Guild Wars

Chapter 878 The Difficulty With 100% Bloodline Power

Chapter 878 The Difficulty With 100% Bloodline Power

Whatever the case, the fact of the matter was that Draco and Eva could no longer afford to waste time here. They were forced to end their seclusion and re-enter the world of the mundane beings, something which they looked forward to.

After all, they had gone almost half a year without killing anything or ruining anyone's life. You have no idea how torturous such a thing is for these two.

Still, there were some things they had learned about their 100% bloodline.

Firstly, it was a well of information so large that Earth had not yet designed a suitable term for it and no sensible number the human mind could fathom was able to cover its numerical value. The worst part was that this wasn't data that was yet to be processed or needed to be processed, but information which had already gone through processing.

In other words, it was like reading a textbook, someone else had simplified the theories and ideas into a systematic representation for others to easily understand.

However, even this simplified version caused the minds of Draco and Eva to spin. This wasn't even a matter of IQ, but brain capacity. It didn't matter if you had the IQ of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and Issac Newton put together, your brain would short circuit trying to grasp the information within.

As far as the Evil Duo could tell, one needed to have a brain that possessed the power of Tier 9 Control, fully realized Dark Angel/Light Angel power as well as far greater control over the bloodline.

Right now, they only had Tier 5 Control, Basic Dark Angel/Light Angel power and not even elementary mastery over their 100% bloodline. It could be said that Draco and Eva had come a long way, but they still had a long way to go.

The two exited the Heavenly Castle in the Morningstar World and noticed that it was far less lively than before. After all, now that this 'interstellar spaceship' had 'parked' in the Main Plane, the 'passengers' onboard wanted to get down and 'stretch' their legs a bit.

Draco thought of something and snapped his fingers. Immediately, he and Eva appeared above the planet where Hanzo Hisashi's soul lived, continuously honing his battle techniques against hundreds of shadowy beings.

When Draco saw this, he waved a hand and stopped Hanzo's brawl. He then fetched the fellow into the sky, which shocked Scorpion. However, when he saw it was his benefactor, he bowed amiably and nodded.

"Hanzo greets Draco and Eva. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You've been here a while. What do you think so far?" Draco asked with a smile.

Hanzo pondered. "It's great, I get to fight as I please and increase the strength of my technique. For a warrior like me, I can ask for little more."

Eva chuckled. "Well for a warrior like you, we're willing to give more. Your current soul form makes you somewhat immortal, especially in this universe, but it also limits your potential. It's time to return to a physical one."josei

Hanzo was shocked by this. How could these two give him a real body? Such a thing was unheard of, even in the Mortal Kombat world.

Eva decided to talk less and immediately channeled her endless Bloodline Energy like a torrent, fueling her Heavenly Eye Inheritance. Immediately, her golden eyes shone like beacons, and a literal beam came out from them that scanned Scorpion's soul form.

Then, from his feet, it began to slowly recreate his flesh like a high-tech 3D printer that used laser technology. However, the process was slow and very torturous for Hanzo for nothing in the world could have prepared him for the sensation of having his body rebuilt piece by piece in real time.

Still, he endured it quietly and eventually panted when his full body was restored. He fell to his knees while sweating, but at the same time, he felt invigorated. After all, he had been unable to breathe, feel or sweat in soul form, which he could freely do now.

Hanzo rose to his feet and bowed once more. "I thank you for restoring me. Now that I am whole, what would you ask of me?"

Draco waved a hand and sent Hanzo out of the Inner Universe and into the Aether Palace of Vita Kingdom. He only left a short mental message for Hanzo when he did so.

"You are free to do whatever you want. However, you must henceforth increase your power even more, so seek out the one called Deployed Soldier."

After Hanzo was dealt with, Draco and Eva frowned.

"Resurrecting him should have been easy and one time, just like Hikari. However, I had to do it bit by bit and the conversion between our infinite Bloodline Energy and our power is... I don't know how else to describe it but utter garbage!" Eva complained.

Her words cut right to the chase. Bloodline Energy was great on its own, and as raw energy, Draco and Eva could use it for various purposes and exploit its near infinite presence. However, it posed a problem when used in any bloodline ability/inheritance, as it needed to be converted into a special type of fuel needed for that specific ability.

It was like one using electricity produced from nuclear energy (the one that was clean and seemingly infinite) to power a spaceship or any high tech module that require dark matter energy. Yeah, the electricity could be converted upwards using special means, but you can imagine how shitty it is to converted electricity to dark matter.

This was basically their issue.

Why did this never happen at 99% bloodline? Because the scale was far smaller and the difficulty was mitigated. As stated, the Inheritances were groups of abilities that had been mastered by Lucifer and co and then simplified/coded into the bloodline for the later generations to use at ease.

