Guild Wars

Chapter 877 The God Sealer 3

Chapter 877 The God Sealer 3

Anubesetesh's kick was blocked by Garuksun's own brave counter. They traded blows for minutes, neither side managing to gain ground. The two of them became blurs of silver and black, their limbs turning into the highest fidelity weapons.


Eventually, both sides were blown back, and Anubesetesh especially returned to his previous spot, slightly panting, his pristine fur now slightly sweaty.

"Well, you're tough physically. Not surprised about that, but still, to keep up with me while I'm augmenting my reflexes with electricity… impressive, my king." Anubesetesh admitted with a trace of respect in his voice.

"Heh, not bad yourself, brat. To be able to prevent me from counterattacking that entire time is a feat worthy of my praise! Let's continue! However, I'll be attacking this time!" King Garuksun replied with a wide grin of appreciation, which became a bellow of exertion.

Anubesetesh suddenly heard a few notes of unique Tomegamon singing (which was their way of connecting to the elements and casting magic), and all of a sudden, a beam of water was shot towards the young Chosen One.

He reflexively raised a shield made of the firmest Earth element he could muster from the surrounding to try and block it.

"You idiot that won't stop it! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Ram-Kha screamed at him.

Feeling pressure from the incoming attack, Anubesetesh dodged just in time to watch his earth shield get split in half, the place where he had stood moments ago obliterated from the water pressure.

He released a sigh of relief from the sight. "That was clo-"


Anubesetesh was suddenly hit with a punch from the side and sent flying.

"You need to keep your eye on your opponent, young one! Hehehehe!" Garuksun laughed shamelessly, flexing his wrist as he entered a fighting stance.

Spitting blood, again, Anubesetesh stood up and looked at his opponent wearily.

"Thank you for the advice, dad!" Anubesetesh smirked provocatively as he said this.

"Heh, I'm not your dad yet, boy. Your father would have actually put up more of a fight! He must be ashamed to see his son putting up such a pitiful resistance like this!" Garuksun replied, equally smirking and of course, his remark hit home causing Anubesetesh to become slightly angry.

"I've been holding back, elder! Allow me to demonstrate some real power!" He stated with gritted teeth.

Using an air platform, Anubesetesh jumped high into the air, clapped his hands together and began gathering energy as he hummed. Lightning once again began to coalesce, but this time, it seemed to be channeled between his two open hands.

"Don't die on me, old man! Let's see you dodge this!" Anubesetesh yelled as he thrust both hands toward Garuksun and shot his 'chord'.

Two lightning bolts several meters thick sped towards the emperor at impossible speeds! The resulting explosion made many worry for his majesty's safety.


"Did he survive?" An onlooker asked with worry.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" Another onlooker asked while covering their face in fear.

"Dad!" Inuhkmun cried out with anxiety.

"Damn what power this young Tomëgamon has!!" Someone cried out with shock.

As the dust settled, Anubesetesh landed on his feet. To his amazement, he saw the king surrounded by a bubble of water that seemed to have defused the lightning. Garuksun was unharmed and smiling.

"That was good! Very, very good! Very good indeed! I bet your mother taught you that move, didn't she?" Garuksun asked with a smile.

Seeing the surprise on Anubesetesh's face, Garuksun laughed. "Of course, I know about it! It was one of her favorites. Pity, you haven't shown me your dad's true powers either. Quite a shame really, his attacks were quite beautiful but deadly as hell."

Garuksun sighed with lament. "Now it seems you've been exhausted, which is to be expected considering all that's happened so allow me to end this!"

Unfortunately, his statement was true. Nevertheless, Anubesetesh didn't want to give in, but he also didn't want to kill the old king. That was the reason he chose to use his mother's attack style instead of his father's, yet it appeared as if he might have to show off a little bit of his father's power too.

As the God-King charged him, Anubesetesh took a certain stance. He stood still but put his hands in front of his stomach, fingers touching in an "O" formation and began 'singing'.

Red energy began to form and circle in the center of Anubesetesh's hands. When the king saw this, he felt fear for a second before forcefully changing course, causing the old fellow to run into a wall.

As soon as he did, Anubesetesh completed his 'spell' and launched it. A beam of multicolored light shot out and connected with the earth 300 meters away, causing an eruption of crystal gems hundreds of feet high.

The attack was certainly powerful and nearly fatal. However, Anubesetesh's tank was empty, and he fell to his knees, panting and exhausted.

"It seems I was wrong. It's not complete, but it was definitely Ramesh's Gem Crystallization Beam." Garuksun muttered to himself with lingering fear.

He then sighed and relaxed. "It's pointless to continue, my son. But you did well, and I acknowledge your power. I haven't had a fight like that in ages."

Garuksun rubbed his snout with a wry smile. "No one ever wants to spar anymore. Not a single person since you parents disappeared. Your mother loved kicking my ass and your dad would help me train. I owe them much."

Garuksun's face hardened as he became stern and mature. "Rise, Young King! Rise and accept my blessing!"

As Anubesetesh began to stand, he was met not with a hand from his father-in-law, but by deep blue eyes. The very same ones of his mate who currently had worry written over her face. She reached out to touch his face and he leaned into her hand.

