God's Tower System

Chapter 93 (XCIII) Perfect Unity Sutra

Chapter 93 (XCIII) Perfect Unity Sutra

Jackson's eyes widened as he reread the title, sliding his fingers across the page. He flipped the page, revealing a page with numbered lines; next to each number the list of each practitioner of the sutra.

The first name listed was Michael... The last name... Krige. In between were nineteen other names; he was stunned, goosebumps covered his body, and he shivered, flipping to the next page.

The Perfect Unity Sutra covered the 108 positions taught by The Progenitor to open the 108 conduits within the body in order to obtain perfect balance within the soul.

The first half dozen pages detailed the first position, a simple lotus position with detailed instructions before continuing to the next pose and repeating.

His thoughts raced as he quickly read through the first position a dozen times, committing it to memory before he sat up and got into the lotus position.

The first position focused on creating a core for energy within the body, Yggdrasil's Root, located between the stomach and pelvis. The center of the body, where all the future conduits would expand from.

He started by focusing on the energy in the air around him and then in his mind; he imagined golden strands of light circulating throughout his body until he felt it reach his core.

He focused on his core, imagining that light was a powerful ball of energy that would grow in size while it traveled from his stomach and coiled together, forming a core.

As the golden light neared his core, he imagined the power filling his body like water filling a bottle as he exhaled deeply.

The gold light neared his core, but before it could reach it, two bright orbs appeared, one orange and one purple as they began pushing outwards against the energy's flow from the root and forcing it away before the strands of golden light pushed back again.

Jackson gasped as the orange orb pushed back the golden flow, slowly losing as it started being overtaken by the golden energy before the purple sphere joined in, forcing the light back.

He sighed, inhaling deeply as he exhaled, picturing the core in his stomach growing larger and glowing brighter as the golden light coiled tightly around both orbs.

The golden strands slowly consumed the orange and purple orbs, compressing against one another as they formed a singular sphere; the three lights fighting for supremacy.

His eyes instantly shot open as a brilliant light shone from them, filling the room. He opened his mouth, exhaling as the light burst forth. He felt his core form as the bright light slowly dimmed as it formed in his stomach.

Jackson's eyes flickered as he started blinking rapidly, and he took a deep breath as his arms dropped to the bed beside him, still sitting in the lotus position.

Sweat beaded on his forehead and rolled down his face as he gasped, leaning forward, grasping at his chest. He groaned, gagging at a foul stench as he shot up from the bed and turned around in shock at the mound of black gunk.

It coated around where he used to sit, overflowing the edge of the bed and clumping on the ground. Jackson covered his mouth with his hands, pinching his nose as he rushed to the window opening.

"Shit! It's morning already!?" He exclaimed as the early rays of sunlight started peeking over the horizon. He took deep breaths outside the window, noticing his own rank scent before rushing to the spa in his boxers.josei

Unfortunately, despite his urgency, it took him over a dozen times violently scrubbing his skin with hot soapy water until he was bright red before he finally felt clean. He quickly dressed, grabbed his Gobbii Bag, slung it across his shoulder, and rushed out of the inn.

'How the hell did like six hours pass!?' He clicked his tongue, rushing through the streets toward the shuttle depot, confused as he didn't feel a modicum of exhaustion.

He arrived, made it through just before the doors closed, and boarded the large sleek bus. Six large vents pointed diagonally toward the back of the shuttle on each side of the vehicle.

The door sealed behind him with a loud hiss as the shuttle was completely closed, creating its own vacuum seal within the vehicle.

The sloping front had a large vent in the front and emitted a dim blue light. A tinted windshield wrapped around the entire length of the bus, creating a 360° view.

Jackson walked through the large center, individual seats lining each side, allowing lots of space for each passenger. The trip from Ashbourne to Paradise Falls was a forty-day journey, being reduced to only four days.

The Magna-Grav Shuttle was packed as he walked through the center aisle, quickly approaching the rear and taking the last empty seat. He sat down, locking the harness-styled seat belt across his chest as the attendant walked from behind toward the front.

The pilot pressed the ignition as the shuttle came to life, as the twelve vents underneath began glowing the same blue light as the vehicle started floating.

"Good morning, and welcome to Magna-Grav Shuttle, departing from Ashbourne and arriving in Paradise Falls in approximately 96 hours!" The pilot announced through the intercom, the attendant arriving next to his seat and turning around.

She smiled brightly as she started going through the features of the flight as the shuttle launched forward and began to rapidly fly through the air. Despite the massive inertia, creating multiple sonic booms as it broke multiple sound barriers. The ride was exceptionally comfortable, and the passengers could not feel the slightest adjustments as it changed trajectory.

Shortly after taking off, the attendant made her way to the back, disappearing briefly before reappearing as she spoke with each passenger, passing out refreshments.

Jackson politely accepted the sparkling water, thanking her before he reached into his Gobbii Bag and grabbed his new Skillbook, reading for the following four days, spending every waking moment studying the texts to gain deeper insight into The Sutra.

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