Guild Wars

Chapter 879 Morningstar Family Meets Two Royal Devils

Chapter 879 Morningstar Family Meets Two Royal Devils

When Draco and Eva appeared above them, the Dragons sensed their presence and gathered. Ever since they had been deposited in the Inner Universe they had slept or explored the universe around them idly, passively absorbing the great energy here.

So even though they remained in soul form, their souls were almost three to four times stronger than before. Those Dragons could even use some elementary shouts in this form, which was unprecedented.

When all hundred or so souls gathered, the place was filled with elemental energy and dragon force. Draco inspected all the souls and nodded his head with satisfaction.

"Fellow dragonkin, you have waited long enough. Soon, we shall revive you all and grant you physical bodies, then incorporate you into our world." Draco announced, which made these old fellows excited.

"We'll follow any arrangements of Lord Black Dragon!" Paarthurnax, the strongest of them and the nominal leader, responded with respect.

Draco nodded and left with Eva, checking on their island in the void. Almost everyone was out, leaving only Chrona, Jessica the Amphiptere and Sheera as well as the still pregnant concubines.

Most everyone, even the kids, had gone out to play. Draco felt slightly worried when he couldn't find Clarent nor Qiong Qi obediently lying down there, as it meant that those two were likely out in the world causing trouble somewhere. He could only pray silently that those two would be unable to cause too much damage.

Even more interesting was that the Dragon and Phoenix Ancestor had gone out too. How would their cultivation and power translate in a Western Fantasy world?

As such, Draco and Eva eventually exited the Morningstar World themselves, appearing in the Aether Palace of Vita Kingdom. Specifically they came out within the palace's master bedroom which was exclusive to Draco and his Four Beauties.

Case in point, Zaine, Roma and Hikari were chatting in the room while Loki, Rosella and Kuro played together.

Rosella was now about 2 and half years old and was already a toddler who could walk on her own.

Loki was also around the same age, just a few months younger and could also walk, but preferred to carry himself about using his Transvection like he was some divine being.

However, despite his arrogance, Loki didn't dare to slight his big sis, and Draco could even see Rosella pulling Loki's ear as she berated him while the fellow could only wince and accept it his defeat.

Even Zaine didn't stop this, as she knew that interfering in the hierarchy between siblings was a sure-fire way to make one's family complicated and create strife.

Besides, Zaine trusted Rosella because she was a frighteningly clever little girl on par with the succubus herself. Although she was merely her 'step-mother' Zaine had often been teaching Rosella ways to maximize her sky-high IQ.

During their lessons the succubus had often asked Roma whether she wanted to join them, but the Gypsy always stated that she preferred to rely on her beloved big sis , which made Zaine feel both exasperated and warm.

Kuro was watching by the side as Loki got his comeuppance, snorting smoke from his nostrils with amusement. He was still a hatchling at this time, but he was growing FAST. From the size of a large rat, he was now the size of a small dog.

Loki, seeing Kuro mock him, couldn't tolerate it.

"You wanna fight, lizard brain? Huh?!" He roared as he charged at Kuro.

"What you think I'm scared of you, fork tail?" Kuro replied fiercely as he charged at Loki and the two began rolling on the floor as they clashed.

Hikari and Zaine looked on, but didn't interfere, continuing their chat. They had long gotten used to the boys fighting, accepting that boys were like this. Besides, they had their own little patroller here.

Rosella flew into a rage as her face became cold. Her hair rose up like snakes and a green outline formed around her body. She made some complex hand signs as eldritch chanting came from her tiny mouth, but the power she released was not small.

Two giant green hands formed and grabbed Loki and Kuro, separating them from each other forcefully. The two brats were still filled with bloodlust and thrashed against their captor, making Rosella even more dissatisfied.

She dragged Loki over to Zaine and Kuro over to Hikari. The two mothers laughingly received their troublemakers and soothed them int their arms while Rosella sighed with fatigue and released her power.

Roma then gently stroked her daughters white hair and praised her. "Good job my love."

Soon, the group noticed Draco and Eva who were watching everything with a warm smile. Immediately, their eyes lit up.


"Big sis Eva!"

"Esteemed father!"


Draco walked over and kissed each of his babes on the forehead gently, making them blush. Eva smiled and hugged them gently making them feel loved and accepted.

Draco the turned to Rosella, who instantly shrank back slightly and adopted a respectful demeanor.

"Esteemed father, Rosella greets you."

Question marks formed on Draco's head. "Esteemed father?" What kind of distant and formal sounding address was that? No, Draco could not allow this to continue.

As such he grabbed he beloved daughter into his embrace and squeezed her slightly. "What Esteemed Father-nonsense? Call me Papa or Daddy-poo."

Rosella blushed deeply and hid her face in Draco's chest.

"P-Papa…" She barely managed to mumble out those words due to her shyness.

Draco's eye curled into slits from joy. By gosh, his darling girl was so cute! He wished he could hold her forever and pamper her till she exploded from eternal happiness!

Draco gently reassured Rosella and then turned to Loki, who was initially looking on enviously before adopting a casual and indifferent look when he father focused on him.

The toddler folded his chubby arms behind his back and took on a very arrogant demeanor.

