Guild Wars

Chapter 863 The Reunion 3

Chapter 863 The Reunion 3

Misery noticed that multiple unrestrained auras were rushing over, and the faces of those before them turned black. Not only had they lost their advantage in dealing with this group to their liking, but they would first have to dispel this nasty false allegation by this little wench!

They really wished they could discipline her for once, but that would not benefit them in the least and would rather make things even worse.

"WHO DARES TO HARM MY BABY GIRL?!" A roar filled with killing intent resounded throughout the halls, making all the men in the room shiver.

Only Misery wore a solemn look, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead.josei

"Welp, the big one is coming…" He muttered with resignation.

Like a storm, Genevieve entered the room, ready to defend her precious daughter from any harm. She wore a lovely sundress which perfectly displayed why no one could doubt that Sublime was her daughter, as both possessed H cups that were shaped like firm balloons.

In fact, without any formal introduction, it was easy to confuse the two for twin sisters. The main difference between the two was that the light of evil and mischief was prominent in Sublime's eyes, whereas Genevieve had learned to hide it, appearing tempered and mature on the surface.

Her eyes scanned the room, registering Winston's group along with Councilor Damien and her beloved daughter with her exiled cousin Nicholas and a young boy that looked like Walter all those years ago.

"Damien, you have five seconds to explain yourself! Does the side branch intend to usurp the main branch?!" Genevieve bellowed coldly as she glared at Councilor Damien.

The groups with Damien all had their expression change greatly.

"Princess Genevieve, mind your tone! You might be the favored daughter of the main branch, but that does not give you the right to talk to a Councilor however you want!" Winston warned coldly.

Genvieve only glanced at Winston in passing.

"How does a dog of the side branch have the guts to speak when human beings are talking? The only one I've asked was Councilor Damien, all uninvolved parties go back to sniffing each others asses or chase your tails instead of barking!"

Winston and the other fellow's faces became purple. Winston himself pointed at Genevieve with a shaky finger.


Sublime's eyes sparkled with awe and respect as she watched her idol, her mama, deal with these unruly brats called her uncles with ease. It should be obvious by now where Sublime learned all her tricks from.

"Enough! Little girl Genevieve, you shouldn't cause unnecessary trouble here. You wanted an explanation, here it is. We were about to arrest the exile, when your daughter used that false accusation to attract your attention to stop us from doing anything about him." Councilor Damien explained calmly.

Genevieve's brows furrowed, but she praised Sublime in her heart for being smart. She turned to her daughter and her cold expression softened.

"Sweetie, please tell Mommy what happened here." Genevieve asked gently. Sublime knew this was her cue and her mother was giving her an opportunity, so she immediately burst into tears and jumped into Genevieve's embrace.

"Waaa, Mommy I was so scared. Not only did that ugly Uncle Winston try to kill me with a huge 4th Order spell, he even called those other uncles to gang up on me. After Uncle Drunk Bastard protected me, they shamelessly called Councilor Damien who tried to use his power to suppress us.

"He continually spat out old man's breath towards me and had very lascivious eyes as he coveted my youthful beauty. But how could I let a precious flower like myself be smeared by that old cow dung that can't even get it up? As such, I screamed in fear."

Councilor Damien and his posse had their mouths gape. Even Misery spat out his drink as he glanced at Sublime like he was seeing her for the first time.

As for Kiran, he didn't seem fazed, he had seen far worse from this evil loli!

Genevieve's heart ached as she rubbed the head of her precious daughter. "Don't worry, baby, Mommy will deal with the bad and ugly geezers."

Genevieve then raised her head and glanced at the five fellows with killing intent. Winston and co shivered, while Councilor Damien was on the verge of blowing his top.

Who but those two would dare to treat a dignified Councilor with such obvious contempt?!

Before Genevieve could speak, an aged female voice resounded in the area.

"Enough of these theatrics. Bring the exile to the Council Chamber for his trial."

Damien humphed when he heard this and stormed out of the room, Winston and his cronies sneered at Misery, knowing that trouble had finally come. Due to the ruckus, the Councilors were informed, and now this matter was heading in a direction to their liking.

Sublime stuck out her tongue at these uncles when they were passing by, making them grind their teeth in anger. Still, when they glared at her, Genevieve gave them a look so dark that they flinched and scurried out even faster.

Genevieve then turned to the still lax Misery and frowned.

"And you, Nick, what are you doing back here? Weren't you the one who swore to never have anything to do with our 'dog' Lineage?"

Misery put his drink down and stood up. "I stand by my words. Today, I'm just a passerby at best and were it up to me I would never had to suffer seeing any of those stuck up pricks. The only reason they're making a fuss is that they're scared I might return."

Genevieve showed an expression of surprise. After all, Misery was right. She, like the others, assumed that Misery was trying to casually return, and naturally after the trouble he had caused when leaving, that would not be something they would allow easily.

