Guild Wars

Chapter 904 Who Doesn't Love A Good Bombing?

Chapter 904 Who Doesn't Love A Good Bombing?

"That sounds fine. It seems like this rebel faction have some power then?" Misery asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes and no. Most of their power comes from our support. They are just numerous people who are dissatisfied with the tyranny of their government and the top clans."

Rina opened her hands and shrugged helplessly. "However, this country has stricter gun laws and such than most others. Where are they going to get weapons to fight if someone external doesn't supply them?"

AP blinked. "So did someone supply them? Maybe the Central Country?"

Rina shook her head. "Pre-World War 3, the then United States of America were notorious for that, but the Central Country in its current form is too inept to do so competently."

Silent Walker frowned and spoke up for the first time. "Then England? Europe? Russia?"

Rina shook her head once more, but didn't explain. The answer itself was kinda obvious, if the Central Country didn't, then their lackeys - the rest of the West - definitely wouldn't be the ones.

As for Russia, they had become staunch allies with China so any chance of them wasting this perfect partnership to make this low level and uncertain betrayal was out of the question.josei

"What about Japan? After all, you said Eva sent you guys here to set everything up for Japan to take control later, right?" Hera inputted astutely.

Rina smiled. "Close but not enough. The real suppliers of the rebel army are... Us. Well, us and GloryGore."

The core members shared looks and thought that it should have been obvious. After all, if one would make a list about the most advanced companies the technology department, the AI and its weird, enigmatic creator would be ahead of all others who one might think of.

Forget smuggling weapons, the AI and Purgatory might have even come up with a plan to create the weapons themselves locally under the guide of production of the Virtua Helmets, and their quality would definitely be above the military standard.

"Right, so we have our plan, we have our target. What exactly are we waiting for then?" Cobra asked impatiently, flicking a dagger in hand.

Rina giggled,. "Nothing. We are waiting on the word of our two handsome commanders."

All eyes fell on Misery and AP_Berzerker, who were in thought. The two finally rose to their feet and nodded to each other.

"I believe with our power and skill, we don't need much else. It's time to eradicate these pests forever." Misery stated with a clenched fist.

"Just remember to conceal your identities at all cost. There must not be anything left that links any of us to what we're about to do." AP reminded with a sharp expression.

The core members all stood up with excitement on their faces. They were finally going to get to do it, to get rid of the damned Pangu Lineage dogs who had caused many of them grief, especially the Guildmaster and the Lady Boss.




Like bullets, they all zipped out of the conference room using their great physical power, dashing pout of the mall and through the alleys and rooftops of the capital city like shadows. They easily had enough awareness to avoid eyes and camera thanks to their Tier 3 VoP which was large enough to encompass the whole capital and more.

They each took different paths and arrived at their target location within a few minutes. They had fully surrounded the manor of the Pangu Lineage, and the fellows themselves still had no idea.

After all, they were in their own stronghold in the capital of the country they owned. No one would dare try anything because they had long established that anyone who did would meet a gruesome end.

Before the great battle when the three prodigies were born, the Pangu Lineage might have had some superficial defenses to prevent sudden attacks from the Lucifer or Amaterasu Lineage, but that became non-issue after they had enforced their will.

The Amaterasu and moreso the Lucifer Lineages were too busy sorting out their own problems to have time to deal with anything else. So there was no need for that, besides, seeming defenseless was a form of defense of its own.

It caused the unconfident to think twice about their intentions and demoralized them even before the fight started.

Alas... they were dealing with the core members of Umbra/Purgatory. There was yet to be a group of more overconfident and power crazed fools than these. They feared nothing, believed in nothing but their own power and their concept of righteousness and justice was quite skewed.

Misery stood over and rooftop overlooking the large and expansive manor which was actually like a mini estate. He rubbed his chin and nodded to AP, who grinned widely.

AP manifested some of his Xingtian power and his muscles bulged. He then went to the package that had been previously delivered to this rooftop earlier today.

Upon opening it, it was revealed to be exactly three huge warheads!

AP gently stroked them lovingly, going so far as to hum the melody to Rocket Man, before lifting them out with unparalleled ease, as if he was holding feathers. Then he came up to Misery who primed the warheads using a special code entering into the shaft.

He then gave AP space to do his magic, and the man didn't disappoint. He didn't even take a step back, only putting a foot forward and charging up his potential energy before throwing the first warhead out like a javelin, coincidentally in tact of the refrain he had just started to sing along to.

The second and third followed, each one aiming at different parts of the mini-estate. The first went to the center area, the second to the left and the third to the right.

They moved so fast that even if the Pangu lineage fellows were aware and on defense, they still wouldn't be able to stop it, much less now.

Contact was made and then...


The whole city shook as if an earthquake was ongoing. Many people fell from balconies, some crashed into cars, some fell from sidewalks into oncoming traffic and many more tragedies happened in real time.

