Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 246 - Look Out, It Is Not a Legend

Chapter 246 - Look Out, It Is Not a Legend

Chapter 246 Look Out, It Is Not a Legend
Yu Sihan asked his subordinates to remove all the tableware and replace it with tea.

“Don’t sit idly!” He picked up his cup and said, “There’s something special about afternoon tea at sea.”

A Miao was reluctant to look at the sea snake, but the increasingly strong smell of blood in the air constantly reminded her and she could not help imagining what the snake looked like now…

Time went by so slowly, and although nobody spoke, nobody’s heart was calm.

“It’s getting dark…” Yu Sihan broke the silence.

A Miao was already sleepy in the arms of Shen Xinglan and was startled by his sudden voice.

“It’s all right.” Shen Xinglan touched her arm, but Ding V suddenly jumped up.

“What’s the matter?” Ouyang Jin followed his eyes to the sea on the other side.

By this time, the sun had set, the moon had not risen, and the whole sea was as black as a bottomless abyss.

“Something’s coming.” Ding V grabbed Wei Meng’s hand and looked at her seriously. “Don’t leave my side.”

Shen Xinglan also shielded A Miao behind him. “You know what it is, right?”

“Take a guess!” Yu Sihan laughed and shouted at his subordinate, “Turn on the lights!”

“Pop!” The whole sea became as bright as day, and it was estimated that all the lights had been turned on.

A Miao was so nervous that she almost forgot to breathe and kept staring in the distance.

Gradually, the sound of the waves through the air changed, and it seemed that something was paddling inside. By this time, the moon had risen and a huge silhouette slowly emerged under the silver background.

“That’s impossible!” Wei Meng suddenly cried out.

A Miao shivered, and Shen Xinglan held her tightly. “It’s an island.”

“An island?” A Miao looked up at him, then turned her eyes to the huge dark shadow, and found the shadows of the leaves swaying.

They didn’t know where Wei Meng had gotten binoculars. She held it up for a very long time, then twisted her face and spoke to A Miao.

“Your legend… is true.”

It was an island on the back of a giant turtle.

“Are you ready?” Yu Sihan stood at the bow of the boat, under which a group of his subordinates was pouring something on the flesh of the blurry sea snake.

One of his subordinates waved at him. “Sir! It can be put down.”

“Wait a minute…” Yu Sihan stared at the approaching giant and said, “Let it come closer.”

Slowly, the shadow showed its complete outline, and it was really a huge… huge turtle. The turtle was an island, with mountains, trees, and even waterfalls…

“It’s so big…” A Miao’s eyes widened.

Their boat was almost touched by the turtle, with its two eyes like searchlights and a head bigger than a car!

“It’s going to hit the ship!” Ouyang Jin roared at Yu Sihan.

Yu Sihan waved and the cage containing sea snake was released, and countless pieces of meat fell into the sea like raindrops. The giant turtle turned its head to find the snake meat, and the blood-red seawater was just like a scene appearing in a movie, which made everyone hold their breath.

Le Yi looked at Shen Xinglan and said, “It was actually to be used to feed the turtle.”

“All right!” Yu Sihan clapped his hands. “Let’s have dinner while that big fellow enjoys its dinner!”

A Miao covered her mouth. She saw several pieces of rotten meat sucked into the mouth of the giant turtle and thought of the meat she had eaten at noon.josei

“Don’t think about it. It’s all right.” Shen Xinglan patted her on the back.

“I won’t eat.” A Miao took a drink, went to the middle of the deck, and sat down.

The dishes were served on the other side of the table, and Yu Sihan poured a glass of red wine for himself.

“A Miao, you’d better eat something because we’re going to that island soon.”

Ouyang Jin sat down and said, “At night?”

“We will start at dawn.” Yu Sihan looked at his watch. “There are five hours left.”

Wei Meng muttered something to Ding V, then raised her head and asked, “Did you add anesthetics to the sea-snake meat?”

“According to the size of the giant turtle, it will take at least five hours before it works.” Then Shen Xinglan asked, “How long will the medicine last?”

Yu Sihan cut a piece of veal and threw it into his mouth while he thought. “At least 72 hours.”

“What did you use to do the experiment?” Shen Xinglan scowled, as such a large animal did not usually exist.

“Whales.” Yu Sihan looked at him and said, “The amount used today would kill a whale directly. We’ve done experiments in which whales were anesthetized for five days using half that dose.”

Le Yi thought for a while. “It is about eight hours for this giant turtle.”

“So I said at least 72 hours.” Yu Sihan raised his glass. “But nobody knows what will happen. If it is resistant to drugs, the effect may only last for one day or even a few hours.”

Under the deck, Yu Sihan’s subordinates pushed out several diving suits and two large boxes.

Yu Sihan wiped his mouth and said, “Everyone should dive. If you don’t know how, you can practice quickly. In case the island sinks, we’ll have to dive back.” He stood up. “And about the cans and drinking water in the box, everyone will take what they need then gather on the deck when the moon has disappeared!”

Jiang Quanyu and Xiao Yue, like two invisible people from beginning to end, got up first and went downstairs. Ding V jumped directly from the deck and circled around those things before he looked up and shouted at everyone.

“No problem. It’s all good stuff.”

