Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 237 - A Mysterious Gift

Chapter 237 - A Mysterious Gift

Chapter 237 A Mysterious Gift
“Take it outside and open it.” Ling Lang suffered from her occupational disease again.

He Shishi picked it up and shook it. And then she concluded, “It’s nothing. It’s definitely not a bomb!”

“Don’t be so dramatic.” A Miao said with a smile, “This is not a movie! Take it for me to open.”

Before Little Demon could stop her, A Miao had already had it opened.

“Hmm?” He Shishi leaned in and said, “It is a kind of fine rosewood.”

Inside the package, there was a rectangular black-purple box with delicate patterns engraved on it.

“I think something good must be inside!” He Shishi touched it and continued, “This wood might have been around for at least for several hundred years. Look! It has been almost jadified!”

Even for those who knew nothing about antiques, they could tell how rare the rosewood box was. Besides, the black and purple wood grains were hard to notice. Thus, it looked like a big gem at first sight.

“There is a card.” Ling Lang found a card written in English on the back of the box.

A Miao picked it up and read: “To the newborn angel…”

“To Yaya?” He Shishi grabbed the card quickly and asked. “Look! There are Chinese characters on the back!”

静女其娈,贻我彤管。彤管有炜,说怿女美。(The maiden fair and mute. Gives me a grass-made lute. The lute makes rosy light. And brings me high delight.)

“What do these characters mean?” He Shishi did not understand, so she asked.

A Miao, frowning, explained to her, “Yaya’s name comes from these two lines. It means that the beautiful girl sends me the flute, and the red flute is as beautiful as the girl. ‘彤管’ means the flute.”

“…” He Shishi’s face was blank, then she continued, “It turns out that Yaya’s name has a profound meaning!”

A Miao carefully opened the box, and then her eyes became very bright.

“It’s a flute,” Ling Lang said while looking at it, “but… what kind of jade is this?”

“Red jade?” As He Shishi came from a noble family, it was commonplace for her to identify different types of jade. However, after touching it, she was unsure if it was red jade. So, she touched A Miao and asked, “What’s wrong? Just say it!”

Inside the box, there was a red flute about the length of a baby’s arm. In addition, it was shinier than the first-class suet jade and looked as if it was dripping.

“This is blood jade.” A Miao looked so grave.

On hearing this, He Shishi and Ling Lang both looked at her.

“A jade bracelet, which was made of a piece of first-class white jade, was worn by a first woman during her lifetime. After her death, the bracelet was buried along with her in the tomb. After many years, it was stolen from the tomb. And when it came to the market, it was then taken by a second woman and worn again until she died. After three or four times like that, it was possible for the white jade to become blood jade.”

He Shishi shivered while saying, “This… this thing is… is a burial object!”

“I’ve never seen such a piece of big blood jade.” A Miao took the flute out of the box and continued, “This was carved from a complete piece of blood jade. Not to mention being buried with the dead three or four times, it was said to be buried for 30 or 40 times, although that is far from being possible…”

This jade flute was so warm to the touch and did not give people cold and uncomfortable feelings.

“The main point now is… who sent it here.” Ling Lang carefully checked the packing carton again and again. However, she found nothing, not even a telephone number or a name.

A Miao put the jade flute inside the box, deciding to discuss it again when Shen Xinglan came back.

However, when Shen Xinglan saw this blood jade flute, he looked even worse than A Miao.

“Do you think if Yu Sihan sent it here…” Yu Sihan was the only person whom A Miao could think of at this time.

In fact, she had thought of Yu Sihan the moment she saw the flute during the day. However, in order to keep Ling Lang and Shishi from worrying about her, she did not tell them.

“He has been monitoring us.” A Miao gently patted Yaya, who was spitting bubbles while sleeping, and continued, “He even knows the baby’s name.”

Shen Xinglan looked so gloomy but he suddenly hugged her and said, “It’s nothing, we are also monitoring him!”

In the closest place to Yu Sihan’s island, Shen Xinglan also arranged for people to monitor Yu Sihan. Although they did not know Yu Sihan’s specific situation, they could know the exact information about the ships and people who entered the island every day.

“There are still nine months left as we’ve promised.” A Miao clung to his waist while saying, “What shall I do… I am afraid.”

Shen Xinglan touched her head to comfort her. “My little fool! Don’t be afraid! No matter what will happen, all three members of our family are together. Besides, as long as Yu Sihan wants those treasures, he will not do anything to us.

“Now, you can’t think about it, or our baby will get wrinkles when she drinks your milk.”

A Miao raised her head and beat him with a fist. Then she said, “Nonsense! I am going to sleep!”

“Don’t you need my help today?” Shen Xinglan asked while chasing after her…

Early the next morning, A Miao put a pink princess dress and a small hat of the same style on Yaya. The little baby was so white and tender, and she looked at everyone with her black and bright eyes on her fat face.

When they arrived at the private room in the hotel, her eyes were brighter.

“She is so cute!” He Shishi tried to poke Yaya’s face, but her hand was stopped by Shen Xinglan halfway.

“Don’t touch her casually.” Shen Xinglan looked at her with a disgusted expression and continued, “Have you washed your hands?”josei

He Shishi sat down off to the side while curling her lip. At this time, Le Yi and Ling Lang came in with Chu Bai, who was sucking a pacifier in Le Yi’s arms.

“Come here! Chu Bai! Let me hug you!” He Shishi reached out and grabbed Chu Bai.

Seeing that He Shishi did not hold Chu Bai well, Ling Lang took her son back and put him on the sofa.

“Ouyang is coming,” Ling Lang said.

On hearing this, He Shishi sat there in silence.

Shen Xinglan did not want to let Chu Bai and Yaya be exposed to the public so early, so he did not prepare a big banquet. Only a few of them had a meal together. Even so, they still came across reporters who secretly took pictures at the entrance of the hotel.

