God of Tricksters

Chapter 850 – Eve Of Chaos

Chapter 850 – Eve Of Chaos

Chapter 850 - Eve Of Chaos

"It's time. The target has gone to the other side." A middle-aged man walked into the room, informing an old man sitting in the corner of the room.

After hearing those words, the old man fixed his white hair so that it wouldn't block his vision. "Everything is going according to the plan. I'll be here to bait Leonardo while you bring the rest to chase after Theodore Griffith."

"There is a possibility of the pope moving. What should we do?"

"It's fine. As long as you don't injure the pope, the four Great Holy Knights won't make their move. Killing him should be possible. Everyone can escape unscathed, but Theodore Griffith must fall."

"But we have another problem. Because of Leonardo's plan, I'm afraid the Barbe Group will be completely suppressed in this battle. When that happens, I'm afraid the Mythical Rank Experts from the War God Family will aid him."

"There's no need for you to worry about that. I've made several arrangements. No matter how big Leonardo's plan is, he can't control everything." He shook his head with a cold gaze.

"Understood. I shall bring the Mythical Rank Experts to hunt Theo down." The middle-aged man nodded and disappeared, leaving the old man alone.

The old man looked at the ceiling with a pair of blue eyes as an evil smile appeared on his face. "Oh, Valerie. No matter how hard you try, you and Ray won't be able to change his fate. Since the Griffith Family can't have Theodore Griffith, there's no need to keep him alive."

In another place, the pope was sitting on a chair, looking at the bustling city. Four people suddenly entered the room and bowed their heads.

"You all have come." The pope made a gentle smile and nodded. "How is the situation going on?"

"Theodore Griffith, his pet, Agata Mota, and Lorenzo have come to the other side. Their pursuers will soon come." One of them answered with a calm tone.

"If I may ask, our job here is to protect you, right? There is no agreement about us helping Theodore Griffith and fending them off?" Another one looked at the pope, asking a particular question.

"That's right. I'm the one who has promised Valerie that I'll protect Theodore Griffith to the best of my ability, not four of you." The pope acknowledged the order as he wouldn't be responsible for killing the enemies or ordering the four Great Holy Knights to eliminate the enemies. After all, the four Great Holy Knights only had one job, which was to protect the pope.

"We understood." Four of them answered at the same time.

The pope then rose from his chair and smiled. "Alright. It's time for me to bring Theodore Griffith to his desired destination."

Just like the church and the Griffith Family, the Barbe Group had also prepared for their movements.

"He has moved!" One of them shouted, informing the others.

"Although it's a shame that we can't kill Theodore Griffith ourselves, at the very least, that guy will die horribly. Let's go then."

"According to our agreement with the Griffith Family, the Griffith Family will help us stop five to ten Mythical Rank Experts from the War God Family. We should be able to contain the rest of the Mythical Rank Experts and allow all Mythical Rank Experts from the Griffith Family to chase Theodore Griffith with this."

"Huh? All of them? How can they stop some Mythical Rank Experts from the War God Family?"

"They are the Griffith Family. I believe they have a way."

"That's… true."


The room fell silent for a moment before one of them shouted, "Alright. Let's go and beat the War God Family's bastards. Our original aim was the War God Family after all, so even if you die, make sure to drag their people with you."

All of them stood in unison as though they had received the order.

In the Mota Family, Boris looked at his wife and the other three Mythical Rank Experts. "Theo doesn't want us to participate in this matter, but we do it because we want it. Let's repay our son-in-law."

"Dear. He's not our son-in-law yet. So, the reason should be for taking care of our daughter, Agata."

"But Agata is not our daughter. I'll consider this as repayment for letting us kill that Carmelo, the leader of the Safulli Group." Ghita, Agata's aunt, snorted.

"Though, it's better to say the entire Safulli Group instead of the leader alone." Agata's uncle, Efrem, corrected Ghita.

"Well, he has done so much for the Mota Family, including the Pata Corporation. Let's just say all of them." Stefano, the disciple of the previous family head, corrected them with a smile.

All of them nodded in agreement and rose from their seats as Boris said, "Although we can't directly intervene with the Griffith Family, the least we can do is to deal with some Mythical Rank Experts from the Barbe Group. We will help the War God Family suppress them."


In the War God Family headquarters, there were some younger generations such as Luka, Ignazio, and Mara. All of them were talking with some Mythical Rank Experts as they prepared to move according to the plan.

"All units have been standing by and preparing to move," said Mara while looking at her Skylink, waiting for the message to start their operation.

Suddenly, Alice entered the room while bringing a box filled with water bottles. "Hello, everyone. Does anyone want a drink? You're going to fight many Mythical Rank Experts, so it'll probably be exhausting later."

"Oh, thank you!" An old man nodded and took the water bottle, taking a sip.

"There is enough for everyone." Alice smiled and distributed it to all the people in the room.

"By the way, when are we going to move? It should be around the time, right?" An old man asked Mara.

"Yeah. If everything is according to the schedule, we should start in a few minutes."

"Got it. We need to be prepared because we can beat some Safulli's asses."

"I believe that is not possible." Alice suddenly smiled and took everyone's attention… "You can't do anything."josei

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