Guild Wars

Chapter 902 The Plan

Chapter 902 The Plan

This shocked the core members greatly, especially the old ones who knew those names. RamButt slapped the arm of his chair as he roared.

"So that's where big booty beauty Rina was! I have been searching for her high and low!"

The other members of the Five Generals also seemed relieved to finally know where their last member went. Meanwhile, Sanji and Akainu smiled when they thought of the Fire and Ice Twins, and so did many other who missed their antics.

Misery and AP noticed that the older fellows seemed relieved and extremely confident now that those names had been mentioned, so he decided not to cause a a rift by asking too many questions.

Well, he had the confidence that even if they broke into Pangu and were chased by the military and whatnot, he could still kill his way out. So if it turned out that the fellows that these guys were relying on turned out to be disappointments, then well, it wouldn't be his fault.

AP and much of the newer core members had this thought, so they didn't make any noise. Akainu seemed to notice this and smiled lightly.

"They have used this time to infiltrate the underworld of China, creating an integral force that is quickly rising in power."

"You've heard of Italian Mafia, Japanese Yakuza and Mexican Cartels and whatnot thanks to media, but they pale in comparison to China's underworld in terms of size and power."

Akainu took a puff of his cigar slowly. "Not just because of the large landmass and population, but because where there is a tyrannical authoritarian force, there will be a subsequent large underground force resisting such control."

"The proverbial rebels. Rina and the two brats have taken full control over such factions at this time and are just waiting for our invasion." Akainu finished.

Tunder Power's eyes gleamed. "Hm? I see. I understand. The foresight of the Lady Boss is truly wise and far."

Akainu nodded with a smile to Tunder who realized it. RamButt glanced at the fellow with an expression that clearly prompted him to explain.

Tunder decided to humor his pal and did so. "Basically, we are going to attack the Pangu Lineage and likely leave it crushed and destroyed. But the Pangu Lineage, whether we like it or not, represent the ruling power of current china and protect its stability."

"If we barge in and slaughter, we are going to cause chaos and destabilization to China on a huge scale, possibly even sparking civil war within the country as various factions try to fill in the power gap."

"But with Rina and the other two commandeering the rebel faction, we now have a legitimate reason to attack, and we have someone to take the place of the former rulers with our backing. Apart from some minor chaos due to the suddenness, most people should be fine and happy switching tyrannical overlords for - hopefully - less tyrannical ones."

Tunder leaned back into his seat as hi finished his explanation.

RamButt seemed delighted and smacked his fist with awe. "Wow, Boss Eva is truly amazing!"

Then RamButt's expression became weird. "But wait, why didn't Retard Draco think of this?"

Sublime coughed lightly. "Well, Eva is from Japan and is a Japanese Princess, while Draco was previously an orphan in the Central Country. Even though his Lineage originates from Italy, he has neither any goodwill to Italy nor the Central Country, but Eva is different."

"She grew up pampered an ;loved by her people, so she will naturally be more patriotic to her home country and seek its benefits. Japan have long wanted to conquer china for their natural resources, which came to a head in World War 2, and Eva placing puppet rulers in China would achieve that for Japan." Sublime explained knowingly.

The caused the core members to share strange looks. It made sense, but it still shook them that Eva could think that far. Japan was really lucky to have someone like that on their side.

As for Italy, sigh. They really fumbled the bag on this one.

"Well then, we seem to have an idea of what we're doing. So when are we gonna get to actually doing?" Boyd and Uno inquired impatiently.

Akainu tipped his cigar into the ashtray and put it out. "We're moving out now. Lets head to the airport now."

The core members were startled by the suddenness, but got to their feet and followed Akainu and co outside where a fleet of cars were parked and waiting for them. They each boarded the cars until the convoy was full of took off towards the state's airport.

The convoy moved through traffic brusquely and arrogantly causing many other drivers to curse and swear as they were almost smashed to the side. The arrogance of the drivers, who were all Sanguigno Brothers members, made the passenger core members speechless.

Eventually, they bullied their way into the airport and even bullied further until they got to the private hangars. There, they saw that the Purgatory group had rented almost 5 different hangars with planes of different sizes.

The one they were going to use was a Boeing 757 which was more than large enough to take their number of more than 30 people with a lot of extra space. The jet was brought out of the hanger by the pilot and the core members were made to board.

Since they had no luggage, the plane was quite light and this allowed it to accelerate faster. Even the flight was noticeably smooth, with the occasional turbulence.

Since it was a 14 hour flight, most of the core members either slept, or entertained themselves. Some even used Virtua helmets provided by the plane to log into Boundless to mess around until they got to where they were going.

