Guild Wars

Chapter 876 The God Sealer 2

Chapter 876 The God Sealer 2

Silence. Nothing but the hum of the magitech could be heard.

What had just happened was unprecedented and there were no words to convey the kind of emotions and thoughts coursing through the minds of those who had witnessed it all.

Anubesetesh heard a slight whimper and turned to Inuhkmun only to get hit by a strong wave of her scent, so strong it knocked him out of the state he was in, sending him into a state of worry.

​ "What's wrong my mate? Did I frighten you?" Anubesetesh reached with his right hand and gently stroked her face with a look of concern.

"Sigh, I know what I just did must have scared you, but there is no reason to be afraid of me-" Anubesetesh began but was metaphorically punched in the gut when he sensed pure lust from her aura.

'God of Tomegamon, this bitch is crazy! She got off on seeing me turn that guy to dust?!' Anubesetesh roared in his heart with shock.

What the hell was he in for? Any sensible man would flee while lifting his skirt to enable the legendary speedometer steps which boosted running sped by 50%.

But young Anubesetesh didn't care. Like Misery, like Nightwalker and like any qualified male, he saw the red flags through rose-tinted glasses and thought to himself 'I can fix her'.

Chuckling slightly, Anubesetesh teased his babe. "Hehehe. It seems I've truly impressed my princess! Do I need to 'prove' myself to you anymore?"

His eyes glinted with endless mischief and playfulness. It seemed like if Inuhkmun didn't give a reasonable answer, she would experience what it was like to ride a roller coaster, heh heh.

That seemed to snap her out of it though, as she hurriedly stammered: "D-Don't go getting the wrong idea! You still need to beat me into submission! Er- I mean in combat!"

Her cheeks were flushed and she was looking especially tasty at the moment. A gourmet like Anubesetesh was all but willing to dig in to this meal.

"Oh? Is that all? But I wonder….do you have the confidence to back that up?" Anubesetesh stated arrogantly.

Even if he liked her and wanted to have a taste, he was a Tomegamon with standards! Not just any female could enjoy the Rod of Power and Justice!

Continuing by idly rubbing his nails and pretending to be disinterested, Anubesetesh said. "After all, only a strong mate is worthy enough to become my queen and future empress! And since I haven't seen you make a contract, how will I know one way or the other?"

"Of course, I'm willing to wait for you to get your Guardians so you're not defenseless." He gave her a grin so wide and wolf-like that Inuhkmun finally blew her top and stomped her feet as she yelled out:


After that, she humphed and turned away, but the world itself began to shudder and shake as violently as when Ram-Kha appeared.

"D-Did she just say Kal-Rha?!" Ram-Kha (Giant Serpent) asked with a hesitant yet anxiously soft voice from the 'inner world' within Anubesetesh that his three Guardians now resided in.

Solakara (Giant Spider) replied in a very tsundere type voice and attitude. "Yeah and unfortunately she also said the name of that pain in the ass Ireskus, tch!"

"What's with you two? Who are they?" Anubesetesh rightly asked with curiosity.

"Kal-Rha is the most gorgeous being in the universe!" replied Ram-Kha with starry eyes.

Solakara rolled her eyes and added: "She's also the very spirit of Kalkesh itself. A God of Rebirth, Life and Nature. While the other one, Ireskus, is the spiritual manifestation of the three suns that are in our solar system presiding over Heat, Light and Illusions."

Then her voice became disdainful. "…also, he is infatuated with me for some reason. That bastard won't leave me alone for a second, which is one of the reasons I tried to pry you from the clutches of these two (Kal-rha and Garhun), causing you to wipe out your entire kingdom. Cough… sorry about that by the way."

Having known this last fact for a long time, Anubesetesh wasn't fazed but the rest… he was stunned. It seemed fate not only wanted him to be the future God-King of his race, but also to have a wife on the same level of power as himself.

While Anubesetesh might have 3 Gods as Guardians, even Gods had a hierarchy, and the two Inuhkmun was summoning were at the very top!josei

The ground began to quake but instead of destruction, new life sprouted here and there, ending up all around Inuhkmun. There was also a bright light shinning behind her, making her appear as if she were a Goddess herself.

A serpentine dragon appeared, wrapping around Inuhkmun's torso and right arm. Her color was that of a mottled green as well as shades of brown with eyes as bright a pure emerald mixed with golden light.

A true and beautiful sight to behold.

Kal-Rha's head and upper body stopped and lifted up at the end of her partner's outstretched hand looking at me with curiosity and… was that pain?

"Well met, God Sealer. It seems your timing of return is impeccable." Kal-Rha spoke in a mature female voice that was pleasant to the ear.

"Oh, my love! How I've missed you!" Ram-Kha had come out on his own and likewise wrapped around Anubesetesh to speak to his beloved.

"I would ask where you've been gone for almost a century but after hearing everything going on, I now understand. You missed the last hatching and left me alone. You'll need to make up for tha,t you know, by taking care of the kids for a while instead of traversing the land as usual. Hmph, neglecting your duties to play with your boys…" Kal-Rha replied pointedly and with slight irritation.

What? You thought only Tomegamon had mates here? Nah, bruh.

How else did they have such a variety of spirits to contract with?

