Guild Wars

Chapter 901 Back In The Real World

Chapter 901 Back In The Real World

Draco and Eva left Misery and co. to their plans while they gathered the God Serpent Inheritors to the side. Led by Shadowheart currently, all 9 of them displayed curiosity at what the specifics of their task was.

Draco and Eva remained silent on that front, smiling mysteriously. They only tore open a hole in space, creating a normal sized portal that led to Mount Everest. Seeing the beautiful scenery on the other side, the God Serpent unhesitatingly walked through, allowing Draco and Eva to come after and close the portal behind them.

They had appeared on the mountaintop itself, and the air was scarce up here. Their physiques were great enough to ignore this and even their Tier 4 Control easily allow them to regulate the amount of oxygen absorbed by their cells to maintain maximal operation.

Draco and Eva led the God Serpent Inheritors near the edge of the top, allowing them to gaze at the marvelous horizon that filled them with awe. Draco then led the group to a part of the mountaintop that looked different from everywhere else that was covered in either snow or rocks.

Now, this patch was bare and flat, as if ground away and made level by artificial means. Like a bald patch on a head of white hair.

Draco stomped on the area and released darkness bloodline energy unique to himself, which filled up the area. The 'bald patch' then seemed to evaporate to reveal a giant hole below, which was cavernous.

Looking down, they could see that the entire top of mount Everest had been hollowed out to form a… prison?

Draco smiled to the others and gestured for them to follow. Eva took the lead and went down while the was next. The God Serpent Inheritors shared looks and jumped down along with them.

The group used their various means to break their fall as they observed the length and breadth of this prison. First of all, it seemed to have levels, with passageways leading further down.

Secondly, the cells here were all full of various beings of various races and types. Some were large and some were tony, some were human sized and some were actually human-like!

All of then were chained brutally within their cells, their skins pierced by hooks, their arms and legs stretched to the limit so that they can't muster any strength.

They all looked half-dead, withered and weak. If one probably blew too hard, they might just break down and turn to ash, gone with the wind.

Draco then folded his arms and began to explain their purpose here. "This prison was made by Lucifer, to contains enemies that the human race could not easily face at the time."

Draco walked forward and gestured to one blue-skinned alien looking creature. "Some were passing extra terrestrials that saw earth and thought to occupy it from us. He slaughtered their cannon fodder and kept their leaders."

Draco then walked to another and highlighted a beast-like species. "Some are specially mutated species form earth that gained power due to the awakening of special genes, causing them to become Demonic Beasts."

Draco led them to another cage, this one was quite big and well kept. "Of course, various monsters of legend are kept here, things that could wipe out society even if the Lineages took a stand. This could be due to technology, population, whatever."

Finally, Draco pointed to the human fellow in the cage. "Last but not the least were humans who betrayed us by joining the primordials, or biggest enemy on this planet."

The faces of the God Serpents became solemn. Ghost, who had furrowed brows, couldn't help but ask.

"Wait, hold on. You guys have reached the same as the progenitors right? Can't you also deal with these threats once and for all?"

Draco and Eva smiled. "Yes and no."

Eva steeped forward and waved her hands, sending a wave of mental compulsion that trapped all the God Serpent Inheritors with ease. They became dazed as they could not even fight back, shown what Eva wanted them to see.

"Recently, Draco and I had an… adventure. We've learned of a lot of things about the universe and the power levels at the top. What we can tell you is that Primordials are Pseudo-Eternals and cannot be killed easily."

Eva let them see a few scenes of the eternal world and some details about Eternals, but not enough to give them the full picture. The rest they need to learn and discover themselves, for that would do them better.

She then released her mental compulsion on them, and they came back to their senses with shock. They were too busy digesting the information they had just learned to be scared by the ease at which she captured their minds.

For the longest time, the God Serpent Inheritors had figured themselves to be above the power ceiling of this world. Above the other core members yet below Draco and Eva who had surpassed the limit of this world.

In fact, they felt that they could tussle with some Gerdo Galaxy species themselves like the Gerdo Galaxy human race at their current level of 99% along with their special God Serpent.

But now, they understood that even if that were true, they were still wrestling at the bottom level with bottom level powers. This simultaneously humbled them and encouraged them to dig out more power from their bloodlines.

Seeing their resolve, Draco and Eva were satisfied. They nodded their heads to their people and spoke with a light tone of encouragement.

"Now, our goal before we unlocked 100% was to test our might then against these primordial foes. But after our current powers and recent adventurers, we would say that using our power wantonly is not a good idea."

Eva then explained: "That why we need you. We are going to hone you fellows to be able to exert enough power to stifle any problems that rise on earth in our place."

Draco then snapped a finger, creating a separate space. "And so, your task right not is to survive against chosen foes from these cells. We'll turn back time for them to return them to their prime power, and you are to face them head on."