They would use the trial to humble him, slap some restrictions and punishment, but eventually they would naturally take such a talented descendant back in. It was a no-brainer.

Damien and co just wanted to use the chance to bully Misery and exacerbate his punishment, making sure it was something truly painful. However, they knew that in the end, after the trial, he would certainly be one of them once again.

And yet, his words just now revealed that he had no interest in doing that. This trial was destined to become an embarrassing farce and would likely resort to violence at a point, which given Misery's nature, he likely expected to a certain degree.

Then, why did he come here?

Misery pointed to the silent Kiran who was glancing at Genevieve suspiciously, noting the likeness between her and Sublime.

"Look at this brat. Seem familiar?"

Genevieve cast her eyes towards Kiran, in the beginning, she was more worried about Sublime and shocked by Misery's return, so she had only subconsciously noted Kiran's presence and the fact that he resembled her beloved Walter a lot.

But now that her conscious mind came upon him, her breath caught. That taciturn nature, those blue eyes and that shitty haircut… it was just like the Walter of yesteryear! If Sublime was like a mini clone of her, then Kiran was like a mini clone of Walter!

Her mind raced as she thought of many possibilities, canceling each one out rapidly. With a deep breath, she asked.

"Is he yours?"

Misery choked for a bit, then coughed. "What? How can you even ask that? Apart from some slight similarities, how do we look alike?"

Genevieve humphed. "Well, you are our cousin and we all share many similarities through genetics. It could happen that your son resembles your cousin Walter greatly."

Misery was left speechless.

"Please, we both know that you're smarter than this. No need to beat around the bush and avoid the inevitable. A part of you must have known that this day would come eventually."

Misery pointed to Kiran lightly. "That brat is Walter's firstborn son, the one he had with Little Sis Juno. The one that caused that dispute all those years back, which led to everything that's happening now."

Genevieve's face changed greatly as her look towards Kiran shifted multiple times. At times, it was full of regret, sorrow and grief and other times full of blame, anger and envy. It was clear her feelings towards both Juno and her child Kiran were mixed.

"Don't look at him like that, he will start crying. He's a softie like his father. Speaking of, where exactly is that oaf? I brought him here to see Walter in peace, but you lot ruined that. Let's let the two have their touching reunion, so I can be out." Misery joked with a smile.

Genevieve remained silent for a while, then sighed. "He will likely be in the council chamber waiting to see you. In the past few years, he had also risen to become a Councilor."

This surprised Misery. "Haha, that snot-nosed brat who always used to run after me is now a high and mighty Councilor! Haha!"

"Ah that takes me back, in that time, there was also another snot-nosed little girl who used to pine after Young Walter, boasting that she would be his bride when we grow up." Misery teased casually.

Genevieve's face became red immediately. "Shut up!"

Misery laughed uproariously and walked out of the room, being followed by Sublime, Genevieve and Kiran. The latter hung back, still comparing mother and daughter. He couldn't help but feel disappointed when he saw that their physique really was the same.

Both had amazing chests, but their backsides were the epitome of average. Compared to his own mother Juno, who was filled out in all directions, Kiran could sort of understand his father now.

…just what was this damn brat thinking about?!

Eventually, the group reached a set of double doors that were large and grand. Based on their size alone, it was as if they expected the likes of giants, dragons and all sorts of fae monsters to be able to pass through smoothly.

The doors were partially opened, just enough that humans could fit in. Misery casually walked in despite the two guards in knight armor who were glowing with white Knight Energy on either side.

These fellows glared at Misery as if warning him not to even consider trying to cause trouble of any sort, while Misery himself just ignored them. When Genevieve and Sublime came, they bowed respectfully.

The moment Kiran came before them, the two blocked the way and glared at the fellow with killing intent. Just as they were about to question him, Genevieve motioned for them to let him in.

This confused the guards, but the wife of a Councilor had certain priviliges, so they complied. Kiran glanced at the two knights casually. He noted that they were 3rd Order Knights from their undulations, which made him sneer.

After all, he had long reached 4th Order thanks to his Uncle's training, and he only spent a few in game months to achieve this while these guys had been trained from childhood.

When the group entered the chamber, they saw it was a huge circular chamber styles like a hearing room. At the northern end of the room was a large stage on which a semicircular table as set.

9 chairs were spread equidistantly around the table, their golden backs numbered and lettered based on the councilor there and who they descended from.

In each chair sat a person, most of them aged and of generally similar looks. The blonde hair and blue eyes were a staple, but there were some slight variations here and there.

Misery casually walked up to the center of the room, where the stand for the one being questioned by the Councilors had already been placed. He inspected it and leaned on it casually as he continued to pour himself a bottle.

His casual behavior made the Councilors and all other important persons by the side who were witnessing this trial frown.

At this time, one of the knights who was inside the room came over with some chains, aiming to lock Misery to the stand as was per custom.

Without looking up, Misery casually spoke.

"If you bring that thing anywhere near me, I will make sure to line it in your gut as your new large intestine."

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