God of Tricksters

Chapter 1138 Military

Chapter 1138 Military

Chapter 1138 Military

After leaving the woman, Theo didn't bother to hide himself. He just walked out in the open as if he wasn't scared of the Bolhom Family.

However, the Bolhom Family would surely find out about the cooperation between him and the military, making him hesitant to attack Theo.

This would lead to the failure of the plan. Hence, Theo and Felix disappeared without a trace after giving enough information about their location.

After that, Theo headed straight to the military base to meet the commander of this operation.

As soon as they knew Theo's arrival, an old man along with two assistants came out to meet him.

"I have heard that the Star Group is sending Joker along with three Mythical Rank Experts…" The old man narrowed his eyes. Despite his aged face, his body was still excluding fierce energy as if he was still in his prime.

"I'm Joker. And with me here is my assistant, Felix. Don't worry. I have brought three experts with me." josei

"Okay." The old man nodded with a calm expression. Since Theo was speaking, the old man instantly knew the true leader of the group. He didn't know whether Felix was a part of the Star Group or not, but it was clear that Theo led them here.

Hence, he straightened his back and extended his hand to Theo as a basic greeting between the two leaders. "Nice to meet you. You can call me Commander Okho. I assume that you have gotten the information about their whereabouts?"

"Yes. The general location has been identified. All we need to do is to lure them out before annihilating them. What do you say, Commander Okho?"

The old man paused for a moment before replying with another question. "If you're on the battlefield, what will you do?"

"They're planning to hit us in two days. So, I'll let them come out on their own."

"!!!" The old man nodded before giving another question. "What's the general location?"

"It's a plain surrounded by jungle from many sides. It's called the Bodge Region."

"Bodge Region.." Okho recalled the information about that region and sighed. "No wonder. That place is suitable for guerrilla warfare. The region itself is quite popular, so there will be people around there. They can hide among the people or between the trees and grasses… I guess we can only lure them out of that region."

"Yes. As soon as they reach the region below there… What's the name again…"


"Yes. As soon as they reach Hambuccha, we will eliminate them. My group and I will take the front while you bring your army to launch a sneak attack, focusing on their weapons. After that, you should go to their base and eliminate them thoroughly." Theo offered a suggestion politely.

He was aware that the old man before him was an important person. There were even two gold stars on his shoulders.

"But of course, you're the commanding officer. I can only offer you some suggestions. That's all." Theo took a step back in this situation.

Okho nodded with a smile. "Knowing that the enemy is going to hit us is enough. I agree with this arrangement as well. Although I will put some twists later, let's use it as our general plan."


"Still, the main point is will you be able to stop the people in front?" He asked.

"I'm going to hold them back with four Mythical Rank Experts. I was lucky to get some help from the locals."

"Oh? You've even got some help from the locals? If I'm not wrong, you should have just arrived in this country."

"Ahaha. The time is tight, so I want to add more cards to play with." Theo shook his head. "She goes by the name of Ergene."

"…" Okho fell silent when he heard this name. As someone who was strong but hadn't joined an organization, Ergene was a headache. She should have some surveillance as her power was that great. That was why he recognized her name instantly. "I see. That woman is strong. But four Mythical Rank Experts…"

"There will be a total of six people stopping them, so they should be wary of you instead of me. I'm pretty sure they won't even send half of their forces…And probably those forces are quite weak. But with a huge impact revealing the power of Mythical Rank Experts…" Theo smirked.

"You can pull some of the experts your way and give us the perfect opportunity to launch our ambush…" Okho understood what Theo wanted to do. The plan was reasonable.

Because the people's strengths could easily be differentiated, strength would be the biggest factor in a battle like this. Weapons like guns or even their 'cannon' wouldn't be much of a problem since these experts would be strong enough to destroy them.

That was why the moment four Mythical Rank Experts came out, the enemy would move according to Theo's prediction.

Of course, Theo couldn't reach this conclusion without learning from Leonardo. Those two years he spent in Italy truly brought a great impact on his way of thought.

"Haha. You're interesting." Okho smiled. "Since you can even bring out this kind of strategy, I don't mind accepting your arrangement. With this kind of timing, it's pretty hard to do a simulation battle, so we can only do it this way."

"Ahaha, I apologize for not coming sooner."

"No. There would probably be no information even if you came early. Don't worry. I'll lead the army and thoroughly destroy them. If you need my help, send a distress flare, and I'll immediately send some reinforcement to you. How about going there with me? We can chat a bit more on the way."

"Ahaha. My apology, but I need to decline your invitation. I've another plan to do today."

"…" Okho shook his head helplessly, disappointed. He patted Theo's shoulder and sighed. "The army should have been stationed on the other side. I'll send a messenger to have them go to the location right now."

"Understood. Thank you."

"Still, the enemy has a dangerous weapon that can destroy the wall. If the wall crumbles, the monsters can easily enter the city. And I don't think General Class Monsters will let this slide… That's why failure is not acceptable. So… Are you sure about the information?" Okho glared at Theo. He asked this one last question before he left.

Okho was afraid that the enemy didn't behave the same way as the information. If they somehow managed to bypass them and hit the castle, the situation would become extremely dangerous. They might even need to evacuate the entire region.

However, Thoe still nodded.. Even though he despised the Griffith Family, their strength was a real deal. He nodded, "Don't worry. I trust the informant."

"Okay then." Okho smiled and finally let him go. "Looking forward to working with you, kid."

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