Guild Wars

Chapter 875 The God Sealer 1

Chapter 875 The God Sealer 1

At this moment, 300,000 Light-years away from the Milky Way Galaxy…

A solemn form was charging through the cosmos like a bullet, his speed so fast that space itself seemed to bend to his presence. His set of eyes were filled with calmness and thoughtfulness as he pondered on his choices.

His name was Anubesetesh, and he was the former king of the Tomegamon race!

A legend in the Gerdo Galaxy whose name was at the household level for his deeds and feats throughout his tenure. However, his name was even louder now, due to the events that lead to the downfall of the Tomegamon.

What was a king without a people or a territory? Anubesetesh had not yet found a suitable answer for himself, so he had locked himself away in meditation for years.

It wasn't until he sensed the aura of Purgatory that he rushed towards the general area he sensed it, which was obviously Earth. However, over the course of his journey, Anubesetesh had found that the aura of Purgatory was growing stronger and more refined by the day, leaving him flabbergasted.

His time in the Purgatory Realm had made him come to know a lot of secrets about their universe and how things worked, but this was simply outrageous. The universe would select two candidates to take on the role of Celestial and Abyssal, and the combination of the two shall yield Purgatory.

With the three realms established, the universe would finally be in balance and would be one step closer to completion. As a vested party in this universe's growth and success, Anubesetesh wanted to find these inheritors or possessors and teach them what he knew so that their work would be flawless.

However, those fellows were adapting at such a frightening speed that it made Anubesetesh wonder if another teacher had gotten there long before him!

This was simultaneously what he wanted to see and also something he didn't because being the one to guide those two special beings came with a few hidden perks of his own, ones he had believed only he knew about.

Seeing as there was still some distance to his destination, Anubesetesh wisely decided to occupy himself. He decided to browse through his well of memories, remembering the good times from times long gone.

'Right, where did I last stop? Oh right, when I first awoke my true nature and bound my guardians.' Anubesetesh thought to himself.


"The seal is broken! I call forth the gods of Kalkesh! I summon you to fulfill your oath to me on the day I was born and pave the way for my destiny! Now… APPEAR!!"

Kaelresh closed his eyes and jabbed his clawed finger into his seventh eye. As blood flowed and made contact with the array, a massive amount of power in the form of sanguine-colored lightning was released.

The sky grew black and lightning began to flash. The ground began to crack and roll as coils of a gigantic serpent began to take up most of the arena floor, some parts seemingly even coming out of the walls but not damaging them. A flash illuminated a head so large it made mountains look small in comparison, and a voice that echoed through the land resounded.

"I, Ram-Kha, have heeded your sacrifice and call!"

Another shadow crept across the arena, this time it seemed to be that of a many legged spider. As the shadow passed over the crowd many shivered in fear. They could feel the shivers down to their soul. Suddenly out of seemingly nowhere, the spider entered the living realm.

"I, Solakara, have acknowledged your commitment and heed your summons!"

Another flash of lightning, this one large enough to rip apart the clouds. The noise the thunder made could be heard across the continent as a wolf the size of a mountain began to descend towards the arena floor. He seemed to shift in and out of shape like a cloud, only his head remaining unchanged. Wreathed in lightning and thunder, he was a sight to behold.

"I, Garhun, respect your loss and have come to fulfill our bargain. Now, young one, rise up and claim your destiny!!"

All three turned towards Kaelresh and roared with endless power that shook space-time itself.

"We pledge our being to Kaelresh, reborn now as 'The God Sealer'... Anubesetesh!"

In a deep voice, Anubesetesh issued his response.

"As per the universal law and debt owed, I, Kaelresh, reborn now as Anubesetesh, bind you: Ram-Kha, Garhún, and Solakara to my spirit for eternity!"

With that his furry hands created several more signs and then majestically proclaimed:


An enormous wave of energy began to flow and whirl like a hurricane around Anubesetesh, condensing slowly but powerfully. The very air was drenched in power, power thick enough to suppress any and all lesser beings.

As the vortex began to spiral faster and faster around Anubesetesh, the blood used during the ritual began to form a pendant on a chain. It started as cross with a round hole at the top, the ends of the side and bottom flaring out slightly.

Then adding on 3 sets of holes that looked like eyes on cross beams with 2 eyes per beam. To the trained eye, it looked like an ankh with 3 cross beams, each ending with eye shaped hole and 1 eye shaped hole at the top while the bottom slightly flared out.

The final touch was that covering the entire pendant was shifting interlocking and intertwining lines forming strange decorations, something that  became such a popular sigil that it even made it to the archives of the Gerdo Galaxy human race in the future.

Billions of years later, the humans of Earth who had inherited memories of this symbol and replicated in in their early society would name it 'Celtic knotwork'.

In the color of grey-jade green, the symbol that would forever be known as "The Cursed Ankh" to the entire Galaxy and the symbol and pride of Anubesetesh's house.

It seemed like days passed before the ritual was complete, though it was merely 15 minutes for the spectators. As it slowly ended the last thing to change was… Anubesetesh himself.

The young Tomegamon had grown a few inches in the right places kenkenken- *cough*!

He now stood at 7"6' and looked like he was sculpted by the God of Beauty for male species. The musculature alone was on a level that would make philosophers argue for days as if they had found the Dao through it.

His tail had grown slightly longer and thicker, while his fur's coloring hadn't changed except for the grey-silver hue which now shone with a more iridescent sheen.

