Guild Wars

Chapter 861 The Reunion 1

Chapter 861 The Reunion 1

At 5pm sharp, one of Umbra's core serf player came over to handle the task of cleaning Misery's manor.

「Clean Up (Special) – Miscellaneous Quest

Description: Spend one month in a janitorial position for the Guild.

Rewards: 1 Umbra Point.」

The fellow who came over was merely Misery's newest cleaner. There were as many of those Special missions as there were core members in Umbra, and yet the serf players were fighting tooth and nail to be lucky enough to get chosen to do it.

After all, 1 Umbra Point was currently worth 1 platinum in circulation.

And 1 platinum was currently worth $6 million dollars on the outside!!

In essence, for simply bending his back to clean up someone's house, he could receive a 'salary' worth millions!

Hmm… this one, even a dignified young master wouldn't hesitate to do it, right?

When the cleaner entered Misery's mansion, he found that just like the rumous had claimed, it was already quite neat and silent. After all, Misery didn't keep any concubines or family members around, rather spending most of his time either in the bedroom sleeping or near the pool drinking.

Since his yard was cleaned every day, all the other rooms and areas were neat for the most part. There were just a need to do some brushing up on them so that this level of cleanliness could be maintained.

As for Misery's bedroom, he, just like most of the other core members, had put down a special request to leave their bedroom to them, so all that was left for the serf player to handle after the cleaning of the rooms was the courtyard.

He was humming a tune of happiness and satisfaction at the prospect of earning such big money while doing so little when he stopped in shock.

Right in front of him was a yard that looked like a battle had taken place between two forces who had wanted to see the other dead. Chairs were broken, tables were in shambles and even the tiles were cracked here and there.

That wasn't all, though. This alone was far from enough to spook him to this extent. What shocked the fellow to his core was that the entire pool of about 10 feet wide and 50 feet long, with a depth of 9 feet at the deep end, was no longer sky blue in color, but pure white!

What was even more chilling was the fact that the pool had two bodies in it, floating on the surface, seemingly dead. Since they were face down in the white water, he reasoned that they must have drowned in it.

One was a chubby fair skinned chick and the other was a tall dark skinned one, but they were buck naked as they floated. The serf player instantly got a hard on when he watched those two fat asses float along like two buoyant peaches going down a river.

The fellow gripped his hair as he wondered how he was even going to begin cleaning this shit up?!

In the end, he could only sigh. Who told him that earning six million would be a walk in the park? Can it be possible for one to earn that kind of money without having to sacrifice some part of their souls?

With that in mind, the serf player grumbled as he got to work.


At this time, Misery was casually walking towards the Golden Savages who were chatting in the Rank 7 Guild Hall's Common Room. Shadowheart, AP-Berzerker and Nightwalker greeted Misery when he came, but were surprised when he didn't sit down with them.

"Came to tell you lads that I'll be going offline for a while. I've finally managed to settle myself down in this game and we have some free time for ourselves." Misery stated as he smiled. "As such, it's about time I took that Alabama Brat to his father's family and reunited them."

The smiles on the faces of the other three waned. They gazed at Misery seriously and spoke in deep tones.

"Do you need help?" AP_Berzerker asked the obvious questioned.

Misery pondered, but then shook his head. "Nah, not this time. It's just me going to bring Kiran to his father and let them have their weepy reunion. I don't want to subject you guys to that."

Misery smiled wryly as he scratched his chin. "I don't even have the energy to go and cause trouble of any sort. I did all of that when I left all those years ago, so most of the boiling anger has cooled down into apathy, you know?"

The three shared a look and nodded, signaling that yes, they did know and understood what he meant perfectly.

"So that's about it, fellas. Wish me luck and I'll try and get you all some special brew from a bar I know in Ireland." Misery waved to his brothers as he left the Common Room.

The three watched him leave silently, their expressions deep. AP_Berzerker shook his head as he took a sip of Nightwalker's deadly brew.

"Do you think he's lying?"

Nightwalker also poured himself some and swirled it. "Definitely. That's the face of a man going to war. I've lived long enough to recognise that expression and body language."

AP slammed the table. "Then why not bring us over?! Are we not his brothers?!"

Shadowheart sighed. "It's precisely because we are that he wouldn't allow us to come."

Shadowheart leaned forward and picked up a glass for himself. "Don't forget that the Golden Savages have only just been formed. He doesn't know what he's going to go through when he gets there, but whatever it is, it won't be anything good or pleasant. He doesn't want us to get embroiled in his family matters just yet."

Nightwalker nodded. "It's understandable. If you were having an issue with your clan back in Supernatural, do you dare to say that you won't slink off to deal with it without telling us?"

AP_Berzerker wrung his lips then sighed. "Probably. Still, it feels bad seeing a brother in trouble and not be able to help."

