Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Return to the Starry Abyss Sect

As dawn crested over the horizon, the sun's golden beams saturated the expansive world.

Jiang Chen, whose cultivation base had risen to the Early-stage Heavenly Origin realm, reclined casually.

The reverberations of his power, unrivaled across the three continents, encased him in an aura of invincibility.

In light of this, he opted for tranquility over cultivation, preferring to bide his time until his eventual return to the sect.

The tranquility was abruptly disrupted by the humming of his transmission jade token.

Scanning it with his divine sense, Jiang Chen detected a message from Feng Jun.

It was an update, notifying him that the Elder of the Heavenly Blade School had the necessary information and was awaiting him.

Equipped with this knowledge, Jiang Chen stretched out his body and ambled onto the spirit boat's deck.

Upon his arrival.

"Supreme Elder."

Feng Jun greeted him. His tone was respectful yet firm as he announced, "The affairs concerning Lady Miao Xiaorui and Lady Mu Tao have been managed. This morning, under the insistence of their respective sect masters, they embarked on their journeys."

Upon hearing the initial part of Feng Jun's report, Jiang Chen nodded, his gaze reflecting the satisfaction of tasks successfully completed.

However, the latter segment elicited a chuckle from him, leading to a mild, amused shake of his head.

'These two 'matchmakers' indeed never tire in their endeavors.'

He silently mused.josei

Clearing his thoughts.

"Where is everyone?"

Jiang Chen promptly questioned Feng Jun.

"They have all convened at the location designated by the Heavenly Blade School."

Feng Jun responded.

At these words, he took the lead, with Jiang Chen following in contemplative silence.

In no time, they arrived at their destination—a flying artifact constructed in the style of an ancient pavilion.

Jiang Chen ventured inside, stepping into an environment of lavish grandeur.

A magnificent table, sculpted from the purest jade, occupied a majestic position in the room's center.

It was decked with an array of spiritual foods and celestial beverages, a feast designed to tantalize the senses.

The seating was meticulously arranged; eight seats distributed evenly around the table, with a slightly elevated primary seat at the head.

Occupying their respective seats were the sect masters and grand elders of the four significant sects.

"Greetings, Supreme Elder."

Upon recognizing Jiang Chen, they stood up reverently, their greetings resonating throughout the room.

Acknowledging their deference with a nod, Jiang Chen conducted a scan of the room.

His gaze landed on the radiant faces of Shao Yun and Yu Jie, their expressions gleaming with a pride comparable to a mother-in-law meeting her esteemed son-in-law.

Disregarding their overly enthusiastic smiles, Jiang Chen strolled calmly to the main seat and took his place.

The remainder of the room followed suit, each claiming their seats.

Jiang Chen delicately partook in the spiritual tea presented before him.

His gaze then transitioned to Xia Hou, the Sect Master of the Heavenly Blade School, before he proposed a question, "Where is the Elder?"

"Xia Deli, you may enter."

Xia Hou retorted without hesitation, signaling towards the entrance.

The individual identified was the Elder who had vowed to pinpoint the exact whereabouts of the Illusory Slaying Tower's Lord the previous day.

Upon entering the pavilion, Xia Deli offered a respectful bow towards Jiang Chen.

"Supreme Elder, I have secured the information regarding the Lord of the Illusory Slaying Tower."

He paused briefly before proceeding, "According to my resources, he passed away recently. It seems that there has been an internal schism within the organization, simmering for two years. Upon receiving news of Tian Wendong's demise, the rival factions used it as a foothold against the secluded Lord, who was endeavoring a breakthrough to the Late-stage Mysterious Platform realm. Regrettably for him, he succumbed to Qi Deviation, which they capitalized on to assassinate him."

In the wake of Xia Deli's disclosure, the room was engulfed in a palpable air of surprise.

Quiet contemplations circulated among the attendees, all astonished at the fleeting existence of this man.

Jiang Chen, however, remained mostly unmoved.

To him, this man had been treading a doomed path, his life foreordained to a premature closure.

'His destiny was already predetermined. It appears fortune has spared me some exertion.'

Jiang Chen couldn't resist musing inwardly.

Having concluded his thoughts, Jiang Chen redirected his attention to the assembly around him.

"The individual I had intended to eliminate no longer exists. The future of their organization is yours to decide."

He articulated with a composed yet resolute tone, "Now, let us redirect our conversation to the issue of the six major sects."

