Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474 Luke was reminded by Ruby, and suddenly stood up, “No, I don’t think Hank is a thing. This time he suddenly appeared in Paris, and it feels like he is here to provoke Finley.” “I have to keep watching him!” He got up and was about to walk out of the living room when his cell phone rang, and he quickly picked it up. “What? Hank actually…” “Continue to investigate! What cards does this kid have!” “No, don’t tell Mr. Stwart yet, Mr. Stwart is not feeling well right now, let him rest for a few days before talking, staring at Madam…” Luke’s voice suddenly subsided, and he walked out of the living room. Ruby took a sip of the tea with the exquisite teacup in his hand, a mockery flashed in his eyes. She knew about Luke. Although he looked carefree and suspicious, he was in charge. of Mr. Stwart’s security before. At that time, Mr. Stwart had frequent accidents and was almost shot to death by the Knight family. This time it’s from the Knight family again, and Sofia who is Mrs. Stwart is also added. Luke will definitely suspect Sofia, so Luke will not inform Mr. Stwart of all Sofia’s actions in Paris.

Chapter 474 288 Vouchers After all, if you want to investigate a woman, it’s best for Mr. Stwart not to have external interference. Ruby is preparing a big play, every character is very important, if you want to sing well, you have to involve them all in the play. But Ruby didn’t have much time left, after all, she couldn’t guarantee that Finley and Sofia would never see each other again, that was absolutely impossible. Those two people are both strong people with strong personalities. Even if they bow their heads to their favorite person, they have to be stubborn for a few days.

It was only a few days, and during these few days, Sofia had to die. Now Ruby just wants to find a chance, a chance for Sofia to die. She thought of Franco, although she didn’t want to get too close to the Hill Family, after all Finley didn’t like it, but the terms Franco offered were too tempting. Sofia is not a fool, although Finley is gone, Paris still has Hank, she needs an opportunity to do something to Sofia. The ringing of the mobile phone broke Ruby’s thoughts. She glanced dissatisfiedly, and then put down the teacup in her hand. It was a call from Zion. It was so rare. She looked at Zion’s appearance and didn’t even have the hope that Zion would contact her. Chapter 474 “Hi! Zion!” Ruby answered the phone. 1 298 Voucher: Zion’s dull voice came from over there, “Is it convenient to come out now?” Ruby didn’t expect Zion to call her, and straight to the point asked if she could go out and see him? “Zion? What’s wrong? What happened? Do you need my help?” Over there pondered for a while, “You will know when you come out. I have something to tell you. Remember to drive here. I’ll send you a location at the music square.” Zion has never known how to deal with interpersonal relationships, so he hung up the phone directly after he finished what he had to say. A series of busy voices came from Ruby’s ear, she couldn’t help being slightly taken aback, Zion still needed to be steady, and she couldn’t ignore it. Why are so many people rushing to Paris to join in the fun? She quickly arrived at the Music Square according to the address given by Zion, parked the car in a parking space on the side of the road, and got out of the car. Zion called again, “Look for me at the west alley.”

Hanging up the phone very quickly again, Ruby almost cursed, not knowing what Zion was going to do, it felt like an underground party connection. She walked towards the alley to the west, which was the only alley to the west, and it was easy to find. Chapter 474 1788 (Vouchers Ruby stood still at the entrance of the alley and saw Zion sitting on the steps of the alley with a young man, as if waiting for her.


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