Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 255 - The Resigned Salvation

Chapter 255 - The Resigned Salvation

Chapter 255 The Resigned Salvation
“They’re seabirds!” Shen I shouted excitedly.

Wei Meng made a sound like “coo” and two of them flew straight toward them.

“Coo… Coo… Coo…” The two birds landed on Wei Meng’s shoulders and rubbed on her face to indicate friendship.

Ding V stared at the birds with hostility, feeling that his position was being usurped.

“Go and fetch the bucket over there.” Wei Meng touched him with her foot.

However, they saw that Shen I had already brought it over. “Feed them quickly!”

Wei Meng made a sound like “coo” to the two birds as she fed them the small fishes in the bucket. When the bucket of small fish was consumed, the two birds flew away.

“How’s it going?” Shen I looked at her nervously.

“We’ve found him.”

In Shen’s villa.

“Miss, we’ve heard from the boss!” Little Demon rushed in. A Miao’s hand that was feeding Yaya shook, and the spoon almost fell to the ground. “Give me the phone!”

A Miao answered the phone with trepidation and excitement.

“I received news that Shen Xinglan is on an island.”

Wei Meng waited until she calmed down before continuing. “We will keep contacting him, hoping to find out the specific location as soon as possible.”

“How did you find him? He… How is he?” A Miao took the paper towel that Little Demon was handing to her.

“Using birds.”

Seabirds are not very intelligent, so it was difficult for Wei Meng to communicate with them. She told all seabirds to pay attention to the words “Shen Xinglan,” and only two of them came back with information.

“You mean maybe they just overheard the name of Shen Xinglan?”

A Miao became nervous again. “Then… it’s still not clear what’s going on with him.”

Wei Meng was never good at comforting people. “Yes, if he hadn’t taken the initiative to talk to the seabirds, the message would not have come out.”

“How did he know that the seabirds were looking for him?” A Miao thought it was incredible.

“Let it be.” Wei Meng paused. “However, based on his IQ, there was an 80% chance that he will talk to the seabirds because he knows that I can communicate with animals. That was his only chance.”

A Miao would always be praying from now on that Shen Xinglan would discover the mystery of those seabirds, at least to let them know if he was safe now.

“It’s all right now!” He Shishi and Ling Lang came over to comfort her in the afternoon. “As long as you are sure that he is alive, you can be at ease.”

Ling Lang grabbed Chu Bai back. He was nine months old and had learned to climb. He not only climbed around but also wanted to drag Yaya along with him. Helplessly, Yaya could not move but could only babble as she lay face down.

“I can’t feel at ease!” A Miao sighed. “If everything’s really alright, he’d have figured out how to get out by himself by now. I suspect he’s trapped on the island.”

He Shishi lifted Yaya up. “You have to believe in Shen Xinglan. That fellow was able to take them to fight against the killer group and then overpowered them. He is very smart!”

“I just hope to hear from him soon.” A Miao gave Yaya a drink of water. “I’ll be there in two days.”

If it hadn’t been for a very important meeting on the weekend that required her to represent the company, A Miao would have gone there before Wei Meng could say he could find a way out.

“By the way, you’d better make preparations beforehand. Everyone outside now says that Shen Xinglan is seriously ill. The reporters will definitely ask you about that.” As soon as He Shishi finished speaking, Little Demon sullenly came in with a newspaper.

“What’s wrong?” A Miao asked her.

Little Demon threw the newspaper onto the table. “These journalists are so shameless. They are just writing nonsense!”

“Let me see!” He Shishi picked it up and became angry just by looking at the pictures. “When did they take pictures of you and Yu Sihan?”

A Miao looked at what was written on it and her face changed after reading two lines.

“What? Yu Sihan is your son?” He Shishi shook the newspaper and Ling Lang grabbed it.

“It says you already had a son with someone else before.” Ling Lang frowned. “Then, it says that Shen Xinglan is not around and you have become the sole owner of the Shen Group. The father of your son may be Jiang Quanyu…”

He Shishi smiled in her anger. “How old is A Miao to have a son as old as Yu Sihan?”

“That’s not the point.” Ling Lang looked at A Miao. “What’s important is whether this report was written by reporters for the headline or was it because someone secretly ordered it?”

Shen III came in from the outside, and he looked sullen as well.

“Are you here because of this report?” A Miao guessed.

“Yes, miss.” Shen III saw the newspaper in Ling Lang’s hand. “But don’t worry, all the shares of the company are in our hands. We are not afraid of the actions of others.”

A Miao nodded and said, “What about the stocks?”

During this period of learning, she more or less understood the rules of business. If a company had problems with publicity, it was very likely to affect stock prices.josei

“It doesn’t matter,” Shen III said, but his expression was very grave.

He Shishi thumped the table. “Who did it?”

“Is it Yu Sihan?” Ling Lang guessed.

As Shen III had said, the Shen Group was different from other companies. If something happened to the chairman of other companies, the shareholders would take the opportunity to find ways to buy shares and reappoint a new chairman.

