Guild Wars

Chapter 905 The Heavenly Imprisonment Tower 1

Chapter 905 The Heavenly Imprisonment Tower 1

While the various groups were looting in a spree, Misery had reached the Heavenly Imprisonment Tower of the Pangu Lineage. He was accompanied by Sublime Notion and Kiran, who were backing him up on this endeavor.

After all, Scathach was too important to their Lineage to let go, and now that they were cutting ties with the Pangu Lineage, her presence would be a powerful deterrence.

The three soon passed through many ruined buildings till they came to the western end of the estate. Here, a broken tower stood tall, parts of it glowing with bright colors while other parts where faded and slowly losing integrity.

It was clear that th tower took a beating when the bombs went off, but as expected, it was protected by something more than just technology, so the entire structure had not come down yet.

In front of the two, the door was partially cracked and they could only see a beckoning darkness within. This did not faze the trio as Kiran punched the door down and rushed in even before Misery and Sublime, ruthlessness in his eyes.

Sublime paused at the door area and began casting magic to fortify their retreat. Not to mention she also had to prevent others from disturbing their rescue operation.

Misery simply nodded at his niece and continued forward, following after Kiran. Misery noticed that the first floor was full of cells with tied up and beaten prisoners of different kinds.

He frowned and swung his arm to the side. A red light glowed in the hallway, illuminating the faces of all those trapped and even waking up those filled with despair and numbness from the years of gaslighting, torture and abuse.

Their eyes focused on fell on Misery, who was bathed in the red light as a long spear manifested in his right hand.


With a flourish and a small explosion, Gae Bolg appeared in the real world once more, summoned by Misery from the depths of his bloodline. He swung it lightly and stabbed forward once, but all the doors on the floor were shattered open as their locks were simultaneously pierced by a spear shadow.

Despite this, those in the cells did not thank him and run. They rather cowered and hid in fear. Not of escaping or of being found by the Pangu Lineage too, nor because of Misery's presence, but solely because of Gae Bolg.

This was an ancient spear that followed Cu Chulainn throughout his life and was even given to him by Scathach. Its power, and prowess was crazy, not to mention its aura. The sheer killing intent of the spear was so tangible that it was the reason why the spear even shone with a red light.

That shit wasn't just for flex or cosmetics, that red light was developed over time by the taking of lives in multiple wars and battles, not to mention the quality of the lives taken. Misery was lucky he was a direct heir, as anyone who held this pear apart from him would not feel so good.

Misery passed a glance over the frightened prisoners and turned to Sublime who was don with her first spell.

"I'll take care of any and all poisoners you release, so just guide them here Uncle!" Sublime exclaimed when she understood Misery's glance.

Misery nodded and became a blur, rushing up to the next level. Here, he saw another set of cells, this time too, there were jailers. Elites of the Pangu Lineage set on guard duty meant to either torture the prisoners or to keep them in line.

However, those on this floor had either exploded heads or a shattered torso as Kiran had already dealt with them and moved upward. Misery glanced at the bodies and noticed that they didn't not radiate too much bloodline energy, somewhere between 5-10% over all.

These were not the top tier fighters of the Lineage, but just the lower echelons, the common floor members. When they met the elders and hidden ancestors of the clan, that was when the real battle would begin.

Misery believed that at least 1 elder and 1 ancestors level character who was watching over this tower, so he and Kiran would have their hands full soon enough.

From one point of view, you could say that this invasion is a slaughter, but on the other hand, its also a test and a trial from the Evil Duo. The beginning seemed easy, but the true content would display the necessary difficult and force everyone to give it their all.

Misery once again shattered the cell doors and then instructed them to move downwards if they wanted to be saved before moving up. He ignored the scared prisoners and climbed up the next level to see that despite all this time, Kiran hadn't managed to clear it out.

He was surrounded by 5 corpses that were beaten to death, but three fellows were still alive and working in close coordination to suppress him. Kiran was still fighting using just Control, not even using Noble Energy or Knight Energy separately, much less together to form his Base Warrior form.

As for his Super Warrior form, Kiran would not use it in real life unless it was the most critical of situations. Unlike in the game where he can wantonly open the Eight Inner Hidden Gates, doing so in real life was dangerous.

Once an Inner Gate was open, it was not so easy to close it.

And instead of taking 10% of your total HP like in the game, it took 10% of your total lifespan.

Note, this is of your TOTAL lifespan, not your remaining lifespan. If you have a 100 years to live and are in your fifties, congrats, you now have only 40 years left permanently!

If you are in your 90's, hehe, you will drop dead on the sport before you can even make a move.

