God of Tricksters

Chapter 1050 Running Away

Chapter 1050 Running Away

Chapter 1050 Running Away

"Freeze." The Frost Saint pointed his palm at the Fist Saint, using his Order to freeze the surrounding air around the Fist Saint.

At the same time, the Fist Saint created a massive shock wave from the Magic Power, shattering the ice sphere.

Still, the ice somehow froze the Magic Power as well. Just like the Dark King said, the Frost Giant could freeze everything, whether it was air, poison, or even Magic Power.

This was the power of the World Class Monster.

"…" The Fist Saint narrowed his eyes and started panting. He was trying hard to find a gap to escape. But his condition had become weakened, especially due to the domain the Frost Saint erected.

'I truly need to escape right now or I might die here. The plan will end in failure because of the frost giant, but…' The Fist Saint glanced at Theo, who was watching the fight intensely.

'That human. Who is he? I'm afraid he's someone manipulating the entire battle this whole time. If not because of him, there won't be two King Class Monsters as well as one World Class Monster fighting me. And the base won't be discovered by them as well…

'Who on earth sent him here? Seeing his power and knowledge, I should be able to narrow down the people by much. But still… It seems there will be another hidden dragon in the world.

'If he chooses to spread his wings on the other side, no one can stop him.' The Fist Saint thought. 'I will remember his face and investigate him. But still, I wonder what the monsters will do after this? Knowing the Frost Giant's temper, he should lead the monsters to Earth, creating a massive war between the two sides.

'But if he doesn't do it, then… it must be because of that guy.' The Fist Saint smirked, realizing that the world would get interesting soon.

The Frost Saint noticed the slight change in the Fist Saint's expression as he immediately waved his club. "You shouldn't look away in our fight!"


Surprisingly, the Fist Saint leaped in the air, changing his direction in a split second as if he had predicted this would come.

After that, he punched forth, sending another shock wave. However, there was a difference between this shock wave and the ones he had sent previously.

"Tiger Echo Fist!"

The shock wave turned into a tiger's head and let out a roar.

"!!!" The Frost Saint was taken aback, realizing he had fallen into his trap.

Still, the Frost Saint's strength was beyond his imagination. The domain he had been using this whole time finally showed its might.

The snow, filled with concentrated energy, fell on top of the tiger's head and froze it.

"…" The Fist Saint widened his eyes before raising his head, finding the cloud to have more energy than the first time it came. In other words, the Frost Saint was fighting him not only to keep him from escaping or hurting his people but also to build up his domain this whole time.

'Seriously?' The Fist Saint made a wry smile, understanding how far behind he was compared to the Frost Saint. 'The temperature has become extremely cold too. If the situation becomes even harsher, my ability will be lowered significantly, allowing him to kill me easily.

'And I don't think I can escape from here without sacrificing something…' The Fist Saint took a deep breath, trying to formulate the plan for his escape.

The air became even colder as the temperature started freezing even Magic Power. Even Theo could see it with his own eyes, the ice particles that scattered in the air as if it was trying to brighten the entire battlefield.

It was beautiful but deadly.

When the Dark King saw this battle, he couldn't help but scratch the back of his head. Every time their fight reached this point, the Dark King felt his body freeze and would have a hard time using his Magic Power.

If not because of the Authority, the Fist Saint should experience the same thing. That was why he wondered whether the Frost Saint could finish the Fist Saint here or not.

But unbeknownst to all of them, there was another disruption that appeared on the battlefield.


Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred not far from the battlefield. The Frost Saint glanced to the side while furrowing his eyebrows.

'That direction…' The Fist Saint squinted his eyes before leaping away. His speed was so fast that he was already far away in an instant.

"!!!" The Frost Saint hurriedly threw his club, not planning to let him go.

If the Fist Saint turned back to receive this club or even changed direction to avoid it, the Frost Saint would be able to catch up to him. Hence, he gritted his teeth and covered all his body with his remaining strength, receiving the club with his body directly.

"Gah!" He screamed in pain but continued running without looking back, even with a block of massive ice blooming on his back. josei

"…" The Frost Saint frowned and turned to the side instead of chasing the Fist Saint, finding the Shadow King returning to his side with multiple heads as well as a black box. "I apologize for disturbing your fight."

"No. He was planning to escape this whole time, so it doesn't matter." The Frost Saint replied. "But with that injury, he shouldn't be able to do anything for two years since it shouldn't be that easy to remove my power from his body."

"I understand. In that case…" The Shadow King dropped everything and presented them to the Frost Saint. "I have destroyed their facilities and stored everything dangerous that can disrupt the Order and will dispose of it later. And with me here are 18 Mythical Rank Experts, 79 other people along with what I believe their technology and proof… Which should be suitable for…"

She glanced toward Theo, indicating she had accomplished her task in giving him the proof he needed to handle this matter.

"As expected of my wife." The Dark King gave a thumbs up and put on a smile.

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