Normal people would call this a disaster but the core members called this acceptable collateral damage.

From the Pangu Lineage's estate, three small mushroom clouds rose, the ensuing shockwave threatening to destroy the entire Beijing, not to mention the radiation coming next.

Misery smiled and exploded with a white light as he burned all of his bloodline energy, pressing his palms together and then touching the floor.

"By the power of Merlin, I command thee: Supreme Bastion!"

Just like that, he fired one of his Nanna's special 7th Order spells that had 8th Order power for sure. This was a special semi-defensive, semi-sealing spell meant to lock in damage within a dome, to protect those outside, rather than the other way round.

So a blue-white dome formed over the estate, sealing in the radiation and the ensuing shockwave.

You'd ask, why didn't Misery do this earlier?

Well, he ain't no saint and he certainly wasn't going to test his 7th Order spell against the might of three warheads. Handling the afterwave and the radiation was fine, but the initial fallout? Fuck thatQ

Watching the congesting radiation and the ruined houses that were once luxurious, Misery and AP stood side by side, the red light from the rising flames reflecting off their faces.

AP lowered his head and sniffled slightly. "I know we promised not to cry, but..."

AP rubbed his eyes as tears began to fall. "It's so beautiful..."

Misery, also wiping tears from his eyes, patted AP on the shoulder silently as they watched the charred human bodies, and screaming people who were on fire, running up and down, trying to put it out, and the screams and cries of those who lost loved ones in this sudden attack within the Pangu Lineage estate.

The other core members gazed at them like they were looking at two weirdos as their lips twitched. However, they didn't shy away from the horror and the death. They had seen far worse in Boundless, enough to traumatize them 5 times over.

This was nothing.

However, the response from the Pangu Lineage was swift. Even with three warheads landing on top of their heads, it definitely was not enough to end them all.

In fact, there was a whole Inheritance that had resisted the effects through their base power, the Undying King branch. Those who had died were mostly the workers, sycophants and side families with poor purity not surpassing 5%.

The actual fighters and talents of the family had suffered damage, but remained alive. As such, they roared and rushed out of their homes, looking for the interlopers.

This was the cue for the core members.




They all sped into the barrier Misery made, which was crafted to allow them in, but not anyone out. Each person had their own target, and it wasn't just to kill.

Misery and AP split up, the former heading towards the so called prison of the Lineage where his great-grandmother was kept while the latter headed to the central manor to break through to the underground, where the true elite of the family stayed in order to rescue the Pangu girl.

Sublime had already briefed the group on what was valuable and what had to be done. The rest was just a free slaughter, and they necessarily did not have to kill everyone.

This was just a prelude. You think Draco and Eva wouldn't want to dole out some direct punishment to the Pangu Lineage? Alas, they were busy at the moment, so they let their elite core members deal the first blow and accomplish the tasks they couldn't put aside.

Soon, there were cries all over the estate once more as many lost their lives in the right. The core members were fast skilled and brutal. So what if they had a bloodline, could they match up to pure skill and Tier 3 control?

At Tier 3, they could already enter a false berserk state at will and control their damage output so greatly that they were like roided-out super soldiers.

Keira, in this state, directly met the fist of a crazed youth from the strength based Primal God Inheritance. When their fists collided, the vicious expression of the youth who expected her arm to explode changed as his arm rather exploded into bones and bloodmist.

Before he could even scream, Keira twisted his head off and tossed it forward as a projectile to hit another person, which tore through their chest like a cannon.

The rest of the core members were just as brutal, rushing through the radiation filled estate that was in ruins and killing and looting everything in sight. They might not have a system to identify things, but they knew the AI or the bosses could tell the value of what they took.

This was especially so for Keira, Lucia, Hera, Silent Walker, RamButt, Dreary Traveler and Noble Writer who discovered a vault of gold bars that had been kept and minted since the 1800s. They had been kept fresh and pristine, maintaining the usual luster of gold that made it so valuable.

Such wealth made them breathe roughly and they instantly began to load it out and carry it to a secure location where they would extract it. There were no inventories or sub-spaces, so they had to carry it all physically in any contain they could get.

The good news was that as long as it could be reasonably gripped, any container would do despite its weight given their ability to maximize strength.

Aside from that, Armonia, Justin Davis Banks and Sheila Banks discovered a weapons cache and a laboratory filled with human experimentation. The Pangu Lineage seemed to be trying to implant traces of their bloodline in others to turn them into warriors that they could mass produce and control.

However what was most curious on the still ruined surface was a special training room filled with men and women wearing Virtua Helmets. They seemed to be using the game Boundless to train them into skilled warriors like the core members themselves, which was what most of the worlds military and powers were doing right about now.

Heck even the common man knew this and was trying to better himself, much less them.

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