God's Tower System

Chapter 94 (XCIV) Paradise Falls

Chapter 94 (XCIV) Paradise Falls

Paradise Falls was a massive metropolis that had been built on top of an ancient and forgotten city deep within the murky waters of the Withermarshes. It was built over the swampy water, next to a twenty-foot waterfall to more swamplands below.

The Withermarshes were a harsh place where only the strong would be able to live without fearing for their lives at all times from predators or other dangers lurking about every corner. The entire swamp held countless dangerous creatures.

The inhabitants lived in constant terror as they tried not to get eaten by any one creature while trying desperately just to survive each day. This made life difficult and kept people constantly alert, which helped them stay alive longer than most others who weren't so lucky.

Paradise Falls was cramped, as space on the platform was limited, the streets were narrow, and the buildings were tall as they could only build vertically.

Tubes were constructed under the water's surface, creating tunnels that connected different areas together, making it easy to travel around quickly if needed. Beneath the swampy waters, floors were built, being used entirely for factories and manufacturing plants.

Large walls made from sheet metal lined the exterior of the city. These served two purposes; firstly, acting as protection against attacks from wildlife, only small rodents could squeeze through the small gaps in the weathered walls.

Secondly, these walls were well fortified, allowing for patrols to easily monitor for attacks from the wildlings, beasts, or the undead that had initially poured out of the tower.

The Withermarshes had become the site of a Necropolis when a dozen Liches escaped the city centuries ago. Due to the massacre of life, there was no shortage of skeletons to reanimate, quickly dredging massive sections of the swamp, building a grand and unfathomably extensive Necropolis beneath its dark skies above.

The vast necropolis was quickly filled with thousands upon millions of skeletons. It wasn't long before the dead came back onto land, once again rising from the great graveyard, marching towards the living world.

Each being thrown upon the city and constantly repelled; a never-ending war.

This new plague brought destruction across the lands causing untold suffering among the survivors left behind after the fall of humanity. Unable to take the stress due to the city constantly being attacked, numerous cults began springing up.

Thousands of men and women fled into the Withermarshes, coming to worship the Liches as dozens of necromancer circles sprung up throughout the swamps.

They sought power for themselves, accepting pacts with the higher undead, being granted the power, and learning to freely control lesser undead themselves.

'What an ironic name...' Jackson shook his head, departing the Magna-Grav Shuttle, and looked around one of the four large helipad platforms connected to a humongous ninety-meter-tall building surrounding all sides.

Rain pelted harshly almost constantly in the Withermarshes, lightning striking massive towers with long lightning rods, attracting the bolts and being converted into a source of electricity for the city.

He followed the crowd through the double glass doors entering into a large depot with windows surrounding the walls. Large groups of people sat amongst the hundreds of seats at numerous terminals.

A dozen elevators were nestled along one of the walls; dozens of people entered and exited the elevators as they climbed up and down the massive building.

He quickly descended the massive building, exiting as he looked around the wet streets, water flooding through thousands of grates spread throughout the city to prevent flooding. He quickly pulled his hood up as he began walking down the sidewalk.

He walked past dozens of shops selling various goods, including weapons, armor, foodstuffs, clothing, and skillbooks. Small food vendors, restaurants, and bars dotted the area serving a wide range of food and drinks to the thousands of people walking the streets.

He entered the Climber's Association and pulled back his hood as he walked through the entrance, where two massive vacuums sucked the liquid off him instantly while he approached the front desk.

"Welcome to the Climber's Association! How may I assist you today?" The receptionist asked with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Jackson Seraphin." He said, reaching into his bag, pulling out his Climber's Case, and handing it to the woman, "I'm looking for any available properties for sale. I'd prefer a tall building close to the exterior wall, preferably directly connected to it."josei

She exclaimed, opening the case before staring at him with a nervous smile, "A-absolutely, Mr. Seraphin!"

Jackson bit his tongue as he smirked, enjoying the reaction as she typed on the virtual keyboard floating above her desk as she quickly navigated the computer.

"Please, come with me!" She said, standing and spreading her arm to her side before leading him to an open elevator. After Jackson stepped on, she half-stepped in, pressed the sixtieth floor, and scanned her badge.

"You have an appointment with our best agent; she is already expecting you." She said, bowing as she stepped out of the elevator and bowed before the doors closed.

Jackson chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck as he rapidly arrived at the correct floor and was greeted by another woman, "Welcome! I have a wide range of locations available for both of your needs; however, only a few are conjoined."

"That's fine; I only want to look at those then." He replied as she led him into her office and sat across from her at her desk. After an hour of virtual tours through the available locations, he had decided and signed the lease.

She led him to her personal Magna-Grav and flew him over, landing on the rooftop and entering through the top. It was a decently sized building with a dozen floors dedicated toward minimalistic private quarters, each with a private bathroom and a small bedroom.

There were two floors designed as lobbies; the ground floor and one directly in the middle of the building, bridging to Paradise Fall's exterior wall, close to one of the city's towers.

Lastly was an empty floor near the first floor with support pillars scattered throughout the vast, open space. Jackson nodded as he accepted the keycard and shook her hand, "It's perfect!"

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