Shadowheart smiled. "Who said we aren't helping? Just by existing, he knows he has some backup somewhere that he can rely on."

Nightwalker also agreed with a grin. "We are his trump card basically. He doesn't want to pull us out until the situation calls for it, so like a good deterrent, we should stand out and look menacing until it's time to be deployed."

AP_Berzerker glanced at the two, then lifted his cup.


"Well, here's to Misery's successful venture!"

"Hear, hear!" The other two toasted as well, then downed the deadly brew. Each of them displayed various expressions on their faces, but they kept it down their throats for the most part.


Misery logged out of Boundless and climbed out of the pod slowly. Since he had been immersed for more than a few IRL months, it took him some time to adapt to being in the real world.

He appreciated that the game room he had stayed in was well cooled by various air conditioning units, and he noticed that some workers were maintaining the various pods frequently. When they saw him come out, they helped him out and got him a bottle of 1st grade NuSmoothie to drink.

Replenished and feeling energetic, Misery went down and outside to see that Kiran and Sublime were chatting by the roadside while waiting for him. Seeing his two brats, Misery smiled as he walked over and interrupted them.

"Time to go, you two."

That was all he said as they entered a black sedan that belonged to the Purgatory Group and headed for their private airfield in the Central State's biggest airport.

On the ride there, Kiran seemed a bit unsettled while Sublime looked bored, whereas Misery preferred to just drink silently. In a way, all three were simultaneously anticipating and dreading the events that would occur once they arrived at their destination.

The driver got them to the airfield quick enough, and Misery saw that there were workers who were assigned to sort out their everything. Their luggage was taken away and quickly loaded while they were driven onto the tarmac leisurely.

They then boarded the Purgatory Groups private jet, which was one of the latest models purchased at a premium, and got themselves relaxed and settled in. The jet had everything, a bar, kitchen, lounge and even something like bedrooms.

Misery immediately headed for the bar to help himself, while Kiran sat on one of the beds and began mediating like a cultivator. As for Sublime, she simply plopped down on a couch in the lounge and watched some traumatic tragedies, which were the equivalent of stand-up comedies for her.

The jet's flight attendants were puzzled by this bizarre group, but did their best to serve them well. More than a few tried to hit on Misery, seeing him as the obvious 'adult' of the group, but he only plaintively chatted with them and let them have some fun along with him.

After tasting two Royal Devils, he knew he couldn't go back to normal women. It would be like a caveman that was used to eating raw meat suddenly discovering cooked meat. It was impossible to turn back.

​ This naturally disappointed the attendants, but they were satisfied enough with getting the chance to relax and have some leisure.

As for Kiran, a few younger ones had targeted him too, but upon seeing him mediate like a monk, they naturally took him for a freak. Or in the most likely scenario, he was on the spectrum, and they sure as hell didn't want to be sued or fired for disrespecting someone on the spectrum in today's world.

Naturally, a few even targeted Sublime, and she happily made them think they had a chance as she played along until the last moment when she pulled a cruel reversal, making them give up their freedom and joy to her in order to preserve their future.

As such, Sublime laughed happily as they wallowed in despair and regret.

Eventually, the jet landed in another private owned airfield in England, which the Purgatory Group had easily gotten thanks to Sublime's power as the Princess. When they disembarked, Misery was partially drunk, Kiran wore an expression like he was going to fight a war and Sublime had a complicated look.

They sat down in a Rolls-Royce that was owned by the group and traveled along the streets of London as they headed for the Buckingham Palace. Kiran was new to England, so he looked around like a tourist, while Misery only casually noted the changes from the last time he was here.

As for Sublime, she had been living here up until a months or two ago, so this was nothing new to her. She just sat there boredly the entire time, only poking fun at Kiran's country bumpkin behaviors to amuse herself.

The Rolls-Royce came up to the gates of the palace and attracted the attention of various paparazzi that hung around in shifts 24/7 to monitor the royal family for any news.

The guards checked the identities of the passengers and upon seeing that it was Princess Sublime and Prince Nicholas, they naturally let them in post-haste. Kiran, unfortunately, did not have his affiliation to the Royal Family verified, so he was treated as a commoner by the guards.

As the Rolls-Royce passed through the courtyard of the Buckingham Palace, the tension in the hearts of the three grew exponentially. Sublime couldn't help but glance at Misery, while Misery's casual demeanor became slightly colder.

As for Kiran, he was a ball of nerves that would likely squeal if pinched.

The car came to a stop near one of the main doors, and the group disembarked from the vehicle. The servants easily recognized Sublime, because many of them had been played to death by her growing up.

Misery they felt was familiar because of how his looks were around 30% similar to Walter and Kiran made them do a double take because it was like they were looking at a mini-Walter from all those years ago.

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