However, for Draco and Eva, nothing like Inheritances existed anymore. They had entered the same playing field as Lucifer and Amaterasu, granting them access to all abilities in their raw, unsimplified state. It was up to them to spend countless years and study, then simplify like all the 9 Original Humans had done.

There was no shortcut for this.

At 99%, you could picture a skill tree from most single player RPG games. At the bottom was a single node which unlocked the bloodline that branches off into three forks, one for Dark Angel, One for Serpent God and One for Horned Demon.

Depending on the Inheritances one possessed, each route's basic node would be unlocked. The various abilities we'd seen from the previous antics of Draco and Eva would be lit up in succession.

The entire skill tree at 99% would be shaped like a trident standing upright, only counting the base near the fork.

However, the skill tree at 100% was like a tree of Yggdrasil, with millions of branches and nodes that could make one's head spin. There was the tree trunk which was the source of Bloodline Energy that fed it into the leaves on each branch, which represented a category of ability.

There was a branch that represented what everyone knew as Serpent God Inheritance. All the well-known abilities were on it, formed as small leaves. To activate these abilities, one needed to only feed power from the trunk to the branch and to the leaf.

The energy was squeezed and converted as it went, making the ability slower. However the pathway and the schematics were far greater than at 99%, so the cost was higher and the output was unimaginable.

Two things that left Draco and Eva speechless and full of horror.

One, the amount of abilities on the branch for the three Inheritances they knew were almost 6x more than what existed in the Inheritances and, two, the power of each ability that was coded into the Inheritance was about 0.1% as strong as the raw ability on the leaf.

This meant that Lucifer and Amaterasu and co had only coded select abilities into the Inheritances, probably the ones they had the most grasp of or felt were the most useful. There was so much more there, and Draco even found the group of leaves that finally explained Essence's special nature in the Serpent God Inheritance.

It turned out that he was part of a different group of Serpents called the Origin Dragons. This group was made up of 3 Dragons, the Aurora Dragon, the Infinite Dragon and the Concept Dragon.

The Aurora Dragon, as we knew, represented energy.

The Infinite Dragon represented possibility, or basically, Luck.

The Concept Dragon represented thought and manifestation.

That was all Draco could tell on that matter, and it wasn't as if he had just glanced over it. On the contrary, he the entirety of his six months researching this after discovering it.

The second problem of the scale of power was understandable. If Lucifer and co didn't reduce the maximum power output for the abilities, no Lineage member would have been able to cast those abilities with their meager fuel.

If even Draco and Eva were suffering from conversion with infinite energy, how would those with limited energy of a far lower quality dare to think of doing the same?

The best Lucifer and co had been able to do was to code in an auto conversion method that was as efficient as possible so that their descendants could use the abilities at a far lower power scale.

This was also why using bloodline abilities always seemed to drain so much and waste so much.

The issue overall was that while the White-Haired Duo had found the three branches for their known Inheritances, and could identify some of the abilities they had used, those same abilities had grown to a scope where their knowledge barely scratched the surface.

So they had to re-study and re-use those abilities from scratch. They could use them now - and any ability really - but they would have terrible efficiency and in the case of abilities they were using for the first time, may misfire or backfire.

This was also another problem. Due to their lack of knowledge, they could see the whole 'tree' and all its branches and leaves, but apart from the three Inheritances they knew, all the others were 'dark' as if they have not been 'unlocked' yet.

This was just an instinctive warning from their bloodlines not to try out these things until they got a very surface level grasp of how it worked.


Right now, Draco and Eva had a LOT of power and potential and so much room to grow that it was almost infinite. Where they could go in the end was up in the sky, but without needing to think about anything like revenge compared to the 9 Original Humans, they could freely hide and develop to their maximum selves.

As for Lucifer, Amaterasu and co, they had directly inherited the memories of humankind as well as their hatred, and could not suppress it anymore as they rushed prematurely to fight to the death.

Perhaps this was why Lucifer had done what he did. He might have felt it was too much of a pity to be blessed with such power and use it crudely for revenge, hence creating Draco, Eva and Shangtian's sister.

Makes you wonder, if Lucifer could even reconcile with Pangu and do him this favor, did he also do same for the other 6 Original Humans? It was very likely, but things were yet to be seen.

Right now though, Draco and Eva were willing to focus on other things while carefully exploring their bloodline and unearthing their full potential.

As it were, after dealing with Hanzo, they warped to the planet where the souls of the Dragonkin were situated. These were the Dragon Souls that Dovahkiin had wickedly absorbed, who numbered almost a hundred.

They used a unique system of power despite also being western style Dragons, through their voices. This had intrigued Draco back then, so he had collected them and kept them here.

Now, it was finally time to bring them back to life.

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