Golden Fox with System

322 Chapter 322

322 Chapter 322

As the morning came, Theo woke up and looked at Shina who was still asleep with a lovely face in her dreams.

He intended to spend all day long with Shina and had already warned the girls using his illusions. Everything was set just for the two of them.


A few days later.

Time passed day by day and everyone spent their time training, getting used to the new powers and affinities, but also improving attacks and movement techniques.

The girls from the Orphanage who would also participate in the tournament managed to successfully enter the Apprentice Wizard Realm. Jka and Klin also made it to the Apprentice Wizard Realm as the others.

While Theo's cultivation... Well, he is now a cultivator in the 2nd Layer of Spirit Realm. After using <Devour> on all those human beings who came to capture him, his cultivation went up to that level. It was just because the gaps that were necessary to fill in his cultivation were much larger than normal living beings.

After all, he had a perfect body and build! Whenever Theo uses <Devour> he just keeps the good parts and discards the bad ones, which makes him have the purest and powerful energy.josei

Theo also tried to find a <Devour> technique for girls in his system, but without success. There were even some similar ones, but they didn't transform into pure essence, but yes, it continued with the impurities, that was not something Theo thought was useful.

In front of Theo's mansion, a large ark flew overhead. With a majestic appearance and a powerful aura, everyone at Volts City was impressed by such a vision. It even became an attraction.

"I believe that all of you are already well prepared! your strength has also increased and everyone will be able to perform well without doubt, but we need to understand that the goal of participating in this tournament is not to win..." Theo then said sarcastically: "Well, maybe I have a chance to win."

Everybody laughed.

What a joke! Who else could win? Well, he made the achievement of entering the Spirit Realm before the age of 30.

Even if Theo didn't take the tournament seriously, then who could beat Yuki and the girls?

"Okay, Mizuki said that we can stay in her Clan until the tournament starts in 10 days. You all can expand your horizons and explore the Naga Empire until it's time." Theo said with a smile.

"Theo." Mizuki asked: "Do you still intend to participate in the tournament? I mean, if it is, they will find out your cultivation level and it will surely scare Miranda and make her plan against whoever is close just to hit you. I'm sure about the type of being she is!"

"Hmm. I thought about that too." Theo said: "Don't worry, I know what to do! in the tournament, I'll "still" be at the Superior Wizard Realm."

"Oh! If you're saying it, I believe you." Mizuki said with a smile: "Although there was never a case of someone being able to deceive the cultivation meter of the Naga Empire, I believe if it is you, nothing is impossible."

In a way, Mizuki's look at Theo was almost one of adoration and absolute confidence. She believed he was able to do what he told her.

"Hahaha. You make me ashamed if you say this to me like that~" Theo said with a laugh, which caused Mizuki to laugh too.

Mizuki's laugh was contagious, which made other people laugh without knowing why they were laughing, in the end, they were all laughing for no apparent reason.

After everyone got their breath back from laughing, Theo said: "Okay, I joined the ark, let's go towards the Naga Empire!"

"Yes!" The girls' witty shout echoed.

"Applause ~ Applause~!"

"Good luck, all of you."

"We will be rooting for you!"

"We wish you all the luck in the world!"

"Good luck!"


Many cheers and cheers echoed when Theo, Jka, and the girls entered the ark. Everyone in town already knew about the tournament and intended to watch it using the internet. In fact, the tournament is going to be recorded and broadcasted live on the Naga Empire website.

Yuki and the girls waved goodbye to everyone until the ark started to move. In the beginning, the speed was not very fast, only at 100km / h. But soon it was already reaching 1 Mach.

While they were talking, a huge gap formed in front of the ark, Theo didn't even have time to stop it. Everything was in distortion and he was feeling a very strong attraction which made it impossible to escape.

"What the fuck is this?!" Theo screamed in his heart.

The girls also did not know what was happening or who was doing this. The dimension opening in front of the ark maybe was the Red Dragon Clan? No… It seems this was not the case. Their power was not enough to crack the dimension in that proportion without being noticed.

A dark gloomy space appeared after entering the gap. Theo immediately activated Bestial King's divine eyes and aura.

"Don't reject it." Theo said passing by all the girls and Jka, sending them into the [Dimensional Room].

"Theo..." Yuki didn't want to leave him behind.

"I'm going in too! Don't worry, you can go." Theo said with a gentle smile.

"An ark?" A woman with hair on fire murmured in an ancient and powerful voice: "Where's the Void Beast?"

After all the girls and Jka were safe inside the [Dimensional Room], Theo sighed with relief and activated the newly purchased technique in the system: "Hide Supreme". He initially bought it to trick the Naga Empire's cultivation meter... and to think he would have to use it in such a situation...

And what surprised him the most was the name of the place where they were. With his divine eyes enhanced, he was even able to see through where he was.

[Ninth Hell]


This was one of the darkest and most dangerous places among the multiverses, where the evilest and dangerous beings were imprisoned.

Theo flew in the air still hidden and was able to see two women. Both of them had extraordinary looks even more beautiful and divine than Mizuki's. They were like two goddesses who lit up this dark place.

Around him, Theo saw eight beings, and each was the size of a huge mountain. Due their gigantic size even when lying down, one could easily mistake them for mountains.

Theo looked again at the two women

One of these women had long red hair in flaming nirvana. With a slender body engulfed in flames, her crimson eyes were on fire.

While the other woman, she had long black hair that was even darker than the darkness itself. But even the strange feeling wasn't enough to misguide her beauty. She had a similar look in her body, and the major difference was that her flames were fierceful, arrogant.

'Void Beast... are these two women talking about Isis? Who exactly are they?' Theo could not help but be vigilant when he heard what the woman with long black hair said. Unfortunately, he couldn't see through her cultivation even with his Divine Eyes.

Edited by: Eluna.

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