"What I didn't understand was your choice to vie for this one's partnership until I saw his ability to use ritual songs to seal not only you but Garhún as well? Seems you've chosen wisely." Kal-Rha remarked with slight interest.

"Yes, well there was a strange coalescence of energy that seemed to be interesting so I wanted to see what it was about, and ended up finding out about this lad's birth and how Solakara was going to be his Guardian." Ram-Kha explained softly.

"You mean you wanted a way to shirk your duties as 'father' and left me with the little ones again? *sigh* sometimes I wonder why we were chosen to be together. The universe seems to like to play games…" Kal-Rha lamented with fatigue.

Hearing this interaction Garhún, Solakara, and Anubesetesh all looked at Ram-Kha with burning eyes of indignation and disgust.

Feeling this, Ram-Kha coughed. "My dearest love, forgive me. I shall spend more time at home and attempt to be a better father and mate… please forgive me? Don't take it out on my partner or the others…"

"Unfortunately… I just can't stay mad at you. After all, despite your constant travels, at least you've never cheated on me and you do your best to take care of your family when it's needed." Kal-Rha acquiesced with a gentle smile.

She then turned to her master. "I wont fight my beloved, but I will act as support and heal if needed."

With that, she disappeared into the surrounding greenery leaving a flabbergasted Inuhkmun.

"I see you skulking around like usual, Ireskus! Come out of that light and show yourself damnit!" Solakara had decided to act as well.

Bashfully, a being of light slowly walked out from behind Inuhkmun to face Anubesetesh. "Hello, Sol. How you've been?"

"Staying away from you…" Solakara answered tersely.

"But-but why? You know I'd do anything for you! Your beauty only makes me want to shine more so I can make you stand out and above everyone else!!!" Ireskus roared in pain.

"But that's the problem, dumbass! I'm the shadows! The more you burn bright the less it makes me feel, you idiot!!" Solakara roared back with bloodshot eyes.

"Oh…" Irekus muttered in realization.

He then put his finger to his mouth in a thoughtful pose. "I guess that makes sense. So if I turn down the light, you'll go out with me??"

"Tch! You wont give up, will you?" Solakara asked with muted annoyance.

"Nope!" He replied somewhat impishly and childishly.

"UGH! FINE!! But only if you can beat my new partner-" Solakara responded with a humph, a glint of evil flashing in her eyes.

"Solakara, stop it!" Garhún bellowed as he had had enough of the conversation.

"You will not use Anu's new station for your games. We both know how you really feel about Ireskus, so I will not allow you to do this just to see a fight." Garhun growled with a potent and deep voice.

Then he went silent again and lay down, ignoring everyone.

Absolute chad.

"Tsk… fine." Solakara muttered in defeat.

"So… we can still go out?" Ireskus asked with hope.

"Hmm… I dunno…" Solakara wickedly dragged along with a sadistic expression.

"Sol!!" Ireskus roared, at his wit's end.

"Yes, ok? Sheesh, can we just get this over and done with? Anu is still recovering from his ritual anyway so the faster he can deal with his mate, the better!" Solakara gave in finally under the pressure of everyone's glares for her games.

"Thanks, Sol, for making this worse. I was trying to avoid fighting her…" Anubesetesh exclaimed exasperatedly.

Then turning to Inuhkmun, Anubesetesh asked: "Do you really wish to fight? Knowing I'll be holding back? Knowing that I won't attack? I could never hurt you intentionally…"

"YES! If you don't fight back I'm going to beat you to a pulp!" She replied angrily.

"If it will make you feel better to attack, then go ahead, but once you see it's futile and have exhausted yourself, I'm taking you with me to our new home, no arguments." Anubesetesh stated firmly.

The entire arena went silent.

The whole conversation, not just between Anubesetesh and Inuhkmun, but between their respective guardians was just too much. Except for that last part, there was one person who had issue with that, and of course it was her dad.

Isn't it always so?

"Now hold on just a minute! You've literally been on this planet for only half a day, you've destroyed a high ranking noble's son, and now you want to just take my daughter without my consent? I don't care if you two are fated mates! This is too much!! As her father, I shall test you personally on my daughters behalf to make sure you're a true Tomëgamon!" The Old King roared with paternal righteousness.

Inuhkmun snickered slightly thinking I'd back down. This was, after all, the current ruler of their race and no one should take him lightly… yet.

But bitch, he, Anubesetesh was the true King!

How could he back down before his father-in-law? That would only make him unworthy in his father-in-law's heart!

"I accept your challenge, my liege!" Anubesetesh bowed out of respect.

"Then let us begin! I, God-King Garuksun, will test your mettle to see if you really are the right one for my daughter!"

At the end of his proclamation, the ruler jumped down from his seat in the emperor's box creating a slight crater. Inuhkmun decided to leave the arena, the tournament that usually happened was useless at this point, so leaving wasn't a bad thing.

Anubesetesh took a stance with his left foot behind him, his left arm crossed behind his back, and his right foot in front with his right arm out hand extended as well as its fingers together.

Garuksun stopped a hundred meters from me and faced me waiting. "Hehehe. Young one, I'll let you make the first move!"

"You might regret that, sire!" Anubesetesh smiled as lightning suddenly covered his body. He took a step forward… and disappeared.

"Hmph, predictable!" Garuksun roared as he countered bravely.


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