Seeing Kiran fighting, Misery paused and did not help. Rather, he once again released the prisoners and told them what to do. This naturally worried and infuriated the three fighting Kiran as they roared.

"Damned bastard, what are you doing?!"

"How dare you release these vile vermin?"

"You fellows, anyone who dares to exist their cell will have their genitals ripped off!"

The prisoners who were about to crawl away in the confusion shuddered and stopped, rushing back into their cells. Misery's eyes gleamed as he disappeared from where he stood and appeared near the last fellow who made the threat.

The fellow's expression was still locked in a mire of fury, but quickly changed almost in slow motion when he realized how close Misery had gotten so quickly. Misery did not even use his spear, opting to use his empty left hand to do the honors.


Misery pulled his hand back and three to the ground and piece of bloodied flesh that was covered on cloth. The owner of this flesh only had picoseconds to enjoy being pain-free before his nerves came crying home to his brain, reporting what had happened down low.

The moment it did so, the pain washed over him like a tidal wave and his eyes became bloodshot as he grabbed his non-existent crotch and screamed in a nasal tone. His scream was so shrill and loud that all fighting stopped and even the prisoners sobbed on his behalf.


His teammates shuddered and their faces changed greatly as they backed way in fear, clutching their private parts as if they were afraid it was gone.

As for Kiran, he had a strange expression on as he watched the fellow howl and scream. He remembered that out of the three, this fellow had the deepest and manliest voice, but now… why did his voice sound slightly feminine?

Misery conjured a 1st Order water spell and washed his hand of the blood. He then smiled gently at the other two fellows.

"Are you gonna do or should we?"

The two's faces paled as they knew that they were absolutely going to die this time. However, they certainly did not want to die a slow and painful death like their compatriots on the floor, so they gritted their teeth and tried to escape upwards.

Before they could even reach the stairs, they both found that Kiran and Misery were ahead of them, looking down on them with strange smiles. This caused the hearts of the two to become like dead ashes, and they froze on the spot.

Knowing that escape was denied them, they fell to their knees resorting to begging. No matter how resolute they were, no one wanted to die.

Kiran's eyes flashed, but Misery patted his shoulder. He then stepped forward and moved like the wind, cutting off the four limbs of the two and kicking them down to the ground.

He also cauterized the wounds so that they wouldn't bleed out, but one could just imagine the pain. The two fellows howled in agony crazily, their minds gone stupid under the constant wave of agony washing over their senses.

Misery squatted and spoke softly, but everyone on the floor could hear his voice.

"Now, I am quite a fair guy. Despite coming here to kill you all, I believe that some of you must be good. Unfortunately, I do not have the time nor do I have the interest to investigate your true natures."

Misery then pointed at the prisoners who were still in their cells. "However, I have very willing people for me. If you were good to these guys when they were locked up, they might carry you down to my nice who will heal you."

Misery then grinned evilly. "However, if you were cruel and brutal to these folk, you now have no arms and no legs, and that other guys has no crotch. You are for all intents and purposes, defenseless. Lets hope they are kinder to you than you were to them."

After that, Misery stood up and left with Kiran to the higher floors.

The floor was quiet except for the weakened Pangu jailers, who were now full of fear as the prisoners crept out of their cells one by one, their eyes red and filled with hatred as they gazed at their former abusers.

They were members of the Pangu lineage, it should be obvious that they had done utmost evil onto them. To expect anything different or anything less would be giving them way too much credit.

Soon, Misery and Kiran could hear Miserable screams and violent cries as they continued up the next floor, and the two shared a look. Well, it seemed like the public had spoken!

When they got to the next floor, Misery and Kiran noted that there were not any defenders, and most of the prisoners here were bound tighter than those below.

Most of them were female and their situation was not good. It was clear and obvious what kind of torture they suffered and the stench of it alone was irritating.

What shocked Kiran and Misery though, was the fact that most of these females had bloodline auras! They were likely from the Lucifer and Amaterasu Lineage, captured at different times and in different circumstances.

Misery and Kiran felt a chill in their bones. If Draco and Eva had come here and seen this…

Misery free them post haste and applied healing directly, rather than leaving them to Sublime. He also used magic to wash them up but he could not wash away their trauma. Many of them just stood there numbly, as if they had no reason to live but had no yet reached the point of taking their own lives.

Mentally, this was probably one of the worst places a person could be.

Misery shared a look with Kiran and pondered his next words carefully. When he had a fair idea of what to say in this situation to give them a little bit of oopmh, he began speaking calmly.

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