Guild Wars

Chapter 860

Chapter 860: Chel and Bria 2

Chapter 860: Chel and Bria 2


One gave off the exotic vibe of a high-class woman and the other felt like the type of younger step-sister who wore skimpy clothes around you to show off her exemplary assets.      

"Pitiful human, it is your greatest pleasure to bask in the glory of myself and my sister. Quickly inform us as to the state of this kingdom and the location of our sister, Zaine." Chel spoke arrogantly while looking down at Misery.      

Misery scratched his beard. "You have one of the best tits I've ever seen in my life, and that's saying something."      

Chel squinted her eyes with happiness. "Hehe, that's a given, for I am the second daughter of Crysta! If you see my mom's chest, you probably would masturbate till death!"      

Bria knuckled Chel and turned to Misery. "We simply want to know more about this kingdom and the guild called Umbra, as well as their Guildmaster, a fellow by the name of Draco Morningstar."      

"Reasonable, but you've got the wrong guy. I just joined this brigade a few months ago and am still learning the inner secrets. As for Draco, he's pretty much the chosen one of this universe from what I've heard and seen, but the really special one is his soulmate, Eva." Misery replied casually.      

Chel seemed interested in this as she rubbed her head. "Oh? What's so special about her? Can she compare to me?"      

Misery glanced at her askance and then sipped his brew. "It is like comparing a campfire to the sun."      

Immediately, Chel's face changed greatly as she transformed into a half-devil.      

"How dare you?! Filthy human, die for me!"      

She screeched angrily as she charged at Misery who was still seated casually. The adult man saw her attack and simply waved an arm, spawning Gae Bolg from his inventory as he swung it towards Chel's claw-like nails.      

Bria's face changed sharply when she sensed the aura of Misery's weapon, and she screamed at her sister. "Chel, stop! Come back!"      

Chel was too close, and her claw clashed with the spear. Immediately, the ground beneath her feet cracked deeply, and her arms were smashed back down to her sides, all her nails broken off.      

Chel had no mood to mind the pain due to the sheer shock coursing through her mind, causing her ears to buzz.      

"H-How can a filthy human be so strong?"      

Her voice was full of disbelief. Bria too was stunned where she stood, not expecting Misery to outclass her sister so badly. After all, they were Royal Devils, Royal Devils!! Their bloodline, State of Being, and very existence was leagues above this filthy human!!!      

Misery took his spear back and disappeared it. He then waved his hand casually.      

"Scram, This Father has 2 more hours of lazing about before I have to go pamper my niece and bully my nephew. You lot might be sexy, but with vile personalities like that, you're nothing but eyesores."      

Misery's words struck the two of them like a sledgehammer. Bria and Chel felt like they were about to go crazy.      

They might not be succubi like their sister Zaine, but they were still Royal Devils born from the greatest succubus, Crysta. As such, they had always been ogled and lusted after wherever they went for their beauty and sex appeal.      josei

In fact, they fully expected this human to pitch a tent and drool like a dog, heeding their every command like it was his life's goal. After all, that was what they were used to and believed to be the norm.      

This was their first time meeting a human who disdained to even react to their sex appeal. Not only that, but his casual strength was far from what they expected.      

Chel gritted her teeth. "Human, what do you mean by this? Are we not attractive enough?!"      

Bria remained silent, but it was clear this matter was bothering her as well. As for Misery, he swirled his toxic brew which still reduced the durability of his glass by the second, and then sipped it.      

"No need to have a crisis of ego. You two are sexy enough for me to actually pursue you with all my might, personality be damned."          


Bria frowned when she heard this. "Then why?"      

Misery glanced at the two, observing their sexy and perfect bodies casually.      

"You just came at the wrong time."      

Misery leaned back into his seat and sighed. "Every man has a period of the day where he would not drop his current activity even for the tightest pussy in the world."      

"For some, it's when they're golfing, for others, when they're fishing, and for some, it's when they are gaming with their boys."      

Misery spawned two glasses and poured his deadly brew into it before diluting it with the juice. He then pushed the cups over to the two beauties.      

"For me, it's my afternoon drinking session. Nothing is allowed to disturb me while I laze about, read up on the guild chats and watch some livestreams to while away the time."      

Chel and Bria shared a look. They seemed only partially satisfied by this answer, and sat on the other chairs beside Misery before picking up the glasses. When they sniffed the drinks, their faces changed.      

"Wow human, you actually drink this? How are you still alive?" Chel asked with shock.      

Misery laughed. "Ain't that the million-dollar question? Rather than stress yourself about things, why not spend some time with me and I'll tell you what I know."      

Bria gazed at Chel and nodded.      

"You have proven your strength, human. You are qualified to spend some time with us." Bria stated with a smile.      

"Name's Nicholas Spencley, but you can call me Misery of the Golden Savages." Misery introduced himself calmly.      

"I am Bria, First Daughter of Mephisto and Crysta, and I am titled the Lady Broker." Bria introduced herself proudly.      

