Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 256 - News of Shen Xinglan

Chapter 256 - News of Shen Xinglan

Chapter 256 News of Shen Xinglan
A Miao pretended not to see him, turning around to leave.

“I’ll call you mom if you dare to leave.” Yu Sihan stepped up to her and spoke fearlessly.

He Shishi shook her head and stood in front of A Miao. “Boy! Are you doing it on purpose?”

He had deliberately called A Miao “mom,” deliberately let reporters photograph them, and deliberately let his so-called father say that.

“I said I would teach Yaya to play the flute. This way, it will be right and proper.” Yu Sihan held up a glass of champagne.

A Miao smiled and wordlessly reached out and grabbed the glass.

“What are you doing?” Yu Sihan looked at her discontentedly.

“Son, you can’t drink underage.” A Miao handed him a cup of juice. Here, drink this!”

He Shishi burst into laughter while Yu Sihan sullenly stuffed the juice into his silent father’s hand.

“Yaya can’t even speak yet. How can she learn to play the flute with you?” A Miao tried to look calm. If she became even a little excited, the reporters would seize this opportunity to stir up trouble.

Yu Sihan indifferently said, “She will learn quickly after early enlightenment.”

“Are you serious?” A Miao’s expression became serious.

“Of course!” Yu Sihan smiled as if he hadn’t seen her expression. “For this reason, I’m going to cooperate with the Shen Group in building a high-tech development zone next year.”

A Miao took a deep breath, put down her glass, and turned away.

Yu Sihan didn’t stop her, but his father, who had been silent all this time, laughed and said, “Goodbye. Let’s have dinner together someday.”

“What on earth is he up to?” He Shishi complained after getting into the car. “It is abnormal that he came up and said that. Didn’t he know that it would because you trouble?”

“That fellow will not give up his gangster designs. Sooner or later, he will force you to look for the treasure with him.”

“Ah! Anyway, there are few people around him now. Why don’t we send someone to kill him?”

He Shishi kept muttering for a long time but found that A Miao would not respond to her.

“A Miao?” She tapped A Miao’s hand.

A Miao had her head bowed and He Shishi did not know what she was thinking. At this moment, she looked up at He Shishi and said, “No.”

“Do we just leave him alone?”

“Since he wants to cooperate with us, let’s do it!” On the contrary, A Miao was relaxed. “In any case, he will not harm the interests of the Shen Group privately.”

He Shishi rolled her eyes. “How do you know he won’t do it?”

“Because that’s not what he wants.”

When Yu Sihan learned that A Miao had really sent someone to talk to him about the plan, he was not surprised at all.

“I knew she is smart.” He handed the glass to his subordinate. “Go ahead. Don’t underestimate the person she sent. There are no fools under Shen Xinglan’s management.”

Le Yi rushed to Shen Xinglan’s house after finishing an operation.

“So is this what you’ve decided?”

A Miao stuffed Chu Bai and Yaya with molar biscuits and smiled. “Of course! Why don’t we accept the benefits delivered to us?”

“But if he…” Le Yi frowned. “The man Yu Sihan is so dangerous to us. No one knows what he’s thinking.”

“Now, it’s being said that I have a bastard son and a lover.” A Miao said with a sarcastic expression, “Actually, have you ever thought about it? Even without Mr. Yu, there will be people who will secretly direct the public’s attention in that direction.”

Without Shen Xinglan in the Shen Group, the Shen Group would be coveted by many rivals. Now, there were rumors that A Miao had an affair with someone, causing stock prices to fall almost every day.

“Do you mean to use Yu Sihan for marketing?” Le Yi’s eyes lit up and began to understand a little.

Since the public all thought it was so, they would put the surname Yu in front of the public!

“Wait a minute.” Le Yi thought of something. “Didn’t you just say you were going to look for Shen?”

A Miao nodded naturally. “Of course. I’ve been delayed for half a month.”

“If you leave, what about Yu Sihan?”

Of course, we’ll go together!” A Miao wiped the lips of the two little kids, while Ling Lang looked at the concerned and frantic Le Yi. “A Miao has thought about it, Yu Sihan will definitely want to go together.”

As long as he did not stay here, there was no need to worry about what he would do secretly. His company was in a partnership with the Shen Group, so even if some people had bad ideas, they would dare not make any big moves.

“Within only a month, you’ve gotten so smart!” Le Yi praised A Miao. “When Shen comes back, it might be better for him to leave the company to you.”

A Miao smiled faintly. “I am this brave because I know he will come back…”

On the sea.

“How is it?” Shen I ran toward Wei Meng and asked.

It had been five days since the last seabird brought back news. Wei Meng communicated with more than a hundred seabirds and showed them pictures of Shen Xinglan. Several of them were smart enough to find Shen Xinglan based on different pictures.

Wei Meng specially rewarded them with canned tuna to eat.

Shen I was anxious. “Can those birds do it or not? Did they fly away?”

“Go ahead and do it if you can.” Wei Meng didn’t want to talk to him anymore. As she was going back to the cabin, Shen II’s voice came from the trumpet.

