Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Mu Tao and Miao Xiaorui Join the Family

His proclamation reverberated in the air.

A shadow of disappointment fleetingly clouded the countenances of the two elder women.

Exchanging furtive glances, they silently apportioned the blame for this unforeseen development on each other.

Concerning Mu Tao and Miao Xiaorui, their complexions paled as though a foreboding specter had descended upon them.

A keen pang of rebuff punctured their spirits.

In their perception, it appeared as though they had lost their significance in the eyes of Jiang Chen.

Just as the foursome prepared to bid farewell.

"Indeed, my previous remarks were solely in consideration of the venerable sect masters."

"I wish to engage in a private discussion with Mu Tao and Miao Xiaorui."

Jiang Chen's voice resounded once again.

Now, the timbre of his voice carried a subtle undertone of mirth, yet his objective was unequivocal.

Jiang Chen was never one to indulge in diplomatic decorum.

His objective was always unambiguous, and this occasion was not an exception.

After all, the issue at stake was the destiny of the two young women.

He deemed it fitting to address the matter directly with them, devoid of any external disruption.

Upon Jiang Chen's amended directive, a wave of change swept across the countenances of the four women.

The veiled shyness that had temporarily retreated from the visages of Mu Tao and Miao Xiaorui resurfaced, now intertwined with a luminescence of relief and burgeoning elation.

To assert that they bore no sprouting fondness for Jiang Chen would be a gross misrepresentation of the truth.

His exceptional acumen, leadership, formidable prowess, the consideration he had demonstrated towards Ning Xian, his act of retribution on her account, and his unparalleled abilities had left an enduring impression on their hearts.

Sect masters Shao Yun and Yu Jie were not spared from the abrupt shift in atmosphere.

Their spirits buoyed, perceiving the potential for a promising conclusion.

They gazed at their chief disciples with comforting smiles, their eyes glistening with reignited hope.


At the entrance of Jiang Chen's quarters, the pair of young maidens poised, ready to declare their presence.

Before they could announce their arrival, however, Jiang Chen's voice emanated from within, "Come in."

Crossing the threshold of the cabin.

"Supreme Elder."

They bowed respectfully. Their voices trembled slightly, betraying their concealed apprehension.

"Where have the courageous young women I met in the secret realm disappeared to? Why such anxiety now?"

Jiang Chen jested, a chuckle woven into his words. He continued in a playful tone, "And haven't we battled side by side? This degree of respect makes me feel like an ancient sage."

His jovial words, combined with his easy-going demeanor and genial grin, dissolved their unease.

In its stead, radiant smiles blossomed on their faces, further amplifying their distinct beauty.

Miao Xiaorui, the embodiment of an icy enchantress, radiated a cool elegance. Her flawless countenance mirrored immaculate jade, meticulously crafted.josei

Mu Tao, in striking contrast, portrayed an enticing picture of voluptuous allure. Her charm emitted warmth, as soothing as the vernal sun.

"While I recognize my allure is irresistible, seducing any woman to yield."

Jiang Chen commenced, his voice light and jesting.

Yet, the mirth swiftly transitioned to earnestness, as he regarded the two young women, querying, "But I need to confirm, were you compelled into this? After all, your future contentment hinges on it."

In spite of his Villain's Eye indicating their Intimacy values in the 'Attracted' stage, 59 for Mu Tao and 63 for Miao Xiaorui.

Jiang Chen considered this candid dialogue essential.

His cheery demeanor contrasted with his ruthless reputation in dealing with the six major sects, leaving the maidens momentarily taken aback.

However, they appreciated his considerate concern for their sentiments.

"There was no coercion, Jiang Chen."

"We willingly stand here."

They affirmed, their voices simultaneously echoing.

"If that is the situation, then let's move forward as such."

Jiang Chen initiated, his eyes gleaming with endorsement.

"How others address these matters, I remain unconcerned."

"But within my family, there will be no disparities. You will not be maidservants or concubines, but cherished members, my spouses."

His words rang with clarity, allowing no room for misinterpretation, "Peace and harmony within my family hold paramount significance. Your initial task upon arriving at the Starry Abyss Sect will be to secure the approval of my Xian'er."

Jiang Chen subsequently delineated their forthcoming steps, instructing them to return to their respective sects, apprise their clans of their decisions, and then journey to his sect.

He guaranteed that an Elder from his sect would accompany each of them for support.

Hearing his respectful and thoughtful words, both maidens were deeply touched.

This was an uncommon approach, particularly for women in their circumstances. Their hearts brimmed with gratitude.

After a few more imparting words of counsel, Jiang Chen observed as the girls exited the room, their faces glowing with delight and newfound self-assurance.

Their hearts resonated with the confirmation that they had indeed made the right decision, adhering to the guidance of their masters.

Once again seated in the tranquility of his personal quarters, Jiang Chen let a gratified nod adorn his features.

The interaction with the maidens had been productive, resulting in a modest rise in their Intimacy levels, with a gain of three to four points each.

In the ensuing peace, Jiang Chen shifted his focus to the transmission jade token in his possession.

Promptly, he crafted a message to Feng Jun, briefing him on the recent developments and directing him to assign a Mysterious Platform Realm female Elder to accompany each maiden on their respective journeys.

Upon fulfilling his task, he reclined, a smile threading its way onto his visage, a glimmer of amusement flickering in his eyes.

It seemed that his elevated Black Heavenly Fate Value had blessed him with fortune in matters of the heart, akin to that of a protagonist.

But unlike those indecisive leads, Jiang Chen opted to manage such affairs with a candid and straightforward demeanor.

Jiang Chen's mind then swiveled to contemplate the complexities of nurturing these emerging relationships, leading him to feel slightly overwhelmed.

His prime focus was on augmenting his own skills and pursuing the elusive Sons of Heavenly Fate.

Where could he carve out time to delicately nurture such intimate matters?

Regardless, he acknowledged the essential requirement of achieving balance in his life.

It wasn't merely an attraction to physical allure that drove him.

Rather, his ambition was centered on establishing a family, building a vibrant home to which he could continually return.

Whether they were brave heroines or simply kind-hearted women who bore an interest in him, if they resonated with his spirit, he would embrace them.

His aim was to create a sanctuary, a haven for both mind and body, a comforting refuge amidst the unyielding tempests of his life.

In exchange for such tranquility, he would hold them dear, offering them the appreciation they deserved.

Jiang Chen harbored a specific unease.

Should he endure on this solitary path for an extended duration, he might gradually metamorphose into a creature of suspicion, a dispassionate instrument designed solely for the annihilation of protagonists.

Amidst these swirling concerns, the Eternal Vows Binding Ring, which had remained quiet until now, abruptly trembled, its soft vibrations pulsating along his finger.

As if discerning the predicament besieging its master, it relayed a comforting message through their spiritual bond - it was capable of independently handling these affairs.

Bolstered by this unexpected solution, Jiang Chen found himself eagerly awaiting the forthcoming turn of events.


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