"And I am Chel, Second Daughter of Mephisto and Crysta, and I am titled the Trickster Queen." Chel also introduced herself with her nose in the air.      

Misery made an expression of shock as he poured himself more booze. "Wow, what grand titles. I guessed frofrom your beautiful and sexy demeanors that you two were top-tier princesses, but who knew you would be so important? Come, come, let's drink one round to forgive my rudeness earlier."      

Chel and Bria took a swig of the drink given them and almost choked. The brew was definitely potent, and even their powerful bloodlines could barely prevent them from suffering. However, their pride refused to allow them to lose to Misery, a mere human, who was drinking it normally without even flinching.      

As such, the two became flushed in the face rather quickly. It wasn't particularly that their alcohol tolerance was low, but rather because the brew itself was too potent. They were lucky enough to get tipsy quickly rather than just explode on the spot.      

"Fi-Filby hooman…! How caarn yu not bwe moverd bwy ouwa bweuati? Hic!" Chel complained while swaying about.      

Misery laughed. "As I said, your beauty has definitely moved me, only now is not the time."      

"Hwumph!! Hu garve yu da rwight two dweicide?" Chel stated defiantly as she grabbed her chest pads and ripped them off, allowing her huge and firm breasts to bounce about like two juicy watermelons.      

Even Misery couldn't help but pause and stare, his eyes narrowing. "My god, such perfect titties. I have never seen anything like this in real life."      

Chel snickered proudly. "Das rwight! Yu harvent eva sween anytin laike dis! Hic!"      

She got up and swung her chest to the side, making her tits move to the left and right in a tantalizing motion. No matter how disciplined Misery claimed to be in his personal leisure time, his pupils followed the movement of those two gigantic mounds like the best tracking equipment known to man.      

Seeing his honest reaction, Chel was both mollified and excited. She walked over to where Misery sat and abruptly placed herself in his laps, which brought her nipples close to his face.          


With a deep redness on her face as well as a lewd expression, Chel whispered naughtily.      

"Werr? Dyu wanna touch em?"      

A man can resist temptation as long as it doesn't go too far, but when the object of temptation keeps bringing itself to the danger zone, how can he hold back?      

Misery naturally stretched his hands out and groped the large mounds before him, making Chel shiver and moan. His experienced hands kneaded, swiped, and rubbed around, targeting different areas of her skin and flesh that Misery knew would elicit certain reactions.      

Chel's expression changed when she felt Misery's prowess, knowing that she had fallen into the lap of a tiger in an attempt to tease and subdue him. However, it was too late for her to escape and she was now captured in Misery's grasp.      

In just two minutes, Chel was panting heavily, her body shivering and her legs clamping around Misery as if she wanted to snap him in half. Her upper body was beginning to be layered with sweat and her eyes were slightly glazed over.      

Seeing her sister's reaction, Bria knew that Chel had dug her own grave. Her face changed multiple times as she pondered how to extricate her sister from the trap she had fallen into, but saw Misery glancing at her with a playful smile.      

Bria shook as she realized that she and Chel had been nothing but prey in his eyes all this time, and he had likely predicted they would come to him.      

They weren't wrong. How could Misery with his Tier 4 Control not haven noticed their presence and them flying over? At Tier 4, his VoP could cover the entirety of Vita Kingdom, only that, like all the others, he usually left it on passive mode to curb the influx of information.      

Similarly, the other core members of Umbra were also aware of those intruders. They had simply left them alone since they had identified their aura to be very close to one of Draco's succubus wife, Zaine, so they had merely listened in on their conversation.      

Who knew they were so arrogant and unruly to try and subdue Misery while he was in the midst of his afternoon drinking session? As such, he decided to teach them a bitter lesson so that they would know to respect a Drunk Bastard's drinking time!      

And so, that led to this situation where Chel was moaning and squirming in Misery's grip, clearly about to shamefully reach climax, something which would shatter Chel's ego and arrogance and fill her with humiliation at being toyed with by a mere human.      

Meanwhile, Misery clearly stared at Bria, his eyes telling her that she was next, which made the exotic woman shiver. She realized she could not muster much strength after drinking the brew he gave them, but she also knew it had not been spiked.      

It was just that the brew was so potent that no one should be allowed to live after taking a sip, much less clearing the whole glass. This made Bria feel a strange respect for Misery who could drink this casually and still have the strength to toy with their bodies.      

Eventually, the inevitable occurred as Chel reached climax, not even stifling her voice as she wet misery's beach shorts with her fluids. While the younger sister was panting and trying to come down from the high, Misery smirked and gestured to Bria to come over and receive her portion.      

Despite being flustered within, Bria still stood up and walked over to Misery, who grabbed her close. He then rubbed his hand around her sleek torso and felt her thick backside, which - while not near Zaine's level - was certainly not far away from Hikari's level at SSS+.      

Feeling its softness, elasticity, and warmth, Misery was shocked. From the way Bria stood and covered herself, you wouldn't easily tell that her ass was this amazing from the front, and even the back view looked like it should be ranked lower.      

However, once you got a handful of it, you would never want to let go.      

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