Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 477

Chapter 477

Chapter 477

Chapter 477 Hank made a call with a cold face, “Can you guys help me hack into the Paris traffic system, I want to track a car.” “You also know that we are risky in this business! The last time I helped you hack into Mr. Stwart’s intranet, I was almost killed by Mr. Stwart afterwards!” There was a carefree voice over there, but when he uttered the words “almost killed by Mr. Stwart”, he still trembled slightly, it seemed that he was really scared. Hank’s face darkened, “This time it’s not hacking that person’s intranet, I’ve already told you, it’s hacking the Paris traffic network, I want to check the whereabouts of a car.” “Mr. Knight, you see, this is really difficult. After all, it is a government website. Let alone checking it, you will be jailed if you hack it!” “If you guys keep talking, I can’t guarantee your home address, and your location will continue to be safe!” Hank said coldly. The other side stopped talking for a while, and after a while, “Mr. Knight, you know it’s difficult, I’m alone…” Hank flipped open the tablet he was carrying and tapped it a few times. Then he said to the human being over there, “The money has already been deposited into your account. I don’t care

0.00% Chapter 477 whether you come by yourself or find someone else to 288 Vouchers cooperate with. I just want the whereabouts of the car, and where did it go in the end?” “You know the rules, pay you 50% of the amount first, and then pay the other half after you find out. If the time is fast enough and I am satisfied, I can add more money, but…”

Hank’s eyes narrowed slowly, “I don’t like waiting, and I don’t think you like it either!” “Yes! Yes!” Even a fool standing over there could tell that if this deal was not followed, they would all die. Hank had seemed suave before, only to find out later that he was a monster, and all of them were being played around. Hank stared at the scenery outside the car window, and suddenly felt that the muddy waters in this place in Paris were quite big. He called Sofia, and the phone rang once, and it was picked up there. “Mr. Knight?” “Any news? Has the kid been found?” Hank listened to Sofia’s eager voice and moved his mind, but he didn’t know what to say. He felt a little guilty, Sofia finally entrusted him with something, and it turned out like this. He coughed and asked, “Have you been to Paris before?” Sofia was taken aback and hurriedly said, “I have been here, I 34.39% Chapter 477 have studied here, and I have done social activities and volunteer work.” “What’s wrong? Where’s the kid?” Hank took a breath and said, “I found that child, but it was a little late. The American child was taken away, and I checked the time for a minute or two.” “I ask you, have you offended anyone? In Paris?” “Offend people?” Sofia lowered her head slowly and pondered for a while. It was three years ago when she was studying in Paris. At that time, she was Miss Nobel Group, a little princess who was loved by thousands of people. If she offended someone, maybe she was a little hypocritical.

But she definitely didn’t hurt anyone or cheat anyone three years ago, so she shouldn’t have offended anyone, right? When she came to Paris again after three years, Sofia’s face changed slightly. If she had to say who she had offended now, Finley was probably the only one. Finley hasn’t contacted her until now, and just now she called Finley’s mobile phone number, just wanting to ask him clearly. Ask him what exactly he means? If he doesn’t like it, break up. She didn’t have to have him either. Chapter 478


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