Guild Wars

Chapter 916 Tumultuous Battle

Chapter 916 Tumultuous Battle

The blast shook the entire world it seems, causing the various core members who had regrouped with Rina and the Fire and ice Twins to change expression.

This level of desolation to Beijing would shake the entire world and certain things could not be hidden. If the World Council did not know of the Lineages before, they would certainly know about them now.

At this point, the potential death toll was no longer acceptable to the core members. However, there was nothing they could as this fight as already being handled by those who were best suited to doing so.

Right now, they had secured army trucks and were moving through Beijing rapidly, protecting a armored truck which help Shuangtian within. Only Austin was allowed to stay inside with her as a protective and comforting measure, while the other core members filled the other four trucks, 2 in front, 2 behind.

This was the best 'escape vehicle' because it was assumed that in light of the attack,m the army would be deployed. However, none predicted this kind of calamitous end, so even the army that had slowly began to mobilize in Beijing were crippled and useless.

What was worse was that the initial chaos they expected and planned to use to slip out was gone. Most of those who would have formed the chaos, the plebian humans soaked to the gills with fear and running like headless chickens, were mostly blood mist or meat paste on the sidewalk among other places.

So they became very conspicuous like this, heading out of town when everyone else was heading in.

Their formation also indicated that they were carrying a secure package meant for protection. Even if other members of the army wouldn't inspect, they would at least want to join the convoy, right?

Of course, the commanding officer of the city heard about this weird convoy through reports and frowned. He felt that this was very strange, as he had not given the order for such a thing to exist.

He felt that there was a conspiracy behind this, and even suspected that this might be a disguise by the culprits of this terrorist attack to escape.

However, unlike in the movies were he could just get up and order a capture at all costs, he actually had to phone his superiors and cross check that it was truly not one of their own before attacking.

Still, even if he couldn't directly stop them, he still ordered his men to join the convoy and monitor them.josei

If the convoy was one of theirs, he would simply bow his head and apologize, but he wouldn't be chastised too much for his due diligence.

Likewise if they were bad guys, no one could blame him for not striking them down immediately because he foiled the rulebook and also did some basic due diligence.

He was definitely patriotic, but to become an officer in the army, he was not a dumbass nor hot headed. His position was being eyed by many competitors and the slightest mistake, they would pounce like vultures.

This allowed the convoy to make great headway, even leaving the area of Beijing altogether. At this point, the commanding officer sighed with relief that they had left his jurisdiction and 'helplessly' called his men back.

He also called the commanding officer of the next state and informed him of this troublesome convoy, which made the fellow's expression change greatly.

When he dispatched men to search for the convoy, they had long disappeared, filling him with fear and despair.

He was finished!


Back on the battlefield, the core members still here were seriously wantonly attacking without a care, because they no longer had the option to be gentle.

If this golem could be taken down so quickly and easily, it would not have caused the two top Lineages to kneel in defeat at their prime.

With the likes of Draco's father Dante and Eva's father as well, among the other powerhouses and countless members, so many attacks should have been flying towards this golem, enough to blot out the sun.

Yet even with that magical scene in mind, this thing stood tall, beat them up ;like little kids and was even collected back in perfect condition to be used next time.

It was no longer about quantity but quality. Unless the quality of attacks could breakthrough a certain point, they would be here all day until they died of exhaustion… which was not possible with Tier 4 Control.

So the goal was to breakout with their max power and shatter this thing once and for all!

To that end, all of them invested their full power!

Essence took the lead by converging all his created machinery and guns into one large railgun cannon. He even when to the Gunner's seat and directly charged it with his remaining Aurora Energy, filling it up while the others did their best.

Sublime cried out and clapped her hands together, burning all her bloodline energy to barely cast a 5th Order spell, Gravity Chains!

Immediately, purple chains emerged from the ground and shackled the giant golem all over, its body struggling to get free as Sublime's neat hair and clean body were ruffled by dust and grime as wind blew around her, her hands still clasped together as she maintained the spell with all her will.

Tunder power sighed as he once again overclocked himself and took full advantage of his almost perfect synchronization with Houyi to manifested Houyi's Divine True Longbow, the one he used to shoot down the Golden Crows belonging to Amaterasu.

The long bow was unlike typical ones Tunder summoned form his bloodline which were all energy based and glowed purple. This one was real, carved from an exquisite alloy that glowed both gold and purple in mixed fashion, and its sheer aura caused palpitations in the air.

Tunder then concentrated all of his bloodline energy into generation one large arrow that was made of a similar purple and gold light. He nocked it, took aim and fired right at the heart of the golem.

The arrow struck and exploded in a glorious purple and gold light, forming a spinning ball of energy that completely took away 70% of the golems torso in the explosion.

