Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 247 - The Map on the Bronze Mirror Jade Pendants

Chapter 247 - The Map on the Bronze Mirror Jade Pendants

Chapter 247 The Map on the Bronze Mirror Jade Pendants
A Miao stood on the island and found that the island did not shake at all.

“That’s because it’s too big to feel anything unless it’s shaking violently.” Shen Xinglan knew what she was thinking and explained it to her.

A Miao jumped reflexively two times and felt embarrassed.josei

“Take it easy, this is a solid island.” Yu Sihan turned his head to take a look at her behavior and smiled. “Now let’s take out the jade pendants.”

Jiang Quanyu went over to Shen Xinglan and said, “Can you give us the two pieces from our family?”

“Which one is yours?” Shen Xinglan put the six similar jade pendant pieces on a big rock. At this time, he was not afraid that anyone would steal them.

However, on the piece that Yu Sihan took out, there was the word “Yu”.

“Drop the medicine on it.” He handed Jiang Quanyu a small bottle.

Jiang Quanyu dropped the purple medicine on a piece of bronze mirror jade pendant, and the lines on it slowly turned into the word “Xiao”.

“That belongs to our family!” Xiao Yue quickly picked it up.

Wei Meng stared at the bottle of potion, and after Jiang Quanyu dripped the medicine on all the bronze mirror jade pendants, she asked, “May I have them?”

“Whatever,” Yu Sihan said indifferently.

A Miao picked up the jade pendant with the “A” character on it, glanced at Ouyang Jin, who was beside her, and said, “Why is it a “Yao” character on your jade pendant?”

“I’ve heard my grandfather said that the Ouyang family had a generation of marrying into and living with the bride’s family and changed it to the woman’s surname. And their previous real surname was Yao.”

Yu Sihan picked up his bronze mirror jade pendant and said, “Come here, do just like me.”

He put the bronze mirror jade pendant on the ground, and everybody put theirs around his bronze mirror jade pendant as he did.

“Shen Xinglan, can you find anything?” Yu Sihan squatted down and glanced at Shen Xinglan.

Seven pieces of the jade pendants were put together in a semi-circle, and Shen Xinglan looked through them one by one. Then he squatted down and put together the jade pendants like he was making a combination. Wei Meng beside him could not help crying out.

“A map!”

Yu Sihan laughed. “Haha, we can consider cooperation later. I like smart people!”

“I’m not interested in working with children.” Shen Xinglan’s glance flitted.

No one thought that when seven people’s surnames were linked together, they could form a treasure map…

Yu Sihan asked his subordinate to print out the map. Shen Xinglan stretched out his hand to him and said, “Give it to me.”

“Only one. Let’s go together.” Yu Sihan looked at him with a grin. “Are you worried that I’ll leave you on this island?”

Shen Xinglan grabbed the map and handed it to Le Yi. Le Yi took out a small camera and took a picture. Then he attached a small instrument to the camera. The map was printed immediately.

“Our usual practice is that each of us has one copy.” Ouyang Jin distributed the printed maps to the others. He also glanced at the bodyguards behind Yu Sihan. “They’d better not lose the way.”

Yu Sihan did not care about his provocation. He smiled and said, “They should be happy to die for me!”

“Well, we can go.” Shen Xinglan took out a slender iron rod, and Ding V took it and thrust it into the crack of the rock. Then he pressed on it. The iron rod instantly became as high as a flagpole, and a red flag came out at the top.

“A locator.” Shen Xinglan pulled A Miao forward and said, “If we have someone left behind, we can go back to the starting point and wait.”

A Miao whispered, “If it’s the people on our side, I’m afraid we won’t be able to leave when we get back…”

“Let’s keep up with Yu Sihan.” Shen Xinglan knew what she meant. If he did find the treasure, Yu Sihan would probably leave them all on the island. In addition, if Jiang Quanyu wanted to do something to A Miao, he was the biggest obstacle.

Then he preferred to stay here.

But… Shen Xinglan felt that Yu Sihan’s attempt to open the treasure should have something to do with A Miao.

“Don’t worry.” He saw A Miao frowning and he smiled. “If he wants to leave us here, let’s see if he has that ability.”

A Miao blinked and said, “What did you do?”

“You will see!”

Le Yi came up from behind. “Shall we go to the left?”

“The left seems to be a little closer to the waterfall.” A Miao looked at the map in her hand.

According to the map, they had to walk to the waterfall on the west side of the island if they wanted to reach the other side of the island.

When they looked from the boat, they felt that the island was not very big, but when they really walked up, they found that the distance was not short. It was not until the sun rose into the sky that they came to the waterfall.

“The water is drinkable.” Le Yi put a thermostat-like object in the lake for a few seconds and told everyone the display.

Yu Sihan was already resting in a reclining chair, which was his hands were stretched out on. A Miao found that his clothes had obviously been changed; let alone dirt, there was not even a leaf on them.

“You have a lot of useful things,” Yu Sihan said coldly. “If I knew that, I would not have prepared for you. They cost me a lot of money.”

Ouyang Jin filled his two kettles with water, turned to him, and smiled. “Do you want it? I can sell it to you.”

“Keep it for yourself!” Yu Sihan raised his hand and his subordinates went aside to prepare lunch.

