Guild Wars

Chapter 862 The Reunion 2

Chapter 862 The Reunion 2

"Welcome back, Princess Mary and Prince Nicholas. Would you like to rest in the lounge?" One of the servants bowed and asked.

Misery looked up to take in the scene of the quiet Buckingham Palace and smirked. "Go and announce our arrival to Walter. Tell him I have Juno's kid. He'll understand."

The maid felt something was wrong with this, but her education had ingrained into her that she should never question those above her. As such, she only bowed and went to carry out the order.

Other servants took it upon themselves to lead Misery and co to the upper tearoom, where they were settled down in comfort. When offered refreshments, the adult refused their hospitality, preferring to continue drinking his own deadly concoction, while Sublime casually ordered for some tea and scones, yet Kiran felt too nervous to eat or drink anything.

Some time passed, in which Misery drank leisurely, Sublime enjoyed the tea and scones lazily, yet Kiran, who had been nervous before, was now even more of a nervous wrack. The fellow was bent forward, sweat was shwoing on his forehead, his legs twitched and he unconsciously kept tapping the floor.

Both Sublime and Misery were amused by this disheveled look of his, but they understood. This would be the first time Kiran met his actual father, and he had likely heard so many praises from his mother that his father's image in his heart must be grand.

Sublime had seen him most of her life, so she was not as pressured, through she was worried about revealing their relationship to their mutual father. As for Misery, he was worried about things, these brats could not begin to even fathom at their level.

Case in points…

"Well, well, if it isn't the drunken exile, Nicholas. Here I just thought somebody had forgotten to take out the trash." A smarmy voice spoke with utter derision from behind where Kiran and Sublime sat.

The duo frowned and turned to see who it was. It only took Sublime a moment to recognise the face, making her neck shrink, while Kiran simply glared coldly.

"Hm? Whose mongrel child is this? Did you spawn this thing with a dog or something, Nicholas? You should have at least taught it not to glare at its betters this way!" The fellow who was now visible spoke.

Kiran's expression became stiff, while Sublime began to sweat. As for Misery he poured himself another glass and then raised his head to look at the offender.

"I see you're still as insufferable a prick as ever, Winston."

The man called Winston was a handsome middle-aged fellow with a neatly trimmed haircut and a thick beard and mustache that covered all the lines of his face. He wore a red jacket that was adorned with golden buttons and black suede pants that were fitting.

Coupled with his black suede shoes that also had golden adornments, as well as his black cape, he looked extremely suave and majestic. He also wore two black hand gloves on either hand that prevented one from seeing his palms.

He had the typical blonde hair and blue eyes of royalty, and he was poised like a winner who owned it all.

Kiran and Sublime couldn't help but compare Misery to this fellow and saw that while they were about 10% similar in looks, their demeanors and dressing were worlds apart.

Winston seemed to notice this as the light of derision in his eyes grew stronger.

"I see you still dress like a ragamuffin."

Misery sipped his brew without even glancing at Winston. "I see you still dress like a virgin."

Winston's casual smirk disappeared and was replaced with an expression of fury.

"Enough! Why are you here, you filthy exile? Has your drinking rotten your brain to the point you forgot you were never to return?!"

Misery was still casually drinking without even bothering to glance at Winston.

"I heard you got married recently and came over to give your wife the satisfaction you could never give her in bed. Aren't you going to thank me for being a great cousin?"

Winston was pushed past his limit with that one as he roared, a shockwave exploding from his body as his aura grew menacing.

"You've taunted me long enough, you filth! Since you're here without permission, I can freely choose how to throw you out!" Winston roared as his body exploded with the typical white energy of the Merlin Lineage.

He then stretched his hand out towards Misery. "By the Power of Merlin: I command thee: Chain Lightning!"

An actual bolt of lightning was fired from Winston's hands that rushed over towards Misery with malicious intent. By using Cain Lightning, it was clear that Winston not only aimed to harm Misery, but Sublime and Kiran too!

Misery snorted and raised a hand. The lightning was caught within his palm and collected into a sparkling ball, something which shocked Winston greatly.

"Im-, impossible! How can you have mastered that old witch's ability? How?!"

"That 'old witch' happens to be my Nana and the Greatest Sorceress in our Lineage's history, so you will show respect or I will beat it into you!" Misery suddenly spoke coldly as he displayed endless killing intent, which washed over Winston like a tsunami.

The fellow actually took three steps back and began to sweat heavily, his lips pale and blood leaking from the side of his mouth.

"How can this be? In order to use that ability, you would need to be at least at the Sixth Order… but only the Council of Nine have ever reached that level of power!!"

Misery played with the ball of lightning in his hands. "Well, next time you see those old fuckers, tell them that they need to change that name. Of course, who knows when that may be. I bet, they are still groveling at the feet of their Pangu overlords, opening their aged assholes for their beloved masters to pound!"

Winston's face changed greatly. "How dare you?! You filthy exile, you dare to refer to the noble councilors in such a way?"

Just as Misery was about to retort, he was interrupted by Sublime who had reached the limit of her tolerance and was about to blow her top!

"You fucking geezer, did you just include me in your previous attack?!" Sublime screamed with rage.