His horns turned the same color as the pendant that formed during the ritual, but the gold lines had stayed the same. If one looked closely, they would be able to see scales under his fur and his outline seemed to shimmer and move like a cloud as if it was trying to coalesce.

There was a shine to Anubesetesh's eyes that made it hard to see anything but a glint of lumen.

Quite frankly, Anubesetesh looked like a god and probably felt like one too... for about five seconds, before the weight of the ritual finally hit.

Wasn't it nice to awaken your bullshit protagonist powers and prove to the world you're the Chosen One of your race? However, the energy and cost that had to be paid to use such a ritual came crashing down like an avalanche on poor young Anubesetesh, causing him to crash on the ground comically.

The fellow hit the ground roughly and panted for a few minutes, attempting to get his breath back.

"Well done, my son!"

Anubesetesh heard the comforting words of his father, still in spirit form.

"Hmph, I knew you wouldn't fail, and it seems you've impressed your little mate too!" Added his mother with a playful smile before both shimmered and disappeared.

Along with them were the rest of his people, also in spirit form.

Now, once again…. Anubesetesh was alone.

"No. You're not alone anymore, young Anubesetesh." An ancient and powerful voice spoke from his core.

"You have us now and soon a mate." Another voice added cheerfully.

"Yes… we cannot wait to see the heights you'll bring us to!" A final voice spoke with excitement.

In the background of these comforting words, the young Tomegamon could hear other voices.

One sounded like the tinkling of bells and elicited a sweet response from his heart. The other one ruined that sweet feeling and sounded like the barking of a wild dog.

"Hey you! Kaelresh! You ok?" Inuhkmun, Anubesetesh's fated mate, called out to him with worry.

"Don't talk to him! Did you see what he did? He's a monster! He's cursed! How could he do that at his age?!?! You need to forget about him!" Rahkmel, the arrogant young master who had provoked this entire disaster and awakening, roared by the side.

"Shut your mouth, you mutt! Don't slander my mate!!!!" Inuhkmun screeched with killing intent in her eyes.

"He's not your mate!!!! I AM YOUR MATER! Now and for- ghhh!!" Rahkmel disparately bellowed, trying to change fate alone with his will.

But since when did fate care about the will of a rabid dog?

"So! You have chosen… death!" Anubesetesh rose to his feet as he ground his teeth in anger.

"It's time to teach this mangy cur, as well as the rest, a lesson they will never forget!" He breathed to himself as he activated his new power.

To those watching, it appeared like he had teleported behind Rahkmel and picked him up by his neck from behind.

Inuhkmun had watched the entire process from the side with shock. Also, Anubesetesh noticed through their budding connection that as he had performed the ritual something inside her had awakened…

A want? No, a need!



As such, when the self-entitled young master started to argue, she had started to get furious. Have you ever seen a hungry woman denied the sausage she wants to eat? That was a Code Red level existence right there.

However, that anger was cooled when Rahkmel was grabbed and lifted like a pile of rubbish being sent to the bin.

Anubesetesh did not even look at the fearful little shit in his grasp, rather gazing at Rahkmel's father in the crowd with a hint of anger and disdain.

"Rahkem! Your son is not only a foul wretch not fit for the lowliest station but has trounced upon our sacred laws. Without shame and with arrogance, he has continuously tried to claim what is rightfully... MINE!"

Anubesetesh's eyes became bloodshot with rage and hatred. "You of all people know the punishment for this, do you not Rahkem?!"

The old man fell to his knees before the might of their new King. "Please…! Please spare him! He is my only son….!!"

Anubesetesh glanced at the fellow as if he was a fool. "Spare him? Why should I spare this pitiful mutt? If it were anyone else of any lower station his punishment would have been met out instantly! A punishment that hasn't been dealt in ages!"

Anubesetesh shook his head. His bloodshot eyes began to turn into hollow voids of dark red that would make garnets wet with lust.

"However… sigh, I won't kill him." Anubesetesh seemed to turn back to normal, reverting to the lovable and staid youth he had been when first coming here.

Rahkem and Rahkmel sighed with relief. Rakhmel viciously thought within his mind that the moment this was over and done with, he would force himself upon Inuhkmun and take away something that this bastard could never get back, forcing him to raise children that were not his!

Such euphoric thoughts almost made Rahkmel smile until he looked down and saw a dark smirk on Anubesetesh's face that made his heart shiver.

"Rather than merely kill him, I will eliminate his entire existence!" Anubesetesh stated coldly.

The Tomegamon King chuckled darkly and said the next words calmly, with a poise befitting his station. "Rahkmel! As King of the Tomegamon, I decree that your name will forever be struck from our clan records, and you will forever be remembered as a treasonous sinner, used as an example to warn children of the next generation."

He then raised a hand and placed his palm vertically against Rahkmel's chest.


When that word was spoken, an aura of Nihility spread from Anubesetesh's palm, taking the color of dark-greyish green energy and encompassing his victim.

To the surprise of everyone looking, his bottom jaw became unhinged and his snout more serpentine. At the same time, a suction force could be seen being drawn toward his open maw as his next words sent chills down all watching.

"Your soul is mine!"

As the 'spell' worked, Rahkmel began to shrivel as his essence was drained until nothing but a husk was left behind, yet even that began to swiftly turn to ash and dust, blown away by the breeze.

Anubesetesh's fury quenched, he returned to normal and folded his arms behind his back as the sigil of his family house illuminated behind him while he slightly floated in the air.

"Thus, I speak here and now: Those who choose to do harm to me and mine… shall meet the same fate! I, the God-Sealer, Anubesetesh have spoken!"

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