God of Tricksters

Chapter 851 – Dead

Chapter 851 – Dead

Chapter 851 - Dead

"You can't do anything."

"Huh?" Everyone in the room was stunned when they heard Alice saying those words. It was clear that the War God Family had a big advantage in this matter. They were supposed to annihilate the Barbe Group in this war.

Yet, Alice denied that idea firmly.

"Alice. I know that you don't like Theo after he beat you up, but you shouldn't say something like that." Mara squinted her eyes as she had confirmed that Alice never actually harmed Theo this whole time. So, she thought Alice had dropped this matter.

"Listen here. You are still young. I will explain to you how to—!" A middle-aged man rose from his seat while trying to fix Alice's brain. But the moment he stepped forward, he fell on his knees and coughed blood.

"Huh?" The people were bewildered as they watched how a Mythical Rank Expert fell to the ground for no reason.

But before they could react, some of them spat some blood.




"What is happening?" One of them shouted while looking around, finding 7 out of 10 Mythical Rank Experts in this room had coughed out blood.

Still, as expected of the War God Family, one of them instantly recognized the problem and shouted, "It's poison! The water is poisoned."


"Hahaha. All of you are useless now. How can you even protect yourself in this situation?" Alice laughed crazily before taking out a knife. "Theo must die! He needs to pay for what he has done to me."


"No. Don't be misled!" The sharp-minded Mythical Rank Expert waved his hand and released his Magic Power, knocking Alice to the wall. "No matter their grievances, she's not someone who can get this type of poison. Odorless and colorless poison that can paralyze a Mythical Rank Expert… It must be the poison from the Poison Saint."

"Top ten experts, Poison Saint. Impossible. How could she get something like this?"

When she heard that question, Alice laughed even louder. "Hahahaha. How, you say?"

She raised her knife and slashed her right elbow, severing it. They were shocked when they saw Alice trying to mutilate herself.

"What did you do?!" The Mythical Rank Expert immediately applied more pressure on Alice to stop her from moving.

However, blood started flowing out of Alice's mouth as she said, "Hahahahaha. Theo must die!"

Those were her last words before her head leaned sideways and her eyes became lifeless.

Seeing such an incident, the Mythical Rank Expert stopped the pressure and realized Alice had died. "This is…"

While looking at Alice's corpse, Ignazio shouted, "How cruel! Who did this? Even though Alice was a petty person, she would never do something like this!"

"No!" One of the Mythical Rank Experts had a pale face as tears were streaming down his face. "Alice! Why?!"

The man tried to extend his hand and grab Alice, but he coughed up blood and stumbled to the ground.

The sharp-minded Mythical Rank Expert said with a grim expression. "I'm afraid this is the work of Eric Griffith. The poison itself… I'm afraid only the Poison Saint can produce something like this. It's already hard enough to poison a Mythical Rank Expert with their abundant Magic Power and good Physical Ability. And the poison can even paralyze them to this point…"

Hearing it, Mara supported the argument. "I'm afraid that is true. He must know about the relationship between Theo and Alice. However, Alice wasn't someone who could do something like this, let alone take her own life. And the Poison Saint never has any grievance with Theo or the War God Family. In other words…"

The sharp-minded expert clenched his hands, continuing Mara's words. "Eric Griffith had planted the hatred in her mind and manipulated her memory. Alice had been manipulated this whole time… If that was the case, how much of our plan had been leaking this whole time?"

The first one to be suspected was the Mythical Rank Expert, who mourned for Alice the most. He was his uncle, so obviously, he was the closest person to Alice. josei

"Ghehna, I know that you're mourning for your niece, but we still need to ask you. How much information have you given to Alice?"

The person in question looked down while gritting his teeth. He couldn't stop the tears in his eyes. "Everything…"

Everyone's face became pale. Although Leonardo never gave them the full details of the mission to prevent information leakage, every Mythical Rank Expert had received a substantial amount of information.

Letting all this information slip to the enemy would surely be a massive blow.

The sharp-minded expert immediately looked at the ceiling. "I'm afraid… The Barbe Group will attack this place, especially with 7 of us being poisoned."

"I'll be reporting our situation to the headquarter." Mara worked fast and immediately opened the Skylink to inform Marzio of this situation.

On the other hand, Ghehna released all his Magic Power and slammed his fists to the ground, cracking the entire room. "FUUCKKK! ERIC GRIFFITH. I WANT YOU DEAD!"

Meanwhile, Marzio, who received the report, sucked a cold breath. He just sent the message earlier where everyone was busy with Alice's problem, and a few minutes later, he got Mara's message telling him about the attack.

"Father. Alice died. The cause should be Eric Griffith. Before dying, she poisoned seven Mythical Rank Experts."

Sadness filled Leonardo's eyes as he said with a tired tone. "This is why I don't like war. I might be known as a War Saint who can bring numerous victories. However, it's truly painful to hear someone in your family die…"

Marzio also understood his feeling, but they had their priority. "What should we do, Father?"

"Send 2 Mythical Rank Experts to their position because they might be attacked by the Barbe Group. Losing those seven will be too big of a blow to my War God Family. Shift to plan B. Make sure everyone maintains distance from the Mythical Rank Experts from the Barbe Group. They're planning to annihilate us without thinking of any consequences." Leonardo's expression became serious. "How is our trap going?"

"Everything is going according to the plan."

"Alright. Let's hurry up. Valerie might have started fighting that mind bastard!" Leonardo's eyes became extremely cold as his killing intent soared through the roof, wanting to kill Eric Griffith.

"Understood…" Marzio followed his instruction and controlled the placement of their experts as they continued running through the highway to reach their destination as fast as possible.

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