll drive!” Ouyang Jin jumped up and ran outside, bumping into Shen I at the door who just came in.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” Shen I still asked happily.

Ouyang Jin rushed out without turning back and shouted, “A Miao is going to give birth!”

Shen I’s face changed. “Is she going to give birth now?” He was about to run in the room when Little Demon rushed out again. “Get in and pack up!”

“A Miao… A Miao, don’t be afraid. It’s okay… It’s all right…” Shen Xinglan comforted A Miao while dressing her.

A Miao looked at the pants on her arms, dumbfounded. “I’m not nervous; neither should you be!”

“Take it easy! Don’t be nervous!” Shen Xinglan said nervously…

Xiao Yao and Shen I had loaded all the luggage into the car, and they came back. But they saw that A Miao had not changed her clothes yet. They could not help pushing Shen Xinglan aside to help her put on her clothes. As long as they were about to carry her up, they were stopped.

“I can do it.” Shen Xinglan looked at her with a gloomy look.

Little Demon shivered a little and ran to open the door.

Maybe he adjusted well. Shen Xinglan didn’t screw up this time. He carefully strode downstairs with A Miao in his arms. When the car set away, he called Le Yi and the reserved maternity hotel.

“Does it still hurt?”

A Miao frowned all the time. Shen Xinglan had never experienced the pain of childbirth, but he also knew that it was the most painful.

“The process of pain hasn’t started yet!” A Miao patted her belly with a relaxed look on her face. “It’s quite regular. The pain comes once every minute. When it hurts, it feels like something is stirring in my belly.”

A Miao patted him on the face and comforted him. “It’s okay. It’s tolerable.”

“Cry out when it hurts.” Shen Xinglan held her hand tightly. “I’ll accompany you into the delivery room later, so don’t be afraid!”

When they arrived at the hospital, they saw Le Yi laughing at them as soon as they got out of the elevator.

“A Miao’s previous inspections have been normal. She can surely have a successful delivery.”

But soon, the reality went against Le Yi’s hope. When A Miao was on the delivery bed, the doctor found that one of the arms of the fetus was hanging down, so that she couldn’t have normal childbirth.

“How about having a cesarean birth?”

Everyone was waiting for Shen Xinglan to make a decision.

“Let’s do the laparotomy.” Shen Xinglan sat in front of A Miao’s head wearing a surgical gown and mask.

When she saw the size of the anesthetic needle, A Miao began to cry. Shen Xinglan was holding her quietly to comfort her. Then, she sobbed and lost her consciousness. Doctors started the operation with tremor.

No way, no one could calm down if there was a person staring at you gloomily by your side…

“Congratulations, Mr. Shen, it’s a girl!” An hour later, the doctor held up a bloody body here. Shen Xinglan held it with his hands, almost trembling.

“Wah wah wah…” The little baby, who was crying with her eyes closed, suddenly stopped crying. Wondering whether it was an illusion or not, Shen Xinglan just felt that she had looked at him.

“She… She laughed!”josei

The doctor, “Hehe…”

The doctor with a smile on his face thought to himself, “He is rich, so what? Still a silly father. How can a newborn baby laugh…”

When A Miao woke up, there were people all around her bed.

“She is awake!” He Shishi cried out.

Shen Xinglan stared at her. “Shut up and make no more noise.”

“I’ll call the doctor!” Le Yi went out swiftly.

Wei Meng and Ding Wu lay on the small bed beside her. Ding Wu raised his head and smiled at A Miao. “She looks like you!”

“Yeah, she is cute, unlike Shen Xinglan.” Wei Meng added.

At this time, Shen Xinglan had no time to take care of them. Until the doctor finished the examination with A Miao and made sure that she was all right, he held her hand tight and asked, “Are you thirsty? Are you hungry?”

“He asked her as if she can drink if she is thirsty and eat when she is hungry.” He Shishi was sure that this man must have become a fool.

A Miao looked a little bad, but she was still in good spirits. She smiled and said, “Where’s the baby? Let me see the baby!”

“I’ll give her to you.” Wei Meng stretched out her hands.

“Touch her and I will cut your hands off.” Shen Xinglan instantly threw his eyes upon her.

Ding Wu immediately seized Wei Meng’s hands and said, “No!”

“You two stand over there.” Shen Xinglan stared at them in disgust and picked up his daughter.

Then he put her beside A Miao’s head with a gentle look.

“Why doesn’t she look like you?” A Miao also found that the little red baby did look like her. Especially the baby’s mouth looked like a copy of hers.

Shen Xinglan was very happy. “It is great that she looks like you!”

His heart was melting at the thought of a soft, miniature version of A Miao.

“How lovely!” A Miao reached out and touched her soft baby.

Le Yi smiled and said, “She is chubbier than newborn Chu Bai!”

Chu Bai was only 3 kilograms, and this little fellow was 4 kilograms.

“Babies need to be chubby, and that’s fun!” He Shishi wanted to come over and touch her but was frightened back by Shen Xinglan.

Le Yi looked at her watch and said, “Okay, we should go and let A Miao have a good rest.”

“So, I’ll see you again tomorrow!” As soon as He Shishi said, she heard from Shen Xinglan, “Come back the day after tomorrow.”

She looked at him without knowing why.

“We should give others a chance.” Shen Xinglan said, denoting something.

He Shishi’s face changed and left with a cold hum.

“We’ll come tomorrow.” Wei Meng said to A Miao and left with Ding Wu, a loyal fellow, in a very calm and indifferent way.