The entourage to China had set out and who knew how their landing would be?


Within a secret cavern in Mount Everest, 8 people were currently fighting for their live against opponents who were either at the same level of power or slightly higher.

The God Serpent Inheritors were pushed to their physical and mental limits to deal with their current opponents. There were such a wide variety in this prison that Draco and Eva could easily pick on e or two who would pressure these fellows.

Most of the enemies had opposite attributes, with some even having the exact same. Some also had special characteristics that negated or mitigated the effects of the God Serpents signature moves and powers.

Like Shadowheart, who was currently fighting a Time Spirit. No matter how he stopped, fast forward or slowed down time, the Time spirit was immune and could even pressure him to follow its tempo by similarly activating time related abilities onto him.

Against an all rounder like Ghost with a variety of powers was exactly what a person like him hated the most, another all rounder in the form of a high-tech mechanical lifeform that was captured by Lucifer.

Anything Ghost could spit out it could replicate, giving the talented and taciturn young man a headache.

For Nightwalker who could summon all manner of apocalypses was a being with life force so tenacious that even cockroaches would weep. No matter what Nightwalker hit him with, he would just recover. He was similar to Ramshel from the Eternal World, but stronger because of the rules of the lower universe.

If Nightwalker wanted to take him down, he would have to either grind the fellow to death or up his ante, because this was stale to watch.

When you looked at Elle Leone, who had the power of Chaos which could bend reality, she was easily thrown against one who could use the power of Order. This being was called an Interlocutor, a humanoid being that looked like a Light Angel by instead of white was golden and was avian in species.

(Author's Note: It looks like the angel from Bayonetta 1.)

Forget using Chaos to warp her enemy and bully them, she could barely use it to prevent the Interlocutor from warping reality into his favor to end her life. When facing Order, Chaos showed its weakness at being able to bully the weak but had less versatility against the strong.

There was also the devourer Hades, who was obviously facing against a fellow devourer, the Void Worm. It was a large bull worm that had a ferocious and scary appearance, with a mixture and red skin with black stripes.

Like Takker the eternal, it also focused on Devouring. So Hades had to use his raw strength and elemental abilities to fight, but both were negated because if he touched it, they would begin a devouring battle which was strenuous and hard to break off.

Meanwhile if the elemental abilities hit, obviously they would be devoured easily, strengthening his foe.

Before today, Hades had always been told how annoying his ability was, but only when facing against someone like himself could he truly appreciate it.

There was also poor Xela, who had the ability of creation. She typically used it for healing, but creation could also be used offensively if you had the capability and unlike Hikari, she did have that capability.

Naturally, she was paired against an enemy that could use destruction abilities, a special mutated beast called the Chaos Enforcer. It was basically some sort of ape that had awoken destruction genes many years ago and almost destroyed one part of the world.

Given its size, ferocity and intelligence, Xela was at her wits end just defending against its onslaught. However, she could not defend forever, as her  foe's keen insight was showing him all her weaknesses with each strike.

There was also Krona who was currently fighting against a blue female humanoid with the ability to flat and control ice. All his water related abilities were mimicked by her ice related ability, so they were two kinds of the same thing, but with different elements.

However, water could turn to ice while ice could turn into water. However, the ability to create and control ice meant that one had the added ability to control temperature, but controlling and creating water did not have that boon.

In essence, Krona's attacks were being turned to ice and then thrown back at him. Unfortunately, he could not turn ice to water, that was not part of Leviathan's skillset. However, Leviathan was not only about water control as he had two other non-element related abilities.

The first was the roar/cry of the behemoth, which was a soundwave attack that shattered everything. It was like putting an empire state building worth of speakers on max volume and playing a high pitched tune.

Krona had used it to suppress whole storms at sea before, so he also used it against this foe, causing her to scream and clutch her head in agony. He then pursued this advantage as best as he could.

Finally, there was The Showman, who was obviously paired against a psychic and mind type foe, Mind Flayer. This was an extraterritorial that could be found anywhere in space, one of the most common and their number were truly plentiful in this prison.

It was to the point where they had been turned into jailers and wardens after having their minds subdued and branded by Lucifer with Amaterasu's help.

The Showman's illusions and mental abilities as both a Broker and as Eden's Inheritor were next to nil against the more skilled mind flayer, and he himself had to guard his mind from being flayed on the spot and his deepest darkest secrets dug out.josei

Draco and Eva watched over this coldly, not even showing the slightest intention to help the God serpents in their fight.

If they died, they died.

After all, they could be brought back to life infinitely. They will fight and die and fight and die until they evolved past their current selves, whether they liked it or not.

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