Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1728

Chapter 1728: Bewitched by the Chef

Chapter 1728: Bewitched by the Chef

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The atmosphere became a little awkward when Bu Fang made that remark. He looked handsome when he said that, but to the spectators, he was just talking big.

Could a chef fight against an army? That was the army of Void City! In other universes, this army would be strong enough to wipe out everything! Was he going to brandish his ladle in front of such a formidable army?

The nobles hovering in midair thought it was ridiculous, so they laughed. Was this the time to be heroic? At this moment, they saw in Bu Fang a higher level of blatant exaggeration.

Even a marquis would not dare to say that they could fight against an army, but Bu Fang had just made such a shameless boast.

At the other end of the projection array, Countess Xia Qiu could not help but laugh when she heard Bu Fang speak so shamelessly.

“There’s something... interesting about this chef.”

The other marquises and counts only thought that Bu Fang was crazy. No one believed him. Of course, they did not think Nethery would believe him either. The reason was simple: The Cursed Goddess was not stupid.

Soul looked at Bu Fang as if he were a fool. ‘Where did this stupid chef come from? Is he trying to make me laugh so hard until I die so Nethery can succeed to the throne?’ she thought to herself.

The noblewoman, on the other hand, was laughing so hard that her whole body was shaking.

Bu Fang felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. Was he no better than a mere army? He peeled off the shell of a blood lobster with one hand and stuffed the tender flesh into his mouth.

Nethery’s eyes flickered as she chewed the lobster meat. “Well, I’ll fight her, then,” she said. Her voice, calm and cold, filled the air. josei

The next moment, all the nobles hovering in midair fell silent.

“What? What did Her Excellency Nethery say?! She chose to go to war? She really trusts this chef and chooses to fight? She’s going to fight the most powerful and strongest Cursed Goddess? Is she out of her mind?”

Everyone was dumbfounded and could not believe what they had just heard.

Even Soul had not expected this. She thought Nethery would not make such a stupid decision, but she did.

‘Has she been bewitched by the chef? Or is she being held captive by the lobster meat? The Queen of Curses is right. There is indeed some truth to the fact that chefs are the people to be wary of the most in this world...’

“Are you sure? I’ll give you one more chance to choose...” Soul looked at Nethery seriously.

“I choose war!” Nethery said in a powerful voice. With her long hair and long dress waving in the wind, she looked very beautiful at this moment.

“Well, well... Since you are looking for death, then I will fight you to the end.”

Soul’s voice was cold. The next moment, the blue cursed snake appeared in her hand. She crushed it, and an invisible curse power rushed into the void and spread.

“Since you chose to go to war with me, prepare yourself for death! This chef can’t save you! I hope you won’t regret it when the time comes!”

It was a decision Nethery made on her own. Now that she had overreached herself, what awaited her would be despair.

“Aunt Lian, let’s go,” said Soul. After that, she turned around. Her chariot rumbled, causing the void to tremble. Before she left, she turned her head slightly and looked at Bu Fang.

“If you want to rely on this chef, you’d better wait until he gets into District A... How can he be your army if he can’t even enter District A? Ridiculous...”

Soul shook her head. Then, her chariot crushed the void and sped away.

Duchess Tianlian sighed. “Poor Cursed Goddess...” Her figure slowly disappeared, leaving only her voice with a hint of sadness echoing in the air.

Soul left brusquely. She did not kill Bu Fang, who had killed her right hand. Now that Nethery had made the decision, it was no big deal for her to spare Bu Fang’s life. There was no way this chef could set foot in District A alive.

The throne of Void City was hers!

The tension had finally dissipated. The nobles all let out a breath of relief. They were relieved to see Soul go. The pressure she brought them was just too much.

It proved that she was the strongest Cursed Goddess ever. After all, if she did not have the strength and toughness, she could not have survived in that messy Soul Demon Universe.

On the contrary, Nethery... They thought it was not too much to describe her as stupid.

Bu Fang hovered in midair. The plate of spicy blood lobsters had been finished by him, Nethery, and Foxy.

At this moment, the noblewoman descended and stopped in front of them. Looking at Nethery, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly. “Are you sure you won’t regret your decision? Choosing to go to war with Soul now is really unwise. Even the other Cursed Goddess wouldn’t dare to start a war with her...”

She sighed and glanced at Bu Fang. Her face, however, showed no emotion. “If you made the decision because of this chef, tell me, and I can help you out.”

However, to her surprise, Nethery shook her head.

“It’s okay. I trust Bu Fang,” said Nethery. Her lips were red from the lobster meat she had eaten.

