Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 236 - What's the Little Baby's Name?

Chapter 236 - What's the Little Baby's Name?

Chapter 236 What’s the Little Baby’s Name?
In the small glass bottle in front of Xu Shiguang, a fingernail-sized black worm was soaked in a special liquor in order to keep its body from rotting. Since he had come back, he had always been studying this small worm.

Because he always felt that he had seen it before…

“The notes left by the chief recorded more than 100 kinds of vermins, but there was no worm such as this in there.” The old man carefully closed the notebook and looked for other documents.

“Where on earth have I seen it before? It’s so strange…” He opened the book while mumbling.

In the hospital, Ling Lang and her little baby, along with Wei Meng and Ding V, had come to visit A Miao. And then, they followed Shen Xinglan to watch A Miao’s baby being bathed. However, He Shishi did not come today, because she knew what Shen Xinglan meant.

“Chu Bai seems to have changed a lot,” A Miao said while looking at the little baby, who was lying on the bed playing with his feet. Beside him, a little black leopard was rolling around.

Ling Lang placed her son’s feet properly and said, “He had a fever a few days ago. It’s said that a baby will grow after he recovers from an illness. So my baby has changed a lot since he recovered.”

“But he still looks like you!” On seeing that Chu Bai kept biting his feet, A Miao gently poked his face with a smile while saying, “But his eyes look like Le Yi’s.”

Ling Lang gave up trying and ignored her son’s silly behavior. However, as if she suddenly thought of something, she said, “When you are out of the hospital… I and Le Yi will hold a wedding.”

“Great!” A Miao suddenly sat up straight. If Le Yi hadn’t changed the medication for her, she would be in so much pain at this time.

“In any case, I will marry him. So, there is no need for me to keep him away anymore,” Ling Lang said with a smile. Her face was tender even though she used to be cold. After a while, she continued, “We are both orphans, so we don’t have any relatives, just a group of friends.”

A Miao said while nodding, “Rest assured! It’s okay as long as you have these friends. But what about your job? Will you still be a policewoman when Chu Bai grows up?”

“I’ve resigned,” Ling Lang faintly said, “because I am a soldier, he is a thief. My professional ethics do not allow me to marry a thief.”

“Hehe…” A Miao felt somewhat guilty because she was also a thief! A true thief…

Chu Bai, who was lying on the bed, suddenly caught the leopard’s tail. Maybe the leopard was in pain, so it let out a cry. Even so, it refused to bite Chu Bai but just gently licked his white and tender face.

“It’s so great!” A Miao began to envy her again. And she decided that she had to convince Shen Xinglan to give their own daughter a leopard!

At this time, there was a flurry of noise outside. It was Shen Xinglan, who took their baby back. Behind them, there were a group of fellows.josei

“What’s wrong?” On seeing that Shen Xinglan looked bad, A Miao asked in amusement.

These days, this man often got angry. But when she looked at Wei Meng, who was behind them, she presumably knew that it must have had something to do with her.

“Stupid manliness.” Wei Meng told A Miao with dissatisfaction, “He didn’t allow the baby to swim.”

“He didn’t allow the baby to swim,” Ding V repeated.

“Swimming is the favorite thing of every baby. They stayed in water before they came into the world,” Wei Meng said while sitting down by the bed. “Letting the baby swim can increase his sense of security.”

“The sense of security!” Ding V repeated again.

But A Miao always thought that the word “he” in her words referred to an animal which was called “it”…

“Is she right?” A Miao asked while glancing at Shen Xinglan, who looked even worse.

After the man put the sleeping baby near A Miao, he said, “Wei Meng wants to put our baby in the water.”

“…” A Miao blinked and looked at him in bewilderment while saying, “Isn’t swimming done in the water?”

“Under the water.” Shen Xinglan looked at Wei Meng with a cold look and continued, “She wanted to put our baby under the water, just like diving.”

A Miao’s eyes were widened, and she asked in confusion, “What… what is that…”

“Haven’t you read the book before?” Wei Meng stared at her with a contemptuous look while saying, “A baby has an inhibitory reaction eight months after birth—that is the diving reflex associated with the throat.”

But the others looked puzzled.

Wei Meng explained, “The diving reflex is a movement in which the taste bud will be automatically resolved and the glottis will automatically close when a solution reaches the back end of the baby’s throat, so that the solution will be swallowed instead of being inhaled. In other words, the baby can breathe under the water.”

On hearing all that, A Miao felt so amazed to learn about this new knowledge. So, she asked, “Just like a fish?”

“Almost the same.” Wei Meng continued to spread the new knowledge. “Every newborn has such an automatic reflex action. In addition, babies will automatically retain this skill for six to eight months. But after eight months, this natural ‘diving’ skill will disappear mysteriously.”

Ling Lang pointed to Chu Bai, who was asleep on the bed, and asked, “Does my son also have this?”

“Of course. He is only one month old, isn’t he?” Wei Meng picked up the sleeping leopard and checked it, only to find that it grew healthily, and she tucked it back under Chu Bai’s neck.

Le Yi immediately said, “When he wakes up, let’s take him to swim!” On seeing Ling Lang’s satisfied nod, he took the opportunity to say, “We decided to hold a wedding at Christmas.”

“Ling Lang just told me!” A Miao happily blessed him. “That’s in just a month. Isn’t it too rushed?”

“I originally planned the wedding for the end of this month.” Le Yi looked at Ling Lang and continued, “But her birthday is next month, so we chose to do it then. It is more commemorative.”

At this time, Ding V suddenly scratched Wei Meng’s hand and said, “Let’s get married too!”

“Why do you want to get married?” Wei Meng said with a disgusted expression, “We don’t have a baby.”