Pedro Sousa also did the same and burned all his energy. He concentrated on his Horned Demon side since that one had arguably more raw power, manifesting a tear in space above the golem that began raining down meteors coated with hellfire.

Armonia made multiple handsigns as he floated on his somersault cloud, eventually making the most common handsign as he fired out a beam of golden chi towards the golem that did not blast it, but seemed to envelop and weaken its essence.

A debuff Taoist art.

He then concentrated all his power in the ruyi bang, making its size increase greatly until it was about as large as the golem itself. Using Sun Wukong's immense and near insane strength, Armonia roared as he swung the bo staff from top to bottom, crushing the head of the golem and causing the entire city to quake again.

Loving Aunt also went all-out, sacrificing the Dark Swamp Serpent she had spent years suffering to refine through the use of the Ultimate Manifestation Technique, and fed its entire aura into the Blue Water Adder.

Immediately, the Blue Water Adder began to evolve and grew in size crazily until its shape changed from a typical snake into a dark blue monstrosity.

Any core member of Umbra would find this monstrosity familiar, as they had seen it used by Kronalord, but more complete.

The Leviathan!

The reason Loving Aunt was the leader of her generation among the Serpent God Inheritance branch, even becoming the trainer, was not just her skill, but her Serpent Major affinity.

After all, the Blue Water Adder was just one tier below the Leviathan, and Loving Aunt had just used a method to force her Blue Water Adder to become a half-step Leviathan!

The now Blue Water Adder had become Blue Sea Serpent, and it concentrated all its new energy in its body and fired a huge jet of water that blasted into the body of the golem, putting out its fires and suppressing its elemental abilities.

Misery stepped forward and raised the purple tome in his hand. Behind him, the spirit of Scathach's eyes flashed as she spoke to Misery, who was the only one who could hear her.

"Since you have inherited my power Nicholas, flip of page 45,776, and cast the spell there. It is a Pseudo-10th Order spell called Shadowy Hound's Might."

Scathach glanced askance as Cu Chulainn's spirit. "It is a spell I developed that can make use of both my and your great-grandfather's power and combine it perfectly to form something greater."

Misery's brow furrowed. "But I am just at the entry level of 7th Order. Can I really cast it?"

Scathach smiled. "That's the thing I haven't told you about 10th order spells. They aren't based on your current order or energy output. They make use of far more complex things, so power level doesn't matter as long as you have access to the things needed to cast it."

"Since this spell needs my and Cu's power, which you have an abundance of, you can cast it. However, know that despite being just about 10th order, its power is based on its source, so your output would be weaker than if Cu and I were to use it since we're both 9th order and you are 7th Order."

Misery nodded and flipped to the page, casting the spell placed there. After making a few signs and chanting some words, his eyes flashed in a purple and red light as his power merged to form the shadow of Scathach and Cu Chulainn above him, one standing on the left and the other on the right.

The Purple Tome itself seemed to melt and entered the red spear Gae Bolg. Gae Bolg shone with an explosive red and purple light, its shaft becoming half and half. The spear became too powerful for Misery to even hold, but he already knew what to do.

He leapt up and blasted through the air, shooting into the sky and almost reaching the clouds. With a fierce look in his eye, he condensed the full power of the spear as he locked his arm back while floating in the sir.


The spear blasted through the atmosphere and headed towards the golem from above. It raised a hand to shield itself, but it was no edgelord Emiya from the future with 9 stacks of Rho Aias.

Its arm was blasted apart, leading it to wail in pain as the spear continued and blasted through its neck, causing about 90% of it toe vaporize and barely keep its head on.

At this time, AP_Berzerker had been meditating silently, allowing his aura to build as he unearth more of Xingtian's power that he left untouched out of boredom and a lack of pressure from foes.

However, right now, so much power was welling up in him that he needed to vent it. His energy based axes manifested from Xingtian's power exploded, turning into two real axes that looked alien. They were of a chromium metal that seemed to simultaneously absorb and reflect all light, causing its visual presence to be awkward to the eye.

AP did not jump, rather walking casually to the back of the golem which was barely in one piece, and looked up. He saw its body trying to reform from its connecting to the ground and snorted.

He spread his hands out, putting his two axes to either side of his body. With a flash of Divine White light, AP closed his open arms, manifesting a powerful swing that shook the heavens and earth.

Like Misery, a Divine Avatar of Xingtian manifested behind him, only that AP's was more condensed and gigantic. It also slashed out with tis two axes, separating the top and lower half of the golem with disgusting ease, splitting it into two at the waist.

The golem was completely crippled at this time and teetering on the edge of death.

It was then that Essence finished condensing the energy he needed and with eyes full of fire and fury, he expunged all the energy in one powerful shot.


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