Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

Chapter 478 Sofia’s temper has been worn down now, but she still has some temper. She can’t just end her relationship with Finley in such a muddle. She pursed her lips and said in a low voice, “If you have to offend someone, does Finley count?” Hank over there froze for a-moment, and said with a wry smile, “Although I hate that person, Finley is not going to kidnap a child and escape so quickly, besides, he has already…” “What’s wrong?” Sofia’s question blurted out. Hank sneered, “I’m back in NY, didn’t I tell you? I still took a private plane and left very secretly, taking almost everyone away, leaving Luke here to stare at me!” “What? Didn’t tell you?” “It’s so good that you are also his legal wife now. If his private jet wants to divide the family property, he will have half of you, and he doesn’t take you…” The phone was hung up suddenly, and there was a busy tone. Hank laughed softly, the smile was a little cold, looking at the graying sky in front of him, he whispered, “Sofia, you won’t fall in love with him again, right?”

Sofia didn’t expect that Finley went back to NY without telling her. 0.00 Chapter 478 1288 Vouchers She was indeed stimulated by Hank’s words, and her face was a little dignified. If it’s something else, she can still move around, and she won’t be so passive. But when it comes to her younger brother, she can only rely on Hank, and now Hank tells her that Finley has returned to America with the people around him. She is his legal wife, even if he likes that Ruby and sleeps with Ruby, he has to keep up with her in order to save face, right? Sofia suddenly felt breathless and hated herself for being cowardly and incompetent, always falling into

Finley’s hands. She leaned on the sofa in the hotel room, closed her eyes. slightly, and took a while to catch her breath. Sofia picked up the mobile phone and called Finley again, she just wanted to know what Finley meant. If you dislike it, get tired of it, everyone will part ways at worst. The ambiguity between her and Finley felt like a mess, and it couldn’t be cleared up. Since it couldn’t be cleared up, let’s cut the mess with a sharp knife. Sofia took a breath and rubbed her face, the call to Finley was still not answered. She pursed her lips and called Justin, and Justin picked it up after a while. “Ma’am!” Justin’s voice sounded cold, not as enthusiastic as usual. 30.92% Chapter 478 1288 Vouchers Sofia’s thoughts moved, “Is Mr. Stwart there? I want to have a few words with Mr. Stwart?” Justin was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then he was very polite and said in a businesslike manner, “I’m sorry, ma’am, Mr. Stwart is inconvenient to answer the phone right now.” Sofia was taken aback, Finley didn’t want to contact her at all, did he? Just as she was about to say something more, a woman’s voice came from over there, but it might be too far away to hear clearly, but Miss Ruby was faintly heard. Sofia clutched the phone tightly and hung up the phone without waiting for Justin to say anything. She can understand the indifferent attitude of the people around Finley towards her. After all, they are all Finley’s right- hand men, and they had a good relationship with Ruby before, so they are probably very happy that Finley dumped her now, right? Sofia is not the kind of woman who can be entangled with a man. Maybe giving up Finley before was like giving up the whole world, but now leaving him may also be letting go of each other. He didn’t let her go before, and imprisoned her by his side crazily. Now that he took the initiative to let go, why didn’t she give him a chance?

Sofia called Marry, and Marry got off the plane and returned to NY.


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