The onlookers had expected that Ding V would say something, but he just blinked a little bit and had no response to that. So, no one took it seriously.

However, as for Shen Xinglan, he secretly looked it up in some books to ensure that what Wei Meng said was true. So in the afternoon, he took his little daughter to swim with Chu Bai. Of course, there was the little black leopard as their companion.

“They are so cute!” A Miao watched the video that he had taken and felt so amazed.

The two little babies were in the water, spitting bubbles from time to time. The little black leopard did not dare to go into the water at first, but it rushed in again because it saw its little master in there.

“Next time, you can go swimming by yourself.” On seeing that she still held her cellphone and kept on watching it, Shen Xinglan consoled her. “You can swim with our daughter next month.”

As soon as Shen I quietly entered, Shen Xinglan gestured to him.

“I am going to ask them to prepare dinner.”

But A Miao was busy in watching the video and didn’t even raise her head except for a few gestures.

And then, the two men left the ward.

“Boss, Xia Wan bought some philter from the black market.”

Shen Xinglan’s brow twitched while saying, “Does it have aphrodisiac effects?”

“Yes. It will also make people hallucinate.”

“Does Xia Mei still live in the Bai family?” Shen Xinglan asked as if he had thought of something.

Shen I nodded again and said, “Yes. I’ve heard that the scar on her nose can’t heal anymore. So Xia Wan has still been looking for a cosmetic surgeon recently.”

“Keep on spying.” Shen Xinglan probably guessed what Xia Wan wanted to do, but it did not matter to him what the sisters would do.

A Miao stayed in bed for two more days, and then she was able to have some physical training under the guidance of the professional maternity matron. Recently, she had been able to take a walk regularly and do some stretching every day.

“After giving birth to a child, a women’s chest and the surrounding area become be deformed. Of course, it’s okay for you, Mrs. Shen, since you have done a caesarean section. However, there still will be scars on your belly. What’s even worse, when you have loose skin and scars, which look like centipedes on your belly, not to mention the men, you will hate them too!”

So, A Miao’s expression was like this: o(╯□╰)o

“So, Mrs. Shen, you should shape your body from now on. All men like women who are beautiful and well-shaped. We can’t let another woman have the chance to sneak in…”

A Miao looked like this: Σ(°△°|||)︴

As the baby recovered from jaundice, her skin looked so pure just like an egg after the shell was peeled off. She became a fat white baby, even fatter than Chu Bai. When she opened her eyes and looked at A Miao for the first time, A Miao almost cried out.

“Can we call her Tongguan (the lute)?” on the day she left the hospital, Shen Xinglan asked A Miao while holding her.

A Miao blinked, holding the sleeping baby, and said, “Is it from The Book of Songs? ‘The lute makes rosy light. And brings me high delight’?”

“Hmm.” Shen Xinglan touched her daughter’s head and continued, “Shen Tongguan.”

“Now, can we give our daughter a handy little nickname?” A Miao said with her head aslant, “Ling Lang’s son is called Chu Bai, and our daughter can be called Yaya.”

Little Demon, who sat in the front of the car, whispered, “Shen II, did you hear that?”

“What?” Shen II was driving intently.

“The babies’ names are very good, much better than yours and Shen I’s.”

She always thought that Shen I talked too much. But now, she was with the oyster—Shen II. She could not help starting to talk too much.

Shen II said, “Do you think that your own name is not good?”

“Nonsense!” Little Demon shook her head in a serious way, and continued to say when noticing his disbelief, sneering, “My name is better than yours, as your names also have several numbers.”

Shen II snorted and became silent again.

As a consequence, Little Demon thought that it was better for her to partner with Shen I in the future. At least there was a response when they quarreled…

“I made some room in our bedroom. When our baby grows up, she can move to the innermost bedroom.”

When they got home, Shen Xinglan showed A Miao their baby’s room, which he had decorated himself.

“When did you decorate it?” A Miao asked. On seeing the pink room and the pink cradle bed in the middle, she was so surprised that she jumped into the man’s arms.

Shen Xinglan held A Miao on one side and held their daughter on the other side, saying, “I decorated it when you went to exercise recently.”

“Baby… No!” A Miao put her daughter, who was still sleeping while spitting bubbles, into the cradle bed and continued, “You have a name now! Is it true? Yaya!”

Everyone’s life had returned to normal. Even Shen Xinglan, who hadn’t been to the company for a long time, also started to deal with things in the company every morning. During this time, Ling Lang took her son to A Miao’s house, and sometimes He Shishi would also come.

However, no one knew where Wei Meng and Ding V were, their whereabouts were always elusive. When Ouyang Jin visited, he could always magically stagger it with He Shishi’s visits. So far, their two paths hadn’t crossed.

“How time flies! Tomorrow, Yaya will be exactly one month old!” On this day, He Shishi came to see the two little babies, and also brought a gold plate as well as a gold bowl as gifts for the ceremony of recognizing the godmother.

A Miao was also so emotional as she said, “It seems that the plain days always go by very fast!”

“Ah…Ya…” Chu Bai was playing with the little leopard’s tail while lying there.

As for Yaya, who was next to Chu Bai and seldom failed to sleep, was looking at Chu Bai with her big eyes.

“When the baby becomes one month old, his waking hours will be longer during the day.” Ling Lang told A Miao as an experienced person, “Don’t let her sleep too much during the day, otherwise, she will not sleep well at night.”

At this time, Little Demon came in from outside with a box in her hand, and asked while looking at the three people with a strange expression, “My lady, did you buy something online?”


And then, A Miao turned to look at He Shishi.

“Nor did I.” He Shishi instinctively looked at Ling Lang and then rolled her eyes because she just thought that this woman never shopped online.

So, Little Demon put the box down and asked, “Who sent it?”

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