Winston was irritated by being referred to as such by a little runt. Since Sublime's back had been turned to him all this while, he hadn't bothered to check who she was, assuming her to be just another bastard mongrel Misery had brought along.

The moment he recognised who she was, his face changed greatly.

"Princess Mary!"

"Your Father Mary! I asked you a question you damn geezer, did you just try to harm me?!" Sublime roared with anger.

Winston began to sweat, but wrung his lips without speaking. Kiran by the side was shocked stupid, gazing at Sublime like he was looking at a ghost. Misery, though, paused thoughtfully before snapping his fingers.

"Oh right, this little brat's mother is Genevieve, a direct descendant of the main branch, while this retard here is just an upper echelon of one of the side branches. As such, daring to attack someone of the main branch like he stupidly did would constitute a severe crime." Misery explained to a stupefied Kiran.

Kiran seemed to understand what he meant, and then gazed at Winston with schadenfreude. Daring to offend this evil lolitician, even he - Kiran - didn't dare to overstep his boundaries.

Winston simply humphed and swung his hand, flourishing his cape. "I did no such thing. The attack was aimed at that worthless exile and did not even edge towards your direction, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't slander me."

Winston then smirked. "In fact, I am not the criminal here. How dare you bring back a wanted exile of our Lineage on our clan grounds? And this other disrespectful mongrel? Do you know your crime?"

Sublime rolled her eyes and sat down lazily. "My crime is having to acknowledge a retard like you as uncle. Now scram and get my father, you side branch maggot!"

Winston could only grit his teeth, but was shocked when he sensed four presences enter the lounge area. When he turned to see who they were, his eyes lit up and his expression became ferocious.

p "Darius! Charles! Kevin! And Councilor Damien! It's great that you're here, we are currently being attacked by this wretched exile who was snuck in by Genevieve's evil spawn!"

Hearing this, the faces of the three blonde haired men behind the one in the lead changed. Immediately, they pointed fingers at Misery and Mary and began shouting.

"Traitorous behavior! She deserves to be whipped like a dog!" Charles bellowed with anger.

"Filthy little minx, I'm sure she engaged in sexual activities with that wretched exile, which is why she dared betray our rules!" Kevin added.

"First, let us capture the traitor for intense punishment, and then get rid of the wretched exile for good." Darius concluded with a dark glance.

The one called Councilor Damien had the same blonde hair and blue eyes as the other man, though one could see that he was slightly older than the others, looking less middle-aged and more… aged. He simply gave Misery a cursory glance, then focused on Sublime.

"Are you going to submit yourself quietly, or must we disgrace ourselves today?"

Hearing this, Winston and the other sneered. Once a councilor was on your case, nothing could save you! If the councilor of Mary's main line was here, Damien would certainly not act this tough.

Unfortunately, after Misery had appeared, the maid he had sent to inform Walter had happened to meet Winston on the way. Hearing that it was Misery who dared to return, he forced the maid to change her directory to Councilor Damien's chambers, as well as call the other cousins who hated Misery and stood on the opposite side.

After all, even if Misery had any backup here, by taking the initiative, they could deal with this eyesore before anyone could defend him!

And just as well, they happened to catch another fish in the net. Even though it was dangerous to mess with the main line, this was a justifiable offense so they were not in the wrong.

In fact, they all prayed that Sublime would resist and refuse to be taken away, aggravating her offense and giving them more ammunition.josei

Sublime understood this and bit her lip. She had some privileges, but she was not untouchable. It would inconvenience her mother and father if she got into too much trouble here, so she considered doing things the easy way.

However, that was all she did, consider it. Not for a moment, did Kiran display an expression of worry since the talking began because he knew that these fellows had kicked an iron plate today.

Case in point.

Sublime took in a deep breath and used a 3rd Order magic to supplement her voice.


Hearing this, the faces of the four middle-aged men changed, while Councilor Damien paled deeply. None of them had expected Sublime to be so cruel and shameless, resorting to the most forbidden techniques so resolutely.

What was this?! All we did was pressure you a little! Did you have to go so far?! Now, even if things could be resolved, the matter had long blown out of proportion.

The problem was, blowing it out of proportion benefited neither side!!

It was not like Sublime was in the right, and proving this false allegation would not be too tough. However, she had still brought in an exile, and that was not something she could brush away!

Kiran sneered at the dumbfounded older men.

Some of the strongest human beings in the world existed within Umbra, and even they didn't dare offend this little source of evil. The only one who could control her in this world was the Lady Boss, and she wasn't around.

Misery too spat out his brew when he heard Sublime's cry, then gave her a thumbs up while coughing. This niece of his was just like her mother, shameless and cruel. Sublime might think that it was life experiences that made her so evil, but Misery knew that in their youth, Genevieve had been feared to a similar extent by those from her generation.

Otherwise, why would a dignified man like Winston wilt under the remembrance that Sublime was Genevieve's daughter? Just being the main branch wasn't enough for him to not even dare to retort when she insulted him like this.

"Hmm, things are about to get interesting." Misery murmured as he felt many powerful auras rush towards the lounge area.

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