God of Tricksters

Chapter 1051 Illusion World

Chapter 1051 Illusion World

Chapter 1051 Illusion World

"Now that the situation has been handled, there is one more problem that needs to be solved." The Frost Giant narrowed his eyes as he dropped to his butt, crossing his feet.

He created a powerful shock wave when he was just trying to sit.

'Truly a big guy.' Theo thought as his expression became grim.

"I have come here because this runt is fighting against an Authority Figure like myself." The Frost Giant glanced at the Dark King for a moment before turning back to Theo. "I have destroyed that base, and for what reason should I hold myself back from moving all the monsters and killing all the humans on the other side?

"Depending on your answer…" The Frost Giant glanced at the Shadow King this time, indirectly implying the heads as well as information that the Shadow King had gathered. "…I will choose whether I will stop here and give you all that stuff or eliminate you here as well as the humans on the other side."

The Frost Saint started emanating a massive killing intent, pressuring Theo to answer.

Theo knew if he answered it wrong, his head would be flying. And because he agreed that his original body would come together with the Shadow King, he didn't have the assurance of his clone, so if the Frost Saint planned to kill him, he wouldn't be able to save his life.

As if making the matter worse, the notification finally flashed in his eyes.

Mission: Interfere with the problem. (Completed)

Description: Stop the potential war between two sides.

Reward: Knowledge about Heaven, Hell, and Spatial Rift.

Theo widened his eyes and dropped his jaw. The pain that called him back to meet with the God of Mischief was unbearable as if telling him he needed to go there immediately.

"Wait…" Theo clutched his head as he started closing his eyes. This pain was different from any pain he had ever received. It felt like his soul was being dragged somewhere else.

"Don't do that, Theodore Griffith. It's better to—" The Dark King wanted to tell Theo that it was useless to act that way just to buy time.

However, the Frost Giant actually furrowed his eyebrows and waved his hand, asking the Dark King to stop.

"Mhm?" The Dark King widened his eyes and looked at him with a confused expression before becoming even more confused when he saw those observant eyes.

As someone who had the Authority, he certainly could feel and see what others couldn't see.

As for what he could see, no one knew it other than him.

Meanwhile, Theo's consciousness was brought forcefully to the field that they usually used to host their meeting. This time, the ones that met him were all those four together.

The God of Mischief was sitting on a chair in the middle while the Goddess of Death gently placed her hand on the chair, looking at Theo. On the other hand, Fenrir laid down as if he was sleeping while Jormungand circled the entire area.

"I was about to die…" Theo scratched the back of his head. "Why did you call me right now? I am afraid the Frost Saint has already killed me…"

"No." The God of Mischief shook his head. "I forcefully dragged you here because your answer might change after what I was about to say."

"Change?" Theo narrowed his eyes.

"You should know how I created that much destruction, resetting the entire civilization, right?"

"Ragnarok?" josei

There was only this one word that appeared in his mind, considering this was the biggest event and the most memorable one in his myth. However, he didn't know why Loki actually mentioned this matter.

"Yes. That's what the later generations called it." Loki smiled, confirming his guess.

"The reward is the knowledge about Heaven, Hell, and Spatial Rift, right? Why did you mention this?" Theo asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Just shut up and listen." Suddenly, Fenrir opened his eyes and mouth, snarling.

"Mhm?" Hel walked toward Fenrir and asked with a smile. "Do you want another beating?"

"…" Fenrir immediately closed his eyes and mouth again, pretending to sleep.

"Thanks." Loki nodded and continued. "Because they're related."

"Related? Huh? What's about Valhalla and Helheim?" Theo narrowed his eyes. "Are we going to talk about them?"

"No. The meaning of nine worlds has completely changed. What I want to tell you is Heaven, Hell, and Spatial Rift according to what you know."

"Those who did bad things would go to Hell and those who did good things would go to Heaven. Something like that?" Theo asked again, not understanding anything.

Loki paused for a moment and shook his head, starting to talk in a deep tone. "In the past, I always thought there was someone actually watching us like how we're watching a movie. Those who were adept in science called them someone from a higher dimension. They could prove their existence, but no one has seen them yet.

"Remember the words I told you when I gave you the mission? The beginning and the end is a never-ending cycle. We all could live for so long, and for some reason, something always happened.

"What you called Mythologies… Just imagine, how could such a being actually die? How about dinosaurs? I said it again. Something always happened, resetting the world to zero.

"Whether it was from a meteor, a chain volcanic eruption, or any other way, there was always a way to end such a thing. After that, the new living beings started to appear and create another civilization. Don't you think this is a bit crazy… I mean, coincidence? How many times are you going to reset civilizations?"

Theo thought for a moment, somehow understanding the reasoning behind his words.

"That's why I asked for others to help me create what you called Heaven and Hell."

"Huh?!" Theo widened his eyes and asked, "You created Heaven and Hell? How is that even possible? You had an Illusion Authority… Don't tell me the place that we live in was your illusion all along?!"

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