God of Tricksters

Chapter 1137 Challenge

Chapter 1137 Challenge

Chapter 1137 Challenge

"Since you've confirmed my age…" Theo put on his mask again before saying, "Well, you should know that I'm just a Supreme Rank Expert, right? I know that you want someone stronger than you, but I'm also much younger than you. That's why I want to propose one thing.

"Can I suggest the battle condition? Don't worry. I'll make sure it's something related to your specialty as well."

"Hmm?" Ergene narrowed her eyes. It was quite unpleasant that Theo tried to change the condition. However, his words had some truth in them. So, she tried to be more flexible by saying, "Okay. Though, you need to explain it first. I have the freedom to accept or reject this proposal."

"Fair enough. The match between us is simple." Theo smirked and continued, "Do you know the Black Snake Group?"

"Yes. They're a notorious group in this country. You are going to subjugate them, right?"

"Indeed. But everything is up to me, considering I have an informant that the military needs. That's why my suggestion is… We both are going to handle the enemies to a certain degree. Who does better will be the winner."

"Mhm?" Ergene looked down and put her hand on her chin, thinking. "Although I don't know the scale, the Black Snake Group is supposed to be a big group. They should have a few Mythical Rank Experts and roughly a hundred Supreme Rank Experts. Well, I don't think I need to mention it, but there should be a few hundred more with Hero Rank or lower."

"Yes. This is the plan. I'm going to ask you to join me in this battle. Even if I don't win, you helping us will be a kind of merit to the country, right? So, you should be more respected in this country after this mission.

"I have a way to bring them out. Felix and the others will handle their Mythical Rank Experts. On the contrary, I'll split the enemies into two… We both will have an equal amount of enemies. You and I will handle each of them, and the fastest one to eliminate them will be the winner. As for the military, I'll redirect them to the mission, so you can rest assured that they won't help any of us. In other words, this will be a battle between you and me." Theo explained his plan.

"Can you even do all that? Even I don't have the confidence to bring them out and split them apart…" Ergene narrowed her eyes, doubting Theo.

"If I can't, we can consider this battle my loss. You can also reconsider whether you want to join the battle or not."

Even though Theo was explaining the challenge, Felix was rolling his eyes. Now that he was aware of Theo's real identity, he thought, 'Can he even do that? His grandfather is literally the War Saint. And he has learned from his grandfather for a few years. You can't, but he should be able to do it.'

Unfortunately, Ergene had no idea about Theo's real identity. She could only consider this proposal carefully to avoid any traps within the agreements.

"There's no outside help, and the number will be even. This challenge can also prove your ability… Since you're far younger than me, I can understand the need to challenge people at Supreme Rank or lower. And if you can finish it faster than me, it means that your prowess and potential are better than mine.

"That's why this challenge is actually related to me and can prove your ability. Even if I win, I can still gain merits from the country. This is a win-win situation…" Ergene nodded in agreement. "How about the Bolhom Conglomerate?"

"You know what, the proof is not enough to prosecute them, but it's enough for me to know there's involvement between the Black Snake Group and the Bolhoms. I'm going to make them pay the price as well. If my plan succeeds, I can get some more information. Don't worry. I don't think you'll deal with them before our battle reaches its conclusion."

"I see." Ergene paused for a moment, looking at the pros and cons of this battle.

"Just to let you know, I might need your help to deal with the Bolhom Family after I win," Theo warned her again. "That's why think carefully before you choose."

That warning actually startled her. Theo should be trying to win with any means possible. However, it seemed that his desire was genuine. He didn't want to trick her or anything.

If she joined his group, it would be because of her own decision. Luckily, Chris wasn't here or else he would make a fuss with it. josei

Ergene thought for a moment and asked, "Will you be able to surpass me in the future?"

Theo raised his hand, controlling the Magic Power in the air. Soon, multiple invisible balls were formed.

"This is… Perfect Control…" Ergene widened her eyes. "I heard that you defeated someone a hundred levels above you…"

"Yes. I am not close to Mythical Rank." Theo admitted without hesitation.

"Yet, you've already gained the Perfect Control." Ergene was impressed by Theo's achievement. Seeing how he easily showed it to her, Theo should have some more trump cards hidden. This made Theo even scarier.

"I see. With the Perfect Control, you indeed have some potential to defeat me in that challenge. It's a fair battle… That's why I shall agree to this challenge. If you win, I will join your group. Since I'd be your subordinate at that time, you could use me as you see fit. Still, don't forget that my blessing came from a great general, you shouldn't underestimate me too much, especially in a battle like this."

Theo nodded with a smile. "Should be the other way around."

"Heh." Ergene smiled back, feeling a bit challenged by that little provocation. "Okay. When will we move?"

"Tonight. The enemy is going to hit the base in 48 hours."

"I see. That's why you said you can bring them out."

"I didn't lie." Theo shrugged.

"I know. I appreciate that you're not lying to me, and I consider this a necessary bluff in battle." Ergene nodded. "In that case, I'll prepare a few things. When and where will we meet? Never mind, inform me through this number. But you need to be alive if you want to recruit me."

"Don't worry." Theo received Ergene's business card. "I'll inform you after I come to an agreement with the military."

"Got it. May fortune bless you with its presence." Ergene nodded.

Theo waved his hand and turned around. "Let's go, Felix. Our schedule is tight today."

Little did she know, just like the Bolhom Family, Ergene had also fallen into Theo's trap.

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