Guild Wars

Chapter 908 The Heavenly Imprisonment Tower - End

Chapter 908 The Heavenly Imprisonment Tower - End

"Great-grandfather...?" Misery asked with confusion.

As the lover of Scathach, no one should be filled with more rage than Cu Chulainn right now. However, he was so calm that even a mere touch from him was enough to drain Misery of all his rage and anger.

This naturally confused the fellow.

The spirit of The Hound of Culann smiled at his descendant and pointed forward, towards the top of the dome. Misery looked over and saw that this was where most of the other spirits were headed as well, but he didn't know what the point of any of this was.

Chulainn chuckled and spoke in an ethereal voice that only Misery could hear. "Use the Underworld Gaze."

Misery was startled, but did as he was told. He made the hand sign for the 1st Order spell customized by Scathach, Underworld Gaze. It was designed by her in order to allow the human eye to see the world of spirits and spirituality.

Scathach was known as the Greatest Sorceress. Given that title, how could she possibly not have dealt with undead, spirits and souls? In that regard, she was much similar to Roma, who was a Mystic Witch.

The moment Misery activated Underworld Gaze, he was shocked stupid. The area the spirits who had accompanied him were rushing towards, was actually occupied by a very familiar form that he would never forget!


She was calmly floating at the top of the dome, studying it silently while also occasionally glancing at Kiran who was battling the Elder. It was only when Misery activated Underworld Gaze and looked at her that Scathach turned her attention to him, making her frown slightly.

Misery felt a chill in his back the moment he saw that frown. That was the exact same frown his Nanna always made when she was dissatisfied with his actions and reactions to any challenge she had prepared for him, and it meant that a severe chastising and make up punishment was in his future!

One time, Misery had scuffed his boots while lifting a 10 ton rock up a steep mountain while limited to using 1st Order buffing spells to increase his strength. When Scathach had seen that, after severely scolding him about cleanliness and perfection, she had made him fight 300 man eating crocodiles in a swamp... without getting himself wet or dirty!

That was just one of the events which had made Misery the man he was today. As much affection and love he had for his Nanna, he had equal amounts of trepidation and fear.

Cu Chulainn saw this and laughed. "You seem to have disappointed her again. She probably never cared about her physical body and abandoned it the moment it got tarnished. She likely only stays here in order to fulfill some goal of hers."

Cu sighed with defeat. "Given all the years she had raised you, you should have known better, Nicholas."

Misery shuddered with shock. That's right, when had his beloved Nanna ever suffered a loss? Even among all the original 9, she was the one who lived and longest and eventually became the most powerful, breaching the limit of the bloodline power.

Even if the Pangu Lineage could capture her, there was no way she would be helpless for over 20 years!

But still, it didn't change the fact that the Pangu Lineage had dared to defile her body, so they must pay the price!

Still, it filled Misery with slight relief to know that his Nanna had not suffered even a second of torture, rather opting to leave her form behind as a trap, he presumed.

Then, his face changed as he rushed over to Kiran and grabbed the lad. "Kiran, close the gates! Your great-grandmother hasn't been truly harmed, it's all part of her ploy! Calm down!"

This seemed to bring Kiran's wrath down to bear as he forcibly closed the gates, but the moment he did so, he weakened visibly as his body became anorexic within seconds and he coughed a large wad of black blood.

Just as Misery was about to heal him, Scathach's spirit flew over along with the others and waved a hand.

"Stop, Nicholas. Healing him would only treat the temporary issue but not the root of the problem. He has damaged his body's vitality and foundation by opening the Gene Locks of the human genome."

Misery nodded and moved aside. Scathach studied the suffering Kiran silently before making a few complicated signs.

"By my own power, My command arises: 10th Order - Revitalization!"

A huge amount of energy burst from Scathach and entered Kiran's body, acting like water being poured onto a dead plant. Like that, Kiran's anorexia was cured as his body reverted back into healthiness and vitality, shocking Misery.

Not just because of the impossibility, but the method!

"Nanna, you have discovered a level of magic above the 9th Order?" Misery asked with shock.

Scathach looked at Misery weirdly. "Oh that? Long before you were born. I only came here to verify if I could harness new types of energy to perform magic without my body's bloodline. As you can see, it was a grand success."

Saying that last part, Scathach smiled happily, an expression she only made when dealing with magic.

Misery glanced at her still farmed body parts and felt like if they had any spirituality, they would complain and whine that the person they were given to was too... weird.

"Well, you're free now, Nanna, what should we do with your body?" Misery asked the correct question.

Scathach frowned. She glanced at her body and a look of complication flashed through her eyes.

"In the end it was the body I grew up with and gave birth to your grandfather. However, it has been ruined too much for too long, so its best to burn it and let it rest."

Upon saying that, she cast a fire spell that was almost three times the size and potency of the normal one, exploding the dome and setting everything within ablaze, whether it was the magic beast, the computer or even the precious magic plants.

Upon doing so, a stone seemed to be lifted from her heart. Just as she was about to talk to her grandson, Cu Chulainn rushed over with open arms.

