Guild Wars

Chapter 909 The Daring Rescue 1

Chapter 909 The Daring Rescue 1

While Misery's trio had split off to the Imprisonment Tower, AP_Berzerker was rushing towards the main manor. Alongside him were, Tunder Power, as well as Armonia who had broken off to join them, Essence Stalker whose expression was cold as ice, along with Loving Aunt who was filled with egregious killing intent and Pedro Sousa whose every step caused the ground to tremble from his sheer power.

They were the core team tasked with rescuing the true Pangu Inheritor, so their power naturally scaled the highest among the rest. Especially with Essence and Tunder here along with Armonia. These three held God Serpent level power while Loving Aunt had great skill and experience, and Pedro was just one inch below the God Serpent standard.

Truly, a line up like this could only be stopped by a God Serpent Inheritor, if not two. Unless the Pangu Lineage had someone with equivalent power, they were in for a lot of trouble.

Near the main manor, this group was met with intense resistance. The middle generation were now flocking out of the main manor like crazy, belonging to the same generation as Litian. The parental generation to Draco and Eva's current youth generation that was.

Among them was a slightly familiar face, one that resembled the one everyone hated the most. It was Ao Lingtian, the damned father of Ao Shangtian aka Local Lord!

When he came out, his eyes were red with hate. He had various scars all over his body from the nuclear fallout and radiation, showing that even those down below had not exactly escaped unscathed.

"You fucking mongrels, how dare you attack our noble estate? Kill the men, leave the women alive and tie her up so she will be raped by dogs every day for the rest of their lives while the men will be captured and raped by diseased and feral horses!" Ao Lingtian roared malevolently, his eyes filled with cruelty.

However, none of the approaching core members were scared or fazed by the vicious threat. Rather, they sneered or rolled their eyes.

"Rape, rape, rape, is that all you fucking ugly idiots know? Even our Horned Demon members aren't are prolific as you!" Loving Aunt retorted with a mocking smile.

When Ao Lingtian saw her, his eyes narrowed before they widened.

"You! You're Fyre of the Lucifer Lineage! Sister to that madwoman Lilith!"

Loving Aunt's face became cold when her sister was mentioned. "A fucking pig like you is not allowed to mention my little sister's name in my presence!"

Seeing that he had her riled up, Lingtian suddenly smiled playfully. "You know Fyre, there is no need for us to fight. With big tits like yours, I can play for days. Let's make a truce here by fucking for three days and nights, and I will let this matter go."

Lingtian then pondered before adding while licking his lips. "Even though she now looks horrible because of the effects of the battle, I still wouldn't mind if you bring Lilith along. I will just picture her in her prime, when she had that fat ass that could barely fit any uncustomized underwear."

Loving Aunt's anger became white hot to the point where it even seemingly cooled. She charged between the various members of the Pangu Lineage who sneered and made her way right to Lingtian.

The other core members though, shared a look and didn't stop her. They knew Loving Aunt's power and did not think anyone here could match her.

Funny enough, the Pangu members thought something similar, but for their side. They felt that Lingtian had dealt with her in the past and come out on top, so this time should be no different.

As such, when Lingtian and Loving Aunt exchanged the first few blows, Lingtian immediately realized that he had severely fucked up. He had pegged this woman at the same power level she had during their last confrontation.

Loving Aunt's physical strength was practically the same as his without augmentation, which was a terrifying thought. Even without consciously using their Primal God Inheritance to boost their strength, the users of this Inheritance had a base strength boosted by their bloodline that was almost cartoonish.

What shocked Lingtian was that he knew Loving Aunt. If she was any type, it was a summoner with a mage/poison build. Her physical strength had always been her weakness back then and what he used to leverage to defeat her time and time again.

Now, because of Tier 4 Control, Loving Aunt could exchange blows with him directly and even suppress him a little!

Seeing this, Lingtian knew playtime was over. He roared and exploded with the typical brownish energy of the Pangu Lineage, directly increasing his physical strength to the maximum he could muster at this time.

He grinned wickedly as he threw a punch and expected to see Loving Aunt shatter into pieces. However, the woman noted his increase in power as she grinned as well, her body suddenly steaming red as her blood vessels became visible on her skin.

She was using the special Tier 4 blood boost, which was equivalent to Luffy's Gear Second, a specialty of this Tier for the BoG. This would normally triple to quintuple the strength of a normal person, but for a bloodline user with the special blood in their system, this effect was multiplicative in ways that could not be easily calculated.

When their fists collided, a shockwave occurred that pushed back the other Pangu members who were watching on with amused smile, causing them to display shock. They couldn't believe nor understand why this was happening or how it was even possible, but Umbra's core members watching by the side grinned.

Lingtian was flabbergasted deeply, shocked to his core. "Impossible! How can you be as strong as me, cowtits bitch?!"