There were fish in the lake, which could be caught to stew fish soup. Their meal also included canned food and noodles. A Miao was not tired of eating that food. She spent a lot of energy walking in the morning. After eating, she rested under a tree.

“It’s almost time. Shall we go on?” After a while, Yu Sihan looked at his watch and stood up. “We must find it before dark.”

Shen Xinglan wiped A Miao’s face with a wet towel. When they were resting, he was massaging A Miao’s calves.

“Are you tired?” A Miao fell asleep later, and did not know how long the man massaged for her.

“It’s all right.” Shen Xinglan pulled her up, and Le Yi smiled beside her and said, “I’m not as good as I used to be.”

The conditions on Killer Island were much harder than this.

“There is no way.” Ding V came back, completely wet.

There was no way to the other side behind the waterfall, so there was only one way…

“Climb over.”

“Climb over.”

Shen Xinglan and Yu Sihan spoke at the same time.

“Are A Miao and Miss Wei all right?”

Ding V had begun to tie ropes to his body. “I’ll carry Mengmeng up.”

“I’m first.” Ouyang Jin took out a rope. The first one to go up had no safety measures.

Shen Xinglan grabbed his arm and said, “No, let them go first.”

He raised his chin and Yu Sihan curled his lips. “It doesn’t matter. You go first.”

“Yes, sir!”

The two subordinates soon began to climb. Fortunately, the waterfall wasn’t too big. After climbing to the top, they fixed the ropes and then the others climbed up one by one.

“Come here and hold me.” Shen Xinglan tied himself to A Miao.

A Miao looked at the height of the waterfall and said, “I think I can do it by myself…”

“Be obedient.” Shen Xinglan bowed his head and kissed her. “Don’t make me worry.”

“Okay…” A Miao lay on his back, trying to keep herself close to him so as to reduce weight.

After everyone climbed to the top, they started to climb down. The terrain on this side was obviously steeper than on the other side, and one of Yu Sihan’s subordinates also hit his knee.

“The island is so strange.” When everyone was resting, Le Yi looked at the surroundings. “There are woods on the other side while having cliffs on this side.”

A Miao nodded, they could only land from the other side. Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered that they were on the back of a giant turtle, so she could not help leaning back into the arms of Shen Xinglan.

“Eat it!” Shen Xinglan handed her a piece of chocolate.

“I don’t want to eat sweet food.” A Miao felt it was too rich.

Ouyang Jin threw a piece of chocolate into his mouth. “Taste it. It can help you decompress.”

Shen Xinglan touched her head and changed a bag of chocolate beans for A Miao. Everyone began to walk slowly down the mountain. When A Miao walked along, she ate up the chocolate unconsciously.

“We’ll be there before dark.” It was not easy to get down the hill. Everyone rested on a big rock.

Yu Sihan pointed to the red dot on the map. “There is a lake here. From the point of view of the terrain, it is a leeward outlet.”

He didn’t expect that the road on this side of the island would be so hard to walk. He was sure that they couldn’t arrive at the destination before dark.

“Let’s go.” Shen Xinglan had no objection. At dusk, they arrived at the lake marked on the map. It was indeed a leeward cliff.

Yu Sihan’s subordinates began to set up their tents. Le Yi and Ouyang Jin also put up their tents.

“In the evening, my subordinates will be on watch. You can rest assured.” Yu Sihan gracefully walked into his tent. A Miao found that he had changed his clothes again.

There were still fish and canned food for dinner. There were no other creatures on the island, not even a worm.

“Shall we keep watch at night?” Le Yi asked Shen Xinglan.

“No.” Shen Xinglan was examining his and A Miao’s tent. “Now he won’t let us have an accident. Take a good rest. It’s not going to be so easy tomorrow.”

They were in their sleeping bags, and A Miao with her eyes closed could not sleep.

“Are you pretending to be asleep?” Shen Xinglan kissed her neck.

A Miao laughed and pushed him away. “I don’t want to affect your rest.” Shen Xinglan kept worrying about her all the way, so he was much more tired than her.

“It’s all right.” Shen Xinglan embraced her in his arms. “Tomorrow… if, in case… I mean that in case anything happens and I let you go, you must leave as soon as possible.”

“I won’t…” A Miao was angry.

Shen Xinglan touched her face. “Listen to me. Only when you escape safely can I have no worries. Believe me! No matter what happens, I’ll come to find you.”

A Miao’s eyes were red and her tears came down.

“But what if you can’t find me? What if I get taken again?”

“Fool!” Shen Xinglan kissed her tears with almost devout eyes. “And at that time, I will have Ding V protect you and leave Wei Meng here.”

A Miao wanted to ask why he wouldn’t protect them to leave, but she couldn’t say it. Shen Xinglan was their boss. He couldn’t leave his brothers behind and leave by himself.

“Let’s sleep!” Shen Xinglan kissed her on the forehead. “We’ll leave safely. You haven’t given birth to a son for me yet!”

Listening to the man’s heartbeat, A Miao put aside all the worries in her heart and forced herself to close her eyes. It was unknown when she fell asleep. When she was conscious again, the voices of Wei Meng and Ding V speaking came from outside.

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