As the ward quieted down, Le Yi reminded him, “Remember to check if she bleeds at night.”

Because the effect of anesthesia had not yet passed, A Miao could not feel pain. And it was this time that she was most prone to massive bleeding. If she could not be rescued in time, she would lose too much blood and die.

“I know.” Shen Xinglan didn’t plan to sleep.

“Can you prepare the milk powder?” Le Yi looked at him doubtfully. “If A Miao has no human milk to feed the baby later…”

A Miao was embarrassed and pretended that she didn’t hear. Shen Xinglan was annoyed because he was looked down. “I can. I have learned it before.”

“… All right then!” Le Yi pretended that he didn’t see his little embarrassment. “Then I’ll go back first. If you cannot, call someone.”

So much money was spent on professional confinement team, but Shen Xinglan asked them to stay in the room next door.

“I know, when A Miao can get out of bed, I will let them come over.” Shen Xinglan learned that post-birth care was critical, not only in terms of physical health but also in terms of and follow-up maintenance.

Although he didn’t think A Miao was fat, he had heard that many mothers were worried about their bodies and skin as well as suffered from postpartum depression during the month after childbirth. Shen Xinglan felt that it would be a serious task to take care of her…

“Why does she sleep all the time?” When there were just the three of them left, A Miao’s attention was all on her daughter.

“She had milk while you were sleeping.” Shen Xinglan sat down and wanted to laugh at the thought of her daughter looking for milk with her mouth open like a bird. “Look!”

He turned on his cell phone and found the photos he had taken of his daughter.

A Miao looked at those photos one by one and never stopped smiling.

“Go to sleep!” Later seeing her eyes begin to flutter, but she still struggled to look at the baby, Shen Xinglan touched her head and said, “I’ll call you if I milk her later.”

A Miao wanted to say that she was not sleepy, but before she could say it, she closed her eyes. Shen Xinglan smiled and lowered his head to kiss her. Then he took her daughter back to her little bed.

When A Miao woke up again, it was dawn, and she opened her eyes abruptly.

“Baby? Where is the baby?”

Shen Xinglan, shaving in the bathroom, heard her voice and rushed out. “A Miao?”

“Why didn’t I hear her cry?” A Miao grabbed Shen Xinglan and asked, “Didn’t she cry all night?”

“She cried.” Shen Xinglan was shocked by her and brought the sleeping baby over. “She ate for three times. You didn’t know as you were asleep.”

A Miao scratched her face. “I… how could I sleep so deep?”

“You’re too tired. I’m sure you can hear it tonight.”

Shen Xinglan said calmly without any hesitation. It was impossible to tell that he was telling a lie.

Last night, the baby drank milk powder, because Shen Xinglan was reluctant to wake up A Miao. Anyway, the baby could not complain…

“Swoosh!” A Miao grimaced.

Shen Xinglan held her to lie down well. “Don’t move around. When the effect of the anesthesia is gone, you will feel pain. When Le Yi comes, I will ask her to change your medicine.”

“Come on!” When A Miao lay down again, Shen Xinglan took a cotton swab and dipped some water on her mouth. Just after a few dips, she heard a pop.

A Miao was stunned and her face quickly turned red.

“You… did you hear that?”

Shen Xinglan looked at her with a smile. “Well, I did.”

Seeing A Miao staring at him, Shen Xinglan laughed out and touched her head. “Great, I will let the maternity matron prepare some food.”

The professional maternity matron cooked soup for A Miao. After drinking a bowl, she felt something hot in the breast. She looked down at her clothes, and there was a circle of milk stains.

“What should I do?” A Miao quickly covered it up, the maternity matron was about to say something and saw Shen Xinglan glancing at her. “You go out first. Come in when I call you.”

The maternity matron nodded to show she understood. She smiled at A Miao, closed the door and went out.

“Why did you let her go?”

“I’ll help you!” Shen Xinglan lowered his head.

A few minutes later, A Miao blushed and pushed him away. Shen Xinglan licked the corner of his mouth unsatisfied. “Delicious.”

“You… don’t you feel sick?” A Miao quickly pulled her clothes.

Shen Xinglan stared at her. “How can I feel sick? It’s coming out of your body…”

“There, there!” A Miao waved her hand in a hurry. “Stop saying that!”

The man held her to lean on the head of the bed, “Just tell me if they swell too much later.”

“Stop!” A Miao raised her hand and hit him.

Shen Xinglan tried to kiss her, but an earth-shattering crying of the baby stopped her.

“Quick, quick, quick!” A Miao pushed him, “Bring the baby here.”

Because the wound still hurt, A Miao could not move. Shen Xinglan held the baby for breastfeeding. A Miao’s heart gradually calmed down when she watched the little baby eating with her eyes closed and her mouth wide open.

“Why are you crying?” Shen Xinglan found her eyes red. “Did the baby bite you?”

He read that sometimes breastfeeding mothers could get bitten by babies.

“She doesn’t have any teeth. What can she use to bite with?” A Miao stared at him and sniffed, “I miss my mother.” Then she added, “And your mother!”

Shen Xinglan smiled. “When we get out of the hospital, we’ll take our daughter to visit them.”

In an ordinary community on the south of City S, the room was so messy as if it had been robbed. Xu Shiguang muttered in his mouth with a yellowing notebook.

“Where on earth have I seen it?” The vermin taken out from A Miao’s body…”

It looked so familiar.

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