Golden Fox with System

323 Chapter 323

323 Chapter 323

Theo was ready to leave that place at any moment. As much as he liked, even the ark would be left behind.

Even before he could leave that place, the two burning women looked in his direction. It almost seemed they could see through his illusions and concealment technique.

"Show up! If you don't, I will attack with no mercy! I can guarantee you a painful death." Said the woman with arrogant looking flames.

After thinking whether to enter the [Dimensional Room] or to wait, he realized they weren't completely hostile to his presence, and so Theo thought it would be smart to hear what they wanted, instead of leaving to the [Dimensional Room].

"Who are you?" Theo asked.

The eyes of the two women flashed in surprise the moment they saw Theo, but soon their eyes returned to their usual calm and indifference.

"What we want is not with you, but with the Void Beast which resides in your Divine Sea." The long haired woman replied without courtesy.


Theo was not going to make a fool of himself and say he didn't know what this woman was talking about, but he wasn't going to hand Isis over to her, "Why do you need her?"

"Oh! So, it's a female Void Beast!? Well, it doesn't matter! We are in need of her help, and a reward is waiting for her. If she does lend us a hand, you can go without a scratch." Another reply, this time by the woman with long black hair.

Isis, who had been silent all along, sighed and left Theo's Divine Sea, appearing beside him in her humanlike form.

"What do you want from me?" Isis asked coldly. She didn't seem to fear these two women.

"Very simple." Said the red-haired woman, not caring about Isis's humor: "We want you to undo the seal that exists on our body. Only a Void Beast can easily withdraw the tie made by that damn Human King."

"If you can take it off, even that nucleus will be yours." Said the other woman. In the next moment, a house-sized sphere appeared. Dense and powerful energy emitted from this nucleus.

Isis's eyes wavered a little, this was a time and space core! This could greatly increase her cultivation, if she uses it. But Isis was not a fool… in the face of such a treasure, her mind knew when to be careful and for a moment there was hesitation.

Isis took a deep breath and said: "Why did the Human King arrest you two here?"

"Nothing big, we were just fighting each other, as usual." Said the red-haired one: "But suddenly, this damn Human King appeared and used a prohibited sealing technique and sent us both to the Ninth Hell, that is, this place where we are."

"I didn't know the Human King in person, but I know that he was always a fair person. I guess you two caused some sort of real damage to something or someone under the King's responsibility." Isis tried to guess.

"You are not wrong in that part." Said the black-haired one: "Well, our fight went on and some planets were destroyed, I think one of the planets of the Human King was also..."

Theo gasped in amazement. How powerful these two women must be to destroy planets just because they are fighting? This was no longer on the ordinary level of destroying the scenario.

"But as we both reflected on our mistake, we shouldn't be fighting without being in the main world." The red-haired woman said to Isis while looking serious. It didn't look like they were lying.

"Okay, I'll help you both." Isis knew that if she denied it, Theo, and she would be in a serious danger. Those two were too powerful.

"Haha. That's great!" The woman with long black hair laughed happily.

"By the way, I'm Feni." A gentle smile formed on her face the moment Feni introduced herself.

"You can call me Rasu." She said in an arrogant tone as if Theo and Isis should be grateful to know her name.

"Theo." Since the two decided to introduce themselves, he said at least his first name.

"Hmm. I call myself Isis.�� She looks at Theo: "Get away a little, Theo, it can affect you if you get too close."

"Right." Agreeing with her words, Theo started to walk away.

The next moment, a powerful void energy manifested in the area, creating a crack in space itself. Isis's body was shining and the field itself was erased from existence.

Feni and Rasu did not seem to be affected by this, in fact, the two were even smiling. Thousands of years passed, and they finally went successful at summoning someone capable of helping them get out of that accursed place.

Isis' small, delicate hands touched their backs and entered the bodies. She then "erased" the seal's existence which held Feni and Rasu inside that place.

"Hahahaha. I'm finally free!" Rasu said with a happy, booming laugh.

p "Yes, sister, we can finally get out of this dark and unpleasant place." Feni was also smiling from ear to ear, barely managing to contain the happiness he was feeling.

Being confined in this place was their worst nightmare, especially for those who hated dark places. The air was corrupted, impure. They were unable to increase their cultivation even after all the time they stayed here.

Well, that must also be due to the absurd level that was the cultivation of these two women. For that reason, even after the two women were trapped in this place for thousands of years, their cultivation did not progress.

"Hey, Beast King boy, you remind me a little bit of the damn Human King." Rasu said with a certain contempt in his voice, but not directed at Theo: "Although you haven't done anything, you can keep it for yourself."

She threw a bottle at Theo. Inside the vial was golden-red blood.


[Blood Essence of the Primordial Golden Crow]


"Oh! I'm surprised you gave it to him." Said Feni: "Well, since it is so, I will give it to you too."josei

Soon after, she threw a bottle at Theo. Inside the vial was bright red blood.


[Blood essence of the Primordial Phoenix]


Theo's eyes widened. Unexpectedly, these two were two primordial beasts that Theo only knew in legends, the Phoenix and the Golden Crow...

"Thank you!" Theo bowed towards them. He would be a fool if he didn't realize how good the blood essence of the Primordial Golden Crow and Primordial Phoenix would be.

The two just smiled in response.

Edited by: Eluna.

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