"How about you, my love? Do you acknowledge me?" Anubesetesh asked softly.

"You big dummy. You didn't need to go so far! You really took on my father in the arena?! Are you mental or something?!" She roared with annoyance and a little bit of worry.

Chuckling slightly, Anubesetesh looked her in the eyes and replied: "Perhaps… Though, if a certain someone hadn't gotten her tail in a twist, I wouldn't have needed too."

Stepping away from him, she turned around and hmph-ed with her snout turned up which made both Anubesetesh and Garuksun laugh, causing her to become slightly more annoyed… before her shoulders eventually dropped in defeat.

Anubesetesh started to laugh again only for his eyes to roll back into his head as he fell over unconscious.

This, naturally, caused her to fuss. Jumping to his side and laying on him, trying to figure out what was wrong, Inuhkmun began to frantically ask questions.

"Kael are you ok? Kael wake up!! KAEL!!!" She screamed as she lightly shook the unconscious Anubesetesh.

Garuksun coughed shamelessly. "Daughter remember where you are. Your mate's fine, merely exhausted. Let him sleep for a few days before you jump him."

The old King then smiled at his daughter teasingly. "Not to mention, both of you still need to formally mark each other and have a proper ceremony. Well, actually two ceremonies, one to make him Crown Prince and another to join both of you formally."

Giving her Dad the 'evil eye' for his comments, she stood up and ordered the medics to come and take her beloved to the imperial castle to rest.josei

Noting his daughter's actions and laughing at her silliness with his statement, Garuksun returned to the issue at hand. The contract ceremony that had been stalled.

He turned to the remnants of the crowd who were watching everything while munching melon seeds, looking like typical uninvolved onlookers.

"My good people! We have had unprecedented circumstances thrust upon us! I have gained a new son and you have gained a prince!"

Garuksun said this with pride in his voice, but his expression became solemn. "But now is not the time to settle these matters and celebrate. The rest of the young Tomëgamon need to complete their contracts. The tournament will be postponed for a few months until we find out where everyone will be placed. For now, I call the Elders to once more start the contract ceremony!"

After his proclamation, the Elders once more summoned the contract device and everything proceeded as smoothly as possible.

However, the talk was on the day's events and what the fuck just happened? Did they seriously just witness all that awesomeness and madness? Did they just witness the birth of an absolute legend?

This was talk of everyone for months to come and would be for years!


In the depths of space, an older Anubesetesh smiled wryly to himself as he was jolted out of his reminiscence. He noticed that he had finally crossed over the Andromeda Galaxy and was less than 100,000 Light-years away from the Milky Way.

The closer he got, the sharper the sensation he felt of Purgatory from Draco and Eva. This made his expression harden as he couldn't help but worry if any other powerful and special beings like him could also sense this.

It also made him slightly more anxious and he expended more energy to increase his speed as he blasted through space like a bullet moving through Earth's atmosphere. He tore through planets that lay besides him, leaving many dead and useless planets partially cracked while useful planets he shielded passively from his turbulence.

'I just hope I get there in time!' Anubesetesh thought to himself as he rushed towards what just might be the culmination of his fate.


At this time, within Boundless, a few months had passed. A lot of things had occurred in this time, and Draco and Eva had been partially aware of some due to disruptions and various events.

However, this did not affect their seclusion, and it also just so happened that the heavy atmosphere surrounding the two as they delved into the depths of their bloodline ended today.

The White-Haired Duo opened their eyes at the same time and raised their heads. A beam of black light flashed from Draco's eyes while a beam of white light emitted from Eva's.

The two lights clashed in the middle and then intertwined, flashing into a portal that was made due to their energy. When they re-appeared, they were above a small island within the unmapped zones, far from where Draco and Eva could even sense.

When those lights landed on the island, it exploded in a glorious ball of black and white that reached the sky, killing hundreds of unique NPCs, monsters and whatnot in the area.

Draco and Eva saw notifications for experience gained, but waved it away with casual expressions. They didn't care that they had casually caused a calamity for hundreds of innocent beings, as they weren't called the Evil Duo for nothing.

"Damn, this stuff is actually hard. I had no fucking idea there was so much information in a simple bloodline." Draco stated as he rubbed his temples.

Eva folded her arms and looked to the sky with an expression of lament. "And here I thought it would be great to reach 100%. I almost miss the ease at which things occurred when we were stuck at 99%."

The way the two acted, one would think that they were students about to write their finals who had underestimated the wickedness of their teacher, and realized that the simple questions they had expected from their end of semester exams had leveled up into PHD tier questions for the finals.

Well, one should not be too surprised. As they just stated, the value of a 99% bloodline suppressed by subhuman genes and a 100% one liberated but merged with sub-human genes were vastly different.

Why if you asked Draco and Eva how much progress they had made in their near 6 months seclusion, they would tell you… none!

They had basically sat here and wasted time being half asleep!

It was almost as if some despicable author wanted to hide them from the limelight so he could develop other characters and events.

But that was impossible... right?

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