"Wifey~ Your big, broad-chested hubby is here~!"

Scathach blushed and kicked Cu Chulainn away.

"How many times have I forbidden you from calling me like this in public?!" She roared at him, sending pure yang lighting  from her fingertips to strike his spirit, which roasted him a bit.

However, this was Cu Chulainn. Putting aside his strength, his pain tolerance was above the god tier. Partly because of the harrowing events and battles of his life and partly because of his tsundere lover's tantrums.

He simply shrugged it off and smirked. "Which one? Wifey or the fact that you love my big broad chest? After all, you said it yourself- WAIT, PLEASE HAVE MERCY!"

Cu Chulainn was filled with endless fear when he saw Scathach's eyes become red as she charged up a 10th Order Lightning spell. Once that hit him, his spirit would definitely dissipate and become ashes.

Misery sighed and rubbed his forehead. He eventually stepped forward and calmed down Scathach.

"Nanna, please forgive grandpa. He is senile and definitely suffers from some mental disease."

This seemed to placate her somewhat as she reduced the power from 10th Order to 7th Order. She released it to strike Cu Chulainn, who howled and screamed as he was bombarded, but most of it was an act.

However, if he dared to act like it wasn't painful, Scathach would definitely not be soothed.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for Nicholas, I would have shown you hell today." Scathach snorted before folding her arms and looking away.

'Tsk, tsk, Nanna is cute as always.' Misery couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

Kiran woke up and rose to his feet, patting himself down as he glanced at the half-dead Elder who could barely even breathe. He decided to leave him there to die slowly in pain while he walked over to Misery.

Unlike Misery, he obviously couldn't see the spirits, so he was watching his uncle talk to th air with a weird expression.

Sigh, poor Uncle. It seemed like he couldn't handle the sight of his beloved grandmother being treated that way, so he had lost it.

Kiran felt sorry for Misery, and even thought that he should be nicer to his Uncle from now on.

Meanwhile, Misery couldn't help but glance at Kiran as his instincts told him that the kid needed a beating.

"Let's go down." Misery commanded as he and Kiran climbed down, passing through the now empty floors to meet with Sublime at the bottom who was waiting for them along with the Pangu Lineage members.

Misery glanced at them with surprise, having fully expected them to betray, as was their nature. However, they rather chose the path of redemption, which made him wonder if he had been wrong about them.

Fengtian saw Misery's expression and knew what he was thinking, which gave him a great deal of pride. It felt good to break someone's low expectations of you, and make them understand that you weren't as low as they once thought.

"Well, the plan is now to rescue the true Pangu Inheritor. Are you guys coming?" Misery spoke to them.

Fengtian and the others faces changed greatly. Instead of joy, they became guarded.

"Why do you want to rescue Shuang'er?!" Litian asked, his expression tight.

Misery was startled by their reaction, turning to Sublime who had a bored expression.

"You didn't tell them?"

Sublime puffed angrily as she pointed to many of the youths among the Pangu Lineage.

"This bastard was ogling my breasts the entire time and that other one tried to hit on me. That one has rapey eyes and that one also..."

Sublime went on as she snitched each and every one of them, making their faces change from stoniness to guilt and anger at being called out.

Before they could even retort, they were hit with a wave of suppressive power and killing intent from Kiran that made them almost fall to their knees. Even though they had been freed, their bodies were still recovering and even at their peak, they would not be his match.

Seeing this, Fengtian rubbed his brows and stepped forward. "I humbly apologize on behalf of my descendants. Madam, if they have offended you, it is because you are too beautiful and it isn't easy to control themselves after being locked up for so long."josei

Hearing this, Sublime was greatly placated as her nose rose from arrogance. She waved a hand casually as if a queen pardoning a criminal.

"Hmph, just don't let it happen again."

Of course, given how short and cute she was, it seemed more comical than anything. Most of these here couldn't even get angry, rather stifling any laughter.

Fengtian smiled and turned to Misery. "May we know why your mission is to save Shuang'er?"

Misery scratched his head. "Since you're her direct family, I guess we are supposed to carry you along as well, so might as well let you know."

"Basically, the reason were' here to save her is because we've captured that bastard Shangtian and have extracted the bloodline from him. We want to return it to your girl and reunite her with the other two prodigies." Misery sated as he shrugged.

The faces of the Pangu members changed slightly. Fengtian frowned. "Is it for revenge?"

"Revenge? Brother, it's for romance." Misery replied with a strange expression.

"Hmph, ignorant. You guys don't even know that our fight with the two Lineages has been futile. Pangu himself has made up with Lucifer and Amaterasu, and opted for the three to combine their bloodlines to create the ultimate descendant." Sublime revealed cruelly.

"Impossible! It can't be! The Ancestor-" Litian began, but he suddenly shut up when he recalled something.

The other members of the Pangu Lineage also seemed to recall something as their eyes widened and their faces paled greatly.

Fengtian simply closed his eyes and seemed to age greatly within a short span of time. When he opened his eyes, there was a light of fatigue and frustration.

"So the Cursed One was right... and yet we mauled him for speaking the truth."

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