"Pops, you're back. Instead of greeting your number 1 son first, you actually looked at other places. Sigh, it seems like I can only rely on myself to become outstanding and unearth my potential."

Draco snorted with a look of amusement. "Brat, is that your way of telling me you missed me, huh? Look at you, acting all jealous, the mighty Loki wanting his pap's attention! Hahaha!"

Loki immediately became red and flew into a rage. "S-Slander! I never feel jealous of anybody! I-I just wanted to point out how absent you are!"


Draco was sent flying by that one, coughing out a mouthful of blood. Rosella, still in his arms, worriedly cast a healing spell on her Papa before glaring at Loki with dark intent.

Loki paled at his sister's killing intent and shivered. They had already come together to discuss Draco's business and decided not to breach it because they understood that their Dad was a busy man.

Kuro smacked Loki on the back of the head angrily and snorted smoke. He then flapped his fingers over to Draco and checked on him.

"Father, ignore him. We understand."

Draco smiled bitterly and sighed. "I'm sorry for not being around often. I can safely say that for the next while, we'll be together for the most part. That's a promise."

The eyes of all three kids shone with excitement. They would finally get to spend time with their dad, which was something these youngins naturally craved.

Seeing their excitement, Draco felt both bad and relieved at the same time. Bad, because he shouldn't be putting his children through this, and relieved because despite it all, his children still loved him.

Just then, Zaine sensed something as her head titled towards the wall. Her expression warped slightly before becoming one filled with cold amusement.

"My dear family, it seems like we have some guests looking for me and my son."

Hm? Everyone focused on Zaine and then sensed outward, capturing two distinct auras heading towards the aether palace slowly. The group could instantly tell that these auras were about 90% similar to Zaine, 50% similar to Loki and about 20% similar to Draco.

With that in mind, they could largely guess who the guests were, especially the adults. With strange looks, they decided to head out and meet them out of courtesy and to resolve any problems head-on, assuming there were any.

When they arrived at the entrance of the Aether Palace, they came face to face with Chel and Bria, who were gliding down from the sky with their bat-like wings. The two beautiful and exotic Royal Devils honed in on Zaine the moment they landed.

Seeing their lively little sister who was usually lazy and lethargic, they were naturally shocked. Then, when they saw the toddler she held in her arms, their hearts melted, but their bodies shivered when they sensed his bloodline.

Their eyes were telling them this boy was unbelievably cute and should be buried in kisses, but their senses were telling them to prostrate before their Devil God!

That's right, unlike Zaine who hardly knew much about the Devil World due to her laziness, Chel and Bria had paid respects to the shrine of the Devil Primogenitor before.

And Loki was giving them the exact same feeling as the primogenitor! No, it was even stronger!!!

Chel and Bria stood rooted to the spot, their expressions changing multiple times in a second. They finally understood why their father was going crazy back at home and had mobilized so many resources just for one random grandkid.

At the time, they assumed that their father must have gone senile, having lost his bearings, but now they felt like he had been stingy and not doing enough!

With a child like this in their family, their Devil Realm could go from a Side Realm to a Main Plane of its own! They would no longer be squeezed between the dastardly humans of the Main Plane and the Hell Realm.

So many thoughts coursed through their minds until Zaine coughed arrogantly and pointed at the two of them.

"Big breasted slut and Elder Sis, why are you guys here?"


Chel and Bria snapped out of their stupor and shared a look. Naturally, they were recalculating how to handle things because nothing was like how they had expected.

Bria naturally stepped forward. "Little Zaine, how are you? It's been a while. We came to the Main Plane on father's orders to bring Loki back for training and assimilation."

Zaine's expression changed. "He wants WHAT?! My darling son is far too young to be separated from his family!"

Seeing that Zaine had gone into crazy mom mode, the Morningstar family naturally gave her space with expressions of fear. Only Loki was excited because he loved it when his mom went crazy because of him.

Chel was dissatisfied by Zaine's behavior.

"Hey, lazy thing, we aren't asking you! This is an order from the family, so get your fat ass into gear! Or do you want father and mother to come here themselves?!"

Zaine heard this and her eyes became red with madness.

"Sure! Let them come and see if they can pry my son from my cold dead body. And you, you stupid, brainless bitch, don't ever talk to me that way or I'll beat you to death!" Zaine roared with killing intent, her full succubus form manifesting.

The face of Chel changed as she flew into a rage from humiliation. Did the little brat who used to growl under her foot forget her place after giving birth? Did she think just because she had grown a bit she was now a Lesser God?

As such, Chel also manifested her Devil Form and shrieked. "Since you want us to pry him from your dead body, I'll kill you!"

She charged at Zaine with her claws outstretched, which were met by Zaine's own. The two began to clash brutally in the center, the grass around their feet turning into shards as they were shattered by the cutting force of those claws connecting.

Chel's face became horrified when she realized she was slowly being outclassed by Zaine, which should be impossible!

She was a Rank 5 Trickster with a lot of combat experience!

However, how could she know that Zaine was now also Rank 5 and had a wealth of combat experience after fighting with Eva and her other sister-wives? Not to mention Draco had made custom legendary gear for her.

Chel soon realized she was in over her head, but it was too late.

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