“It’s still uncertain whether he’ll set foot in District A alive, and you’re counting on him?” The noblewoman shook her head. She still felt that this decision was too stupid.

Bu Fang naturally did not know that he was considered a stupid decision by her. But even if he knew, he would not care. Who said a chef could not fight an army? He would prove it to them.

“Let’s go.” The noblewoman prepared to leave with Nethery. “If you want to help Nethery, getting to District B is not enough. Come to District A. We’ll wait for you there. Be quick, for if you are late, she is likely to be turned into a skeleton outside the city.”

Her words rang in Bu Fang’s ears. The next moment, Nethery’s chariot also crushed through the void and disappeared in a flash.

The whole fighting pit was quiet. It was not until the two Cursed Goddesses had gone that an uproar erupted among the people. Everyone looked at Bu Fang with sarcasm and disdain. Most of those present were Soul’s supporters—her roots in Void City were too deep.

Bu Fang landed on the ground.

With a rumbling sound, the crone broke free from her bonds. Her hair was disheveled, and her face was hideous.

“I can enter District C now, right?” Bu Fang asked.


The crone was furious, but she could do nothing. She was tempted to use her power to disqualify Bu Fang, but that was not allowed in Void City because a supreme will was watching over her.

“Yes!” She was so depressed that she wanted to vomit blood. After working hard most of the day and even getting beaten up twice, she still could not stop the chef.

Bu Fang waved at Whitey, then put his hands behind his back and walked toward District B. The nobles kept shouting and booing at him, but he turned a deaf ear.

As the noblewoman said, now that Nethery had chosen to fight Soul, her peaceful days were numbered. So he had to race against time to get into District A. Otherwise, what awaited him could be Nethery’s bones. This was no joke.

“You’ll die! You will surely die a terrible death!” said the crone viciously, standing in the ruins as she stared at Bu Fang’s back.

She cursed Bu Fang to die a miserable death. No one could stop Soul from ascending to the throne of the Queen of Curses, not even this chef, for the Queen of Curses would not allow a Cursed Goddess to ascend to the throne with the help of a chef.

Bu Fang pretended not to hear the crone’s words. The nobles kept growling and cursing him, but he did not look back. He just kept walking step by step toward District B with Whitey.

Just as he was about to step into District B, Bu Fang raised a fist and held out a middle finger. This made the nobles curse even louder. He succeeded in attracting the hatred of everyone.

As soon as he stepped into District B, Bu Fang was greeted by a city that was far more bustling and prosperous than District C.

According to Countess Xia Qiu, District B was not as large as District C, but it had more elites, and they were much stronger. To put it bluntly, Void City was a place where strength reigned supreme. The stronger a person was, the more resources he could get.

If Bu Fang wanted to get into District A and find Nethery, he had to go through District B. But how was he going to go through District B? He was at a loss of what to do. Was he going to fight all the way in, as Countess Xia Qiu had said?

And then there was the Soul Demon’s arm. Bu Fang felt he needed to find it. He could not let it grow.

District B was very busy. As Bu Fang walked in it, he found that people around him all looked at him with strange eyes filled with sarcasm, ridicule, and disdain. Obviously, they all knew about the feat he had done in the fighting pit.

‘Is there a kind-hearted person who can tell me how to get into District A? Is there a fighting pit in District B as well?’ Bu Fang pondered.

While he was lost in thought, a wheezing sound filled the air. With a deafening clanking noise, a group of guards riding on ferocious beasts zoomed in on him.

Bu Fang, in a daze, raised his head and looked up at the group of guards in the sky. The leading guard held a long, cold spear with a red tassel at its tip, which was pointing at him.

“Found him. By order of the Marquis, take this chef down! We can’t let him hinder Her Excellency Soul’s plan! If he resists, kill him!” the leading guard said coldly.

Those who followed him all exuded powerful auras, and among them were three Saints of the Great Path. Together with the leader, there were four Saints of the Great path, while the other guards were all God Emperors. They were here to capture Bu Fang.

Bu Fang did not expect the enemy to come so quickly. Soul had said that it was still uncertain whether he could get out of District B alive. Now, it seemed that she had been prepared.

“Move out!” roared the leading guard.

For a moment, bestial roars echoed through the skies and shook the earth. The whole District B was boiling at this moment. All the nobles were watching with great interest, and their faces had a gloating look.

‘Didn’t you say you could stand up against an army? Now is the time to prove yourself!’

‘Is this Soul’s army?’ Bu Fang looked at the group of guards with an expressionless face. He focused his eyes. At that moment, the ill feelings he had endured since he arrived in Void City ignited his anger.

“Whitey, Foxy, come with me... Let’s fight all the way to District A.”

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