“They are really good things.” Ouyang Jin looked at the diving equipment. “They are used by the military of the Country Mi. The webbed flippers have their own propulsion function.”

A Miao saw Shen Xinglan staring at her and she smiled at him. “Did you forget that I lived on the island for many years?”

Diving was her daily activity.

“If it hadn’t been for the event of those years, I might not have dived yet.” A Miao sighed, “Fortune and misfortune are next-door neighbors. That’s what I’m talking about!”

Shen Xinglan hugged her and packed several packages of compressed biscuits into A Miao’s backpack. “I’ll carry the cans and water.”

“Although there are waterfalls on the island, we can’t be sure whether the water source is clean. We should carry enough water.” Le Yi reminded them, “Bring more chocolate.”

A Miao said, “I brought it with me when I came!”

Everyone got their equipment ready and then went back to rest. At the door of the room, Shen Xinglan became solemn.

“Don’t get me wrong.” Jiang Quanyu stood at their door. “I’m here to find you.” He raised his chin to Shen Xinglan.

Shen Xinglan stared at him for a long time. Just when A Miao thought he would pull her into the room, the man patted her on the arm.

“You go into the room first!”

A Miao looked at him strangely and turned to go into the room.

“Go ahead.” Shen Xinglan left the door of the room and went to the other side.

Jiang Quanyu knew that he did that out of fear of A Miao listening. He followed him and said, “I thought you would not listen to me.”

“What you want to say to me must have something to do with A Miao.” Shen Xinglan was leaning against the ship’s pole. “What do you know?”

“I’m not sure…” Jiang Quanyu looked imposing. “Once I heard my grandfather talking with Yu Sihan. It sounds like that you will get mad one day. You should be killed in advance, so as to avoid troubles.”

Shen Xinglan’s eyes darkened. There was only one possibility that he would go mad, and that was an accident to A Miao.

“I don’t think Yu Sihan’s great efforts to implant vermin into A Miao’s body are due to something so simple.” Jiang Quanyu also considered this point. “When we go to the island tomorrow, you must protect her.”

Shen Xinglan raised his eyelids. “Even if you don’t say it, I will still protect her.”

When he prepared to go back to his room, he twisted his head and added, “That woman surnamed Xiao…”

“I’ll watch her.” Jiang Quanyu knew what he meant. “She won’t have a chance to hurt A Miao.”

Through Xiao Mei’s event, they dared not underestimate women. Especially because jealous women often can deliver a devastating blow. Jiang Quanyu knew that Xiao Yue hated A Miao, so naturally, he would be alert.

“What did he say to you?”

A Miao saw Shen Xinglan come back and put down her cell phone to ask.

“He’s just a busybody.” Shen Xinglan looked at his cell phone. “There’s no signal here. What are you looking at?”

“Yaya’s photos.” A Miao wrapped her arms around his waist. “I miss our daughter.”

Shen Xinglan sat with her in his arms and said, “If it goes well, we can find the treasure tomorrow and return immediately. We can see our daughter at the end of the month.”

“By the way, you haven’t said what Jiang Hua said to you.”

He failed to change the subject… Shen Xinglan’s eyes twinkled. “Nothing, he wants me to protect you and he also wanted to remind you to look out for Xiao Yue and stay away from her tomorrow.”

“Xiao Yue?” A Miao almost forgot about this woman.

“What is she going to do?”

Shen Xinglan intentionally became serious. “Her husband likes another man’s wife, what do you think she wants to do?”

“…” A Miao slipped into the man’s arms and pretended not to hear him.

She was pulled out by Shen Xinglan. “When we are on the island, don’t allow her to come near you. Do you hear me?”

“I know!” A Miao nodded forcefully, she didn’t want to be near Xiao Yue either.

“Let’s sleep for a while.” Shen Xinglan took off their clothes. “Don’t think too much. Just have a good rest and be energetic.”

A Miao was in a mess at first. After listening to him, she relaxed herself immediately. After a day of mental stress, her breathing soon stabilized.

“I will protect you well…” Shen Xinglan looked at her deeply, and carefully embraced her in his arms.

A Miao was awakened by the sound of a whistle. After she opened her eyes, she found that everything had been tidied up by Shen Xinglan.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” She got up and changed her clothes quickly.

Shen Xinglan helped her put her shoes on. “It’s not late.”

While she brushed her teeth, someone knocked on the door. It was Yu Sihan’s subordinate, who brought breakfast. After they finished eating, they went to the deck and saw that everyone was already there.

“If there are no questions, we’ll start.” Yu Sihan had changed into clothes for survival in the wild.

But the color of his clothes made A Miao unable to stop twitching her mouth. “Does he think he’s going for a morning run? And he is so strange to dress in white…”

“Sir, the floating platform is down.”

Yu Sihan nodded and took six of his subordinates out of the boat first.

At this time, the day was beginning to dawn. Standing on the boat, they could see the whole island. As they stepped out of the boat and saw the giant turtle from last night, it was even more shocking.

“The island is as big as four football fields.” Ouyang Jin looked at the head of the giant turtle sinking in the sea and measured it with hands.

A Miao instinctively held her breath. As she was preparing to climb to the island on the floating platform, she could see four huge claws floating with the waves through the seawater. She could even clearly see that there were some patterns on the edge of the petrified turtle shell…

“Watch your step,” Shen Xinglan reminded her.

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