Upon accomplishing his task, Xia Deli offered another bow to Jiang Chen before taking his leave.

The remainder of the assembly, their interest piqued, eagerly anticipated Jiang Chen's subsequent words.

True to his character, he didn't keep them in suspense for an extended period.

"Commanding through intimidation and power, while efficacious, engenders potential complications for the future."

"If we can transform the narrative and address these complications, we should seize that opportunity."

"Therefore, if you desire dominance over the remaining sects, we'll require a persuasive narrative."

Jiang Chen initiated, his voice stable yet imbued with a grave authority that commanded attention.

"Imagine this, before our venture into the secret realm, an enigmatic figure claiming to be the last survivor of the decimated Ning Clan sought vengeance against the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain. Being a Late-Stage Mysterious Platform cultivator, his accusations were dismissed as baseless. In an endeavor to discredit him, the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain rallied our nine sects to stand against him. However, only six sects responded to their call. We, the four sects, sensed a disquiet and opted for neutrality."

Jiang Chen proceeded, his words crafting a narrative of betrayal and valor that echoed in the pavilion's muted silence.

"Challenged, this unknown individual unleashed a secret art, boosting his cultivation base to the Early-Stage Heavenly Origin realm. A fierce clash ensued between him and the united strength of the six sects. Despite confronting overwhelming forces, he obliterated them, paying the ultimate sacrifice in the process."

"We were merely bystanders to this catastrophe."

His voice plunged into a moment of silence, the gravity of the narrative thrusting the room into a breathless anticipation.

"Now, your responsibility is to disseminate this narrative throughout our three continents."

"Let it reverberate, underscoring the dire repercussions of avarice superseding righteousness."

"This tale, this tragedy, will function as the foundation of your peaceful rule and enduring influence."

Jiang Chen concluded, his gaze unwavering on the sect masters, their faces reflecting the gravity of their upcoming task.

As Jiang Chen's pronouncement echoed through the chamber, a profound silence overtook the convened sect masters.

The profundity of his plan, a daring fusion of reality and fabrication, incited diverse responses.

The Sect Master of the Heavenly Blade School, Xia Hou, knit his brows, his gaze introspective and contemplative.

He mulled over the narrative, weighing the potential fallout and the transformations it might engender.

Conversely, Shao Yun and Yu Jie, both renowned for their sharp judgement, displayed expressions of fascination.

This stratagem, as shrewd as it was, piqued their analytical instincts.

Yet, it was Feng Jun who appeared the most impacted.

He affirmed Jiang Chen's proposal with a nod, the cogs in his mind already spinning, devising the optimal method to circulate this fabricated account.

The chamber maintained its silence for a few more moments, each individual absorbing the repercussions of the narrative, their minds brimming with visions of the lasting influence they could assert, and the tranquility they could attain.

It was evident, the reverberations of Jiang Chen's proposition would persist long after the conference adjourned.

Subsequent to the prolonged quiet, Jiang Chen arose from his lofty seat, shattering the tranquility.

"It should now be clear, my name, as well as Ning Xian's, and my ascension to the Heavenly Origin realm, must remain confidential."

"As for the narrative concerning the secret realm, devise it as you see fit. But remember, the fewer who know about the Heavenly Origin rank spiritual plants, the better."

Jiang Chen concluded, his voice potent and reverberating. Having disseminated his directives, his gaze settled on Feng Jun, "I'll return to the sect first."

Barely had he finished speaking, he disappeared, his fading voice remaining, "Sect master Shao Yun, arrange for Mu Tao to meet Miao Xiaorui at the Floating Spirit Sect. They should arrive in tandem."

Following that, tranquility ensued once more.

Silence returned to the pavilion.

The sect masters and grand elders, in unison, stood and respectfully bowed towards the spot previously occupied by Jiang Chen.

They then engaged in vibrant discussions about implementing the strategy he had proposed.

Meanwhile, Jiang Chen was already en route back to the Starry Abyss Sect.

When they had departed for the Forsaken Serenity Mountain Range aboard the flying spirit boat, the journey had taken seven days.

Now, piloting the Black Crystal Sky Piercing Shuttle, Jiang Chen estimated a half-day for his return journey.

'Truly, the advantages of high-level cultivation are remarkable!'

He mused, as the familiar sight of the Starry Abyss Heavenly Peak emerged, eliciting a sigh of admiration.

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