Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 476

Chapter 476

Chapter 476

Chapter 476 Ruby thought about it, Hank and Sofia have had a hot fight recently, so the person Hank is looking for now has something to do with Sofia? Ruby grabbed the rope and pulled it, the boy stag gered and stumbled to stand in front of Ruby. He looks a bit pitiful. The people on both sides are very cruel and cannot be offended. He is just a child! Ruby whispered, “Are you afraid of those people?” The young man nodded subconsciously, only then realized that he had exposed what he was afraid of with a stranger, and became even thinner and panicked. “I don’t……” The boy finally spoke, and Ruby froze for a moment. Ruby suddenly had an idea, but there was no time to confirm it now. She looked at the boy coldly and said, “Don’t cause trouble, I think you are very afraid of the people over there, if you dare to shout, I will push you out.”

“You also know that you have caused a lot of trouble recently and offended many people who shouldn’t be offended. Follow me, and I will put you with my friends, do something, and pay you a salary.” 0.00% Chapter 476 253 Vouchers The young man nervously glanced at the people who were about to turn around again, he was so frightened that he couldn’t stop shaking, the whip on his body seemed to be whipped up just now, it hurt so badly. On one side was the person who whipped him, and on the other side was a strange woman. Although she looked very beautiful and noble and elegant, his intuition told him that this woman was not a good thing either. It’s just that the young man now has a choice whether to be eaten by wolves or to be eaten by tigers. Ruby didn’t give him time to linger, and directly took her into the car on the side. Obviously, Ruby’s car

was the luxury car from Finley’s apartment. Her movement was a bit loud, and the people on Hank’s side obviously noticed her trail and chased after her, but it was still a step too late. Ruby blasted the accelerator to the maximum and drove away. Hank bites hard behind him, but Ruby isn’t bad either. It was not easy to get along with Finley’s people back then. Ruby took the lead just now, but when Hank reacted, it was already a step too late, and Ruby left him far behind. Ruby hasn’t been with Finley for many years. At the beginning, she set up a situation forcibly to marry Finley, and she did not hesitate to destroy her reputation to be with Finley, but Finley finally saw through the situation. The relationship between the two parted ways, so Hank never Chapter 476 788 Vouchers met Ruby, only heard that Finley had a woman next to him, and he didn’t take it seriously. Finley’s status and status, it’s quite normal to have a woman by his side, and it’s not normal to have no women. He watched helplessly as the suspicious vehicle disappeared into the dense traffic in the distance. This is the busiest place in the center of Paris, and it would be difficult to find it once it was thrown away. The people around him chased after him. Hank’s car had already stopped on the side of the road, and his men were lying on the window, panting heavily. They finally grabbed this guy’s neck and looked for the American kid here. When they found him, they saw him driving a car chasing a car, but they still couldn’t catch up. “Bastard!” Hank swears, and slaps the steering wheel hard, making the men lyi ng by the window startled. “Give me a good look at that guy, you guys!” Hank nodded at the sad-faced Latino man.

“Get him to my villa, I want to ask him myself!” “yes!” Chapter 477


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