However, this situation would not happen in the Shen Group, so it could not have been an internal frame-up in their business.

“Since he called you ‘mother,’ it’s obviously premeditated!” He Shishi snorted coldly. “That fellow must want to take advantage of Shen Xinglan’s absence to swallow up the Shen Group.

A Miao was confused. She knew very well that Yu Sihan was rich and had no need to buy the Shen Group at all.

“Miss, you should be careful at the weekend banquet.” This was also partly why Shen III had come. He would write some words used in social occasions in advance to deal with some questions that may be asked by reporters.

“But how are you going to deal with the matter in the newspaper?”

A Miao’s lips curled. “Let me think…”

Soon, it was the day of the banquet. It was held by the Business Association of City S, gathering major companies at this time of the year for the purpose of cooperation and exchanges as well as for the announcement of the government’s development plan for next year.

“Are you nervous?” He Shishi often attended such occasions. She was wearing a golden dress with a train and her high heels clacked.

It was the first time that A Miao was facing this situation alone, so she was a little nervous. She specially chose a special black dress, looking mature and generous.

“I’m trying to relax.” She took a look at He Shishi.

He Shishi smiled at her. “It’s alright. I’ll stay beside you. Shen III and Little Demon are also following behind us.”

“I know. I’ll be okay in a minute.” A Miao held up a glass of juice because holding something in her hand could ease her tension.

Because Shen Xinglan had suddenly announced that he was going someplace to recover from illness, the Shen Group was now in A Miao’s hands. She attracted the attention of people all over the place. Furthermore, the article in the newspaper added to all the talk going on behind their backs.

“A Miao!” Xia Mei came slowly with her hand on Bai Youran’s arm.

A Miao saw her with a big stomach and thought it was funny.

“Yo! Why did you come out with such a big stomach?” He Shishi laughed at her without reservations. “You are about to give birth!”

Bai Youran didn’t know that A Miao knew all about them, so he also pretended to be concerned and said, “I will take care of my wife and child, but you… I heard that Shen Xinglan is seriously ill. Is he?”

“Youran!” Xia Wan glared at him.

Unlike this stupid man, she clearly knew that A Miao knew everything.

“Don’t say that. Mr. Shen will be alright!” Xia Wan looked at her with concern. “Don’t worry. You also need to take care of the baby!”

A Miao was not in the mood to pretend with her, so she nodded. “I have something to do. Look after yourself.”

“Did you see that?” Seeing that she really turned around and walked away, Bai Youran was indignant. “She’s still pretending to be noble when it isn’t even clear how many times she cuckolded Shen Xinglan.”

Xia Wan was speechless. “Do you really believe what the newspaper said?”

“There are no waves without wind!” Bai Youran sneered. “There must be something fishy.”

He Shishi went around the court and finally returned to the corner where A Miao was sitting. “Jiang Quanyu didn’t come.”

“He probably hasn’t returned yet.”

Xiao Yue died, so Jiang Quanyu had to give the Xiao family an account, but no one knew what he would say.

“D*mn it!” He Shishi almost spluttered out the champagne that she had just sipped.

A Miao was startled by her. As she was about to ask what had happened, she saw He Shishi pointing forward.

“Yu Sihan!”

Not far away, surrounded by several people, the little boy standing behind a man was Yu Sihan!

“Why did he come?” He Shishi asked, “Do you know?”

“I don’t know.” A Miao shook her head. “But…” She recalled that Yu Sihan had said that he wanted to teach Yaya to play the flute. She had said that he was too far away and it was inconvenient.

He Shishi stared at him and asked, “Is he moving to City S?”

Soon, someone recognized Yu Sihan as the child who had called A Miao “mom,” so everyone began looking back and forth at the two of them.

“Does Mr. Yu really want to invest in City S? Your company is based abroad.” Someone asked the man beside Yu Sihan. He was a bit mixed-race and somewhat resembled Yu Sihan if one were to look closely.

“Yes! In the future, we will appreciate your support.” With a polite and business-like smile, the man said, “I have a friend here, so I’ve always wanted to come back to invest, but I haven’t had time.”

Everyone’s curiosity was aroused. Someone immediately asked, “Speaking of friends, is Mr. Yu’s friend Mrs. Shen of the Shen Group?”

“Oh? How do you know?” The man smiled and said, “I haven’t seen her yet!”

Sure enough…

One bold man said, “The newspaper reported that Mr. Yu’s son and Mrs. Shen had dinner together, and the young master called Mrs. Shen ‘mother’!”

Yu Sihan, the little boy standing behind the man, looked shy with his head bowed.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Mr. Yu burst out laughing. “That’s because Mrs. Shen is his godmother!”

These words came to A Miao’s ears, and He Shishi opened her mouth in surprise.

“Who’s that man? Since when did Yu Sihan have a father?”

A Miao also seemed clueless until the crowd dispersed and Yu Sihan and his father came over.

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