Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 475

Chapter 475

Chapter 475

Chapter 475 Ruby was stunned for a moment, Zion called so urgently just to urge her to meet a boy he didn’t know. The boy was dressed in rags, and just now he had been circling back and forth with Zion over the cement pipe, his clothes were a little dirty from rubbing against them. “Zion, this is…” Ruby was really confused by Zion. Zion stood up, and the boy beside him also sta ggered to his feet, with a look of horror on his face. Zion picked up the denim jacket covering the boy’s arm, and Ruby realized that Zion had tied up the thin boy next to him, and the rope around his wrist was tied into a sailor’s knot. Ruby couldn’t help laughing, Zion was the only one in their group who could match Finley’s kung f u. Unexpectedly, the most powerful No. 2 person around Finley was reduced to tie a child with his good sailor knot at this time. Did you invite her to come and watch? Zion h ooked the rope in his hand and tugged at the boy, dragging him to Ruby’s face, and handed the end of the rope into Ruby’s hand.

Ruby caught it subconsciously, and Zion handed another bag to Ruby’s hand and said, “This is Sofia’s bag. It was sna tched by this kid. You give it to Mr. Stwart.” “This child probably hasn’t crossed Ming Road, so he will also 0.00% Chapter 475 be handed over to Mr. Stwart. That’s it, I’m leaving.” 288 iVouchers Zion wasted too much time on this kid, and he was obviously impatient, and it was not convenient for him to negotiate with Finley now. He caught the child and didn’t know what to do? The only way is for Ruby to take the kid back to Finley, and Sofia’s bag. The report doesn’t matter, there is Sofia’s passport and a micro-mobile hard disk inside, the information in it may be more valuable, and it needs to be returned as soon as possible.

This little guy is also very courageous, Finley’s woman dares to grab something, it is really desperate. Zion has always done things neatly, leaving behind the children and Sofia’s bag, carrying his own backpack and striding away. Ruby flipped through Sofia’s bag coldly, a sneer flickered in his eyes. Zion really got her in trouble, but Sofia’s business was none of her business. She had had enough of this woman’s presence. Ruby h o oked her bag and looked at the boy who was standing cautiously opposite. The boy was also beaten up by Zion. Seeing that the woman in front of her seemed to be with that crazy man, she didn’t dare to move anymore. Ruby glanced at the boy in front of him in disgust, snorted coldly, picked up the bag in his hand and wanted to stuff it to the boy again, and let him roll as far as he could with this unlucky bag. 32.79% Chapter 475 288 Vouchers Unexpectedly, the hand that I just raised suddenly landed there, and I saw two tall men with American faces, followed by a middle-aged fat man with a somewhat wretched Latin face, walking towards the music square. Bian hurried over. Not far behind the few of them, leaning against the marble stone sculpture, who is it not Hank who is lazily bowing his head and playing with his mobile phone? Probably only Mr. Hank can interpret the amorous feelings of the noble son of the family. But now Ruby can’t care less about admiring Hank’s amorous feelings, and now a little bit of chill rises up her spine. Why is Hank here, like looking for something? Although Ruby knew she wasn’t looking for her, she wasn’t that attractive enough to attract him to catch her himself. She suddenly noticed that the boy on the opposite side actually moved his body. Originally, the boy was very well- behaved, but at this moment, his body began to wobble as if he had been frightened by

something. Moreover, the boy’s eyes turned towards the people on Hank’s side, and his eyes were obviously a little flustered, especially when he came into contact with the Latino man, he couldn’t control himself and began to tremble slightly.


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