“You weren’t photographed, were you?” Le Yi asked.

“No.” Shen Xinglan looked at him and said, “Come to my house after the banquet.”

Le Yi frowned while saying, “I know already.”

At the banquet to celebrate the little baby’s first month, Yaya kept on sleeping but Chu Bai stayed excited the whole time, he even took the chopsticks to crack a bowl.

“I’ve received Wei Meng’s gift.” A Miao thought of it while taking a sip of soup, then she continued, “The gift arrived early in the morning.”

He Shishi had been looking to the left the entire time because Ouyang Jin was sitting on her right.

He Shishi asked, “What can that gal give you? An animal specimen?”

A Miao smiled while saying, “She was so good this time. Her gift is a beautiful bracelet. It is said to be made of pure natural harmless herbs that can drive away all harmful animals and insects.”

“Pfft!” He Shishi said while eating a piece of meat, “It can only keep mosquitoes away.”

Ouyang Jin glanced at her silently and bowed his head to eat. Le Yi sighed silently, he did not know if there was any possibility of reconciliation between the two…

In the afternoon, everyone returned to Shen Xinglan’s house. And then, the three women with two babies enjoyed the sunshine in the small parlor, but the men went into the study.

“What’s wrong?” Le Yi asked after closing the door.

Shen Xinglan took the rosewood box out of the cupboard and opened it in front of the two.

“What a big red jade it is!” Ouyang Jin had the same opinion as He Shishi, so he said, “Although it is not as valuable as green jade, it’s rare to be found anyway! Oh? No! It’s not jade…”

“A Miao said that this is a blood jade.” Shen Xinglan spread the knowledge he heard from A Miao, and both of them looked bad on hearing this.

Le Yi suspected, so he asked, “It wasn’t you?”

“Nonsense!” Shen Xinglan gave him a cold look while saying, “Would l give an unlucky burial object to my daughter?”

Ouyang Jin held it and touched it again and again, and he finally concluded, “It doesn’t seem to be a burial object.”

“Right.” Le Yi thought so as well. Since he was a doctor, he was very sensitive to the things of the dead.

Shen Xinglan dropped the flute into the box and said, “It was sent by Yu Sihan.”

“How do you know that?” Although Le Yi asked him like this, he also knew in his deep heart that it could not be anyone else who had sent it here.

On seeing that Shen Xinglan rudely threw the box into the cupboard, Ouyang Jin said, “This guy is haunted!”

“Wait a minute!” Le Yi, who was always calm, found that something was wrong. So, he interrupted, “We had guessed that he would monitor us, but the whole process was so lucky when we went to find the vermin.”

Shen Xinglan said while looking at him, “Can you still remember what I said at that time? I hoped he would appear. Then at least, it could prove that he was afraid that we could take out the vermin.”

“But he did nothing.” Ouyang Jin followed his words. “He did not seem to care if the vermin could be taken out.”

“He even knew which name you gave your daughter, and sent this to you so quickly…” On thinking of this, Le Yi looked so bad while saying, “Is it…”

Shen Xinglan closed his eyes and said, “I’d like to have A Miao examined again.”

Now that Yu Sihan knew everything but did nothing, there were only two reasons. Either he was emboldened or he gave up. However, he could not give up. Therefore, he was emboldened.

“That’s good for me…” But Le Yi still hesitated to ask, “But, how will you tell A Miao?”

Shen Xinglan thought for a moment and replied, “After two days, Yaya is going to get a vaccination. And you can arrange it properly at that time. You can tell her that it is a routine checkup.”

“That’s fine.”

On the day of getting the vaccination, Ling Lang deliberately postponed the date of the injection for Chu Bai, so that they could go to the hospital with them. After the vaccination for the two little babies, Le Yi asked the two women to do postpartum checkups.

“It’s okay to have a postpartum checkup.” Ling Lang, who had learned the reason before, followed Le Yi’s words. “If it’s all right, we can start working out.”

A Miao did not think too much, and she originally thought that it was a routine checkup. But she still asked during the injection.

“Why are you drawing my blood?”

Le Yi calmly said, “To check if you’re calcium deficient.”

But A Miao replied, “I’ve been taking calcium tablets.”

“… To check if you are anemic.” Le Yi wittily winked and replied, “Now, many nursing mothers are prone to anemia.”

Shen Xinglan, who held Yaya and said nothing the whole time, began to say while smiling, “Look! Your mother is so timid! She is afraid of injections.”

“I’m not!” A Miao glared at him and argued, “Quickly, draw my blood!”

The next day, Le Yi personally took the report to Shen Xinglan’s office.

“Look at the report yourself!” Le Yi said.

Shen Xinglan carefully looked at the test results from beginning to end. After that, he sighed and said, “There’s no problem.”

“Perfectly normal.” Under the care of professionals, A Miao’s body was in excellent condition. But he asked, “Was our previous inference wrong?”

He rubbed his eyebrows while saying, “What the hell is Yu Sihan doing…”

On the island—

“My Young Master, these are today’s photos.”

A man in black respectfully put a stack of photos on the table.

“I got used to playing chess with little A Miao. But now, it’s boring for me to play chess by myself.” Yu Sihan threw a white piece on the board and reached for the photos. “Oh! The little guy looks so good.”

“My Young Master,” the man in black said again, “A Miao had a physical examination today.”

Yu Sihan stood up and walked slowly to the outside terrace. “It seems that my gift has aroused Shen Xinglan’s suspicion. That guy is always smart, and it is normal for him to think that something is wrong.”

“But…” Yu Sihan relaxed his grip, so that the photos were taken up by the sea breeze and then fell into the deep sea.

“You can’t find anything, can you?”

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