Loving Aunt collided with him continuously, trading blows with equivalence. "Because a limp dick bastard like you has got no strength behind his movements! I'm going to beat you to death using your own method of fighting!"

Seeing that Loving Aunt was overpowering their Clan Head, the others wanted to rush and help, but they were blocked by the intervening core members.

Seeing that these youths were unnamed fellows, they disdained them and tried to bash them aside before helping their Clan Head kill this damned woman.

However, anyone who attacked instantly died, whether it was by having their head cleaved off, their bodies smashed into paste, shot by an arrow or in Essence's case, by being turned into Aurora Energy for him to absorb, none of them survived this first encounter.

This caused the others to pause as their faces changed from fear and horror, wanting to retreat and regroup.

But would these wicked core members give them such leeway?

The moment they had looked down on them as sheep, not realizing that they were tigers, they had sealed their own fate.

AP_Berzerker manifested Xingtian's poleaxes which glowed with a Divine white light in each hand. He simply and lazily swung them with finesse, cutting off a head each for his hard work.

It didn't matter what they did to defend, they could not match the Divine Strength of Xingtian in AP, nor could they match the sheer cutting power of the axes. Even when they struck AP - who didn't bother to defend - their faces would change as their hands, feet or weapons would burst open or become injured from Xingtian's Divine Endurance.

And despite AP walking slowly - from his perspective - it was as if he was using the famous Shunpo (flash step) and appearing all over the battlefield with a severed head left in his wake. After all, he also had Xingtian's Divine speed, which made his attack and movement speed on par with Misery.

Tunder simply manifested a light bow from his bloodline and used bloodline crafted arrows to fire away. He wasn't shooting at anyone in front of them, but all the stranglers within Misery's dome who had avoided being caught.

Either they were hiding, trying to ambush one of the core members in futility or trying to make a move in the dark to escape. With Tunder's spatial senses, he was similar to Draco in that he could see all and strike all.

So it looked like Tunder was shooting all over the place, his arrows disappearing the moment he shot them as they entered into space fold of earth. When they came out, they would accurately strike the brow of their target and then explode with spatial energy, rending the persons head into nothing.

After all, this Lineage had the Undying King Inheritance fellows so it was best to be safe rather than sorry.

Essence himself was not really doing much in terms of output. In the real world, he didn't have his huge storage of Aurora Energy that he had in Boundless, so he couldn't just spawn anything at will.

So right now, he was mostly farming the very same Aurora Energy by 'infecting' his foes with it and watching them scream in unfathomable pain as their cells made of matter were forcibly converted into energy, which he then harvested.

In truth, the person these Pangu members fighting feared the most right now was him, because the scream their peers made before they died were the stuff of nightmares. No human being should be able to make a sound so expressive of how harrowing their experience was.

In truth, even Essence himself used to feel a bit disgusted by this, but that was in the past. Ever since he awoke to his true power as the controller of Aurora Energy, he began to see things in a simple light.

You is fren? You is safe.josei

You is enem? You is energy.

So to him, every single Pangu Lineage member was not a living breathing human being - well, they were for now - but walking sources of Aurora Energy for him. As for how much they suffered in the transition, they should spend that time condensing themselves into more energy rather than scream so loudly in his opinion.

Pedro Sousa was the most direct of them. As a unique Nephilim, a mixture of Demon and Angel, his power was both physical and mental. He had the Horned Demon Inheritance and the Dark Angel Inheritance of the Incubus.

So even as he transformed into his Horned Demon True Body and exchanged blows with the Pangu Lineage members head to head without even needing the boost from control, he was also using his advantage to strike their minds and create openings.

Fight fairly? Pedro never believed in such rubbish. The winner was the one with all the honor through the end, not the means. If you were the most saintly person and still died, you were a despicable dog.

After all, I survived and am currently slandering your name as the despicable dog.

What can you do about it? You're dead.

Even if you were the good guy so what? Now I get to steal your accolades and wear your badges while putting mine on you.

Essence too had the Dark Angel Inheritance, but he barely used it because it didn't pair well with his current power, and Aurora Energy was vastly superior to psychic power.

Armonia calmly manifested the Ruyi Jingu Bang and used it to smash the heads and bodies of anyone in his way. He was much similar to AP in terms of physical attributes, as Xingtian and Wukong were both gods, but Xingtian was most specialized in regeneration while Wukong had his arts and spells.

So neither was better, just more skilled at what they specifically did and fought battles in different ways. This was displayed when Armonia made a hand sign and used the Earth Control technique to wrap the feet of his targets.

Like a bullet, he blasted through them, swinging his bo-staff easily, causing the enemies in his path to turn into body parts flying in the wind, their blood spraying like a broken faucet.

The brutality scared the enemies, but they didn't even have time to be scared because their numbers had dropped to dangerous levels, leaving only a few of them and Lingtian who was still struggling with Loving Aunt.

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