“Miss’s ship has arrived.”

The voice had just faded when the seawater suddenly churned in the distance and the huge waves made their boat sway. As Shen I grasped the railings to keep steady, he told the sailors to prepare to release the ladder.

Black metal slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea and soon revealed the whole picture. It turned out to be a submarine.

“Where did Yu Sihan get it?” Shen I had to admit that he was better than they were.

Shen II, who had just arrived on deck, squinted. “Last year, it was said that the latest submarine of the Military of Country Mi was the only one that could dive deepest in the world.”

When the cover of the submarine opened, two bodyguards jumped out followed by Yu Sihan, and finally A Miao, He Shishi, and Little Demon.

“Miss!” Shen I and Shen II greeted her.

A Miao nodded. “Thank you for your hard work.”

“Wei Meng!” He Shishi was jumping on the submarine.

After glancing at her silently, Wei Meng turned around and went into the cabin.


“Shen Xinglan bought you such a boat?” Yu Sihan began to find fault as soon as he stepped on the yacht and disliked everything.

A Miao ignored him. When she entered the cabin, she grabbed Wei Meng’s hand and stared at her.

“There is still no news.”

Just as Shen I wanted to break it to A Miao gently, he heard Wei Meng speak out frankly.

“…” He sighed, intending to say something to comfort A Miao.

“There will be news.” A Miao laughed, glanced at him and Shen II, and finally looked at Wei Meng. “I believe in you and Shen Xinglan!”

Shen I was inexplicably touched. He sniffed and nodded with force.

“Miss, why did you bring him with you…” Shen II was calm and asked in a low voice.

A Miao looked at Yu Sihan who was knocking on the ship’s side on the deck. “It’s safer to bring him here.”

Yu Sihan’s interest in Yaya was undisguised. A Miao couldn’t let him stay there. Who knew what he would do to Yaya if he was allowed to stay there…

“Your coming is meaningless.” Wei Meng rarely took the initiative to pour a glass of water for A Miao. “Now the only thing we can do is to wait.”

A Miao took the glass. “Waiting here makes me feel closer to him.”

“Will your idea work?” He Shishi put in a sentence.

Wei Meng responded the same way. “Go ahead and do it if you can.”josei

The arrival of A Miao and the others did not change anything except that Yu Sihan often fished on the deck and Shen I wanted to kick him down. Three days later, Yu Sihan suddenly made a proposal.

“I can play the flute to draw the giant turtle out again.”

A Miao looked at him suspiciously. “You won’t be so kind. I don’t believe you.”

“Well, if the giant turtle comes out, it might take us to the island, and you can see Shen Xinglan.” Yu Sihan shrugged his shoulders. “Of course, it’s also possible to attract the people on the island.”

“What if they discover our existence? Will they hurt boss?”

A Miao did not tell anyone about the possibility that her father could be on the island. Aside from Little Demon who had heard it last time, only she and Yu Sihan knew about it.

“Making them take action is better than waiting here and doing nothing.” Yu Sihan looked at A Miao. “It’s up to you.”

A Miao couldn’t make a decision. Even if the other person could be her father, she hadn’t seen him for so many years, and she didn’t know what he looked like and what kind of person he was.


Today, just as A Miao made up her mind to let Yu Sihan play the flute, Shen I ran out of the cabin in a sudden panic.

A Miao eagerly stood up and looked at him with hope.

“The birds are back! The seabirds are back, and there’s news of boss!”

A Miao stumbled to the deck and saw Wei Meng squatting there, groping the wings of a bird with her hands.

“Is there anything? Did you find anything?” He Shishi nervously asked beside her.

A Miao was too nervous to breathe. She needed to press her chest closely to get there. Then she saw Wei Meng’s hands pull back holding a blue cloth.

“Is… Is there any news?” She swallowed, fearing that the greater the hope, the more disappointed she would be.

Fortunately, Wei Meng nodded. “It should be Shen Xinglan. I can’t understand the code.”

“Give it to me! Give it to me!” Shen I stretched out his hand and grabbed it. “It’s boss! It’s boss!”

The palm-sized cloth was densely covered with strange symbols.

“It’s Morse code.” They had already memorized it. Seeing that A Miao was anxious, he read it hurriedly and was relieved. “It was written by boss. He says he was saved by one person that day and went to an island with him via the giant turtle.”

“Because his leg was injured, he could not walk until more than half a month had passed.” Shen II then read. “Boss also says that we weren’t able to find the island because the inhabitants used some strange tactics to trap people.”

He Shishi couldn’t help asking, “Then, am I trapped?”

“Listen and let him finish reading.” Wei Meng glanced at her.

Shen I took the cloth and said, “Boss says he saw the message we hid in the wings of birds and wants us…” He stopped, looked at A Miao, and considered if he should continue reading.

“What does he want us to do?” A Miao was listening carefully when he suddenly he stopped speaking. “Read it!”

Shen I silently returned the cloth to Shen II. “You read…”

“Boss wants us to go back.” Shen II had seen that sentence a long time ago.

A Miao was stunned.

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