Draco waved a hand and manifested a space that resembled the arena from Boundless. He then created two thrones for himself and Eva, then sat on them, raising themselves high above like heavenly judges.

Each of the God Serpent Inheritors found themselves put into a separate and removed arena. In front of them was a unique prisoner who was one of the different types in the prisons, selected for them by Draco and Eva to suit their needs.

The confused God Serpent Inheritors barely had time to process the words Draco and Eva were speaking before they saw that their chosen opponents were suddenly warping on the spot, as if someone was turning the dial back on them.

Soon, from a withered being, they regained their full power and full ferocity, gazing at the God Serpent Inheritors opposite them with malice.

After all, Eva had done nothing to suppress their memories even through their bodies were reversed, though she could. However, it was better this way, as the prisoners, more than anyone else, understood what was at stake here.

"Let the battle… begin!" Draco smirked as he brought the curtains down on the clash for survival between his people and these desperate prisoners hoping for a second chance at life.


Meanwhile, Misery and AP gathered the rest of the core members into the Purgatory Group. He turned to Akainu and Sanji, who were smoking their various vices and nodded.

"Brother Akainu, please give us the lowdown of the infiltration." Misery prompted.

Akainu tipped his cigar over the ashtray and spoke calmly. "To ship us all to China is significantly harder than it was bringing all of you to America. America is semi-accessible generally, as long as those who are coming in have no trouble."

Not to mention we have a presence here, so greasing some hands and buttering some ears allowed us to get all the various members here, with even citizenship and more. Given how much each of your earn from boundless, you're giving the government free tax money. Why would they complain?"

"However, we have tried many times to open a branch of the Purgatory Group in China, but we have always been blocked by the authorities. We can trace this influence specifically to the Pangu Lineage's work."

Akainu paused to receive some refreshments from Cherry, who distributed them to everyone. The ex-wife and total MILF had long been subdued by Akainu, becoming his faithful woman.

As for her daughter, June, she was current within Purgatory Group's headquarter, locked in a pod and her in-game body used as a primer for Draco's second-tier kids.

"Sanji discovered also, that the Ao family are basically entrenched in China's leadership. The current lifetime president of China, Ao Jiangbing, is a low talent member of the clan who was 'given' the task to run the country on the surface."

"Apart from that, all the top ministers and public officers in every position are occupied by peripheral members of the Pang Lineage. Their grip over China is strong, and this is why they can do whatever they want."

"If Sanji and I were to compile the list of crimes the Pangu Lineage have performed on innocent Chinese people, even Adolf Hitler would look like a humanitarian." Akainu spoke coldly towards the end.

The faces of the core members changed greatly. They had known that the Pangu Lineage were despicable and a pest, but they had no idea that it was this bad. Why did the lower Lineages put up with such evil?

Why did the Lucifer and Amaterasu lineage not suppress or curb this evil?

Akainu continued. "Luckily, in order to infiltrate China, the Lady Boss planted some assets ahead of time. It seems she had long predicted that we would strike on the Pangu Lineage like this."josei

This surprised the core members. Assets? So Eva had foreseen this event as far back as when?

Akainu smiled. "I can say that she foresaw this as far back as almost 1 year ago in the game. Currently our assets have been working on our infiltration method to get in, wreak havoc and get out safely."

AP_Berzerker shared a look with Misery and smiled. "That is extremely reassuring Brother Akainu, our biggest fear with our plan to cause trouble was getting everyone out safely."

Misery nodded. "After all, we have enough power to get in sure, but we'll expend a lot of power destroying that filthy ilk and saving those who need to be saved like my nanna."

AP_Berzerker continued. "So while we might not be suppressed by any none-lineage forces that try to stop us, even their army, it will be a bitch to escape when running on fumes and overdrawing bloodline energy to avoid death."

"There is also the chance that Supernatural or superhuman might throw in their hat to cause some trouble, not to mention the other lineages affiliated with Pangu. I especially hear that the Morrigan Lineage are next to dogs beside the Pangu Lineage." Misery added solemnly.

Akainu and Sanji shared a look and smiled knowingly. "Don't worry about any of that, our assets have made a move and made sure that you all will enjoy the smoothest entry and exit from China no matter what manner of trouble you cause as long as your identities are not revealed."

Hearing such confidence, some of the older core members had a flash in their eyes as they seemed to understand and link something together, but the newer ones like Misery were confused by the certainty of the two men.

"May I ask who or what our two assets are?" Misery couldn't help but ask.

Akainu tipped his cigar over the ashtray once more and spoke smilingly.

"The older core members knew them as two devilish entities and also as unconfirmed women of Draco."

"However, you new guys can just call them Rina, Jada and Jade."

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