Guild Wars

Chapter 917 Aftermath

Chapter 917 Aftermath

While Essence's full power beam fired out, Kiran, who had been also condensing and charging his ki into a single beam, appeared behind the golem and on the other side. With a ferocious roar, he expunged his full energy towards his target, which collided with the rail beam that Essence shot out.

Stuck in the middle of this terrible collision was the poor golem, which bore the brunt of this disaster class explosion.


The entire Beijing was covered in rampant shockwaves and loose energy, as a dome like yellow like rose and spun where the golem was, denoting the energy and force of the clash of energies.

Its figure slowly began to turn to ash in a comedic pose of regret and fear, going from something existing to something that could not even have an atom left.

The core members who took it down panted, having exploded with their full might this. Time. It wasn't enough to completely cripple them, but they were definitely nowhere near their peak.

Okay, so they had defeated the golem, which was great. Now, how do they escape?

The other core members had likely reached the safe house, but they were still stuck in Beijing, and all the worlds attention was likely here through satellite monitoring among others.

The army were closing in, coming to inspected the ruins and they were all standing on the edge of a deep rater that seemed as if a giant meteorite had hit the ground.

Luckily, they had Tunder with them. They rested for a bit to let their bloodline energy recharge, as they were still covered by the fallout of the explosion, which created endless dust and debris.

As for Misery dome which had previously shielded them, it was naturally gone with the explosion. There was a limit to how much of a beating it could soak up after all.

After a few minutes, Tunder stood up and concentrated once more. He drew and arrow and fired it into the void ahead of him, but instead of opening a small portal and traveling silently, it opened a human sized portal in which the other side showed the entrance to the safehouse.

Without being told, the other beaten up core members rushed into the portal, leaving Tunder to enter last and close it.

The moment it closed, the dust was forcibly blown away by hundreds of helicopters arriving above the place, with limitless tanks and military vehicles as well.

In the lead was the commanding officer of Beijing, whose face was completely gloomy as he sorely wanted to know what the fuck was going on?!


"We have reports coming in from the center of Beijing of a severe multifaceted terrorist attack."

"It is believed that the main targets were the Ao family, the number one most prominent clan of China."

"Their net wealth had been around 33 billion yuan and their assets were countless, often tied to the government of China."

"It was no doubt that the Ao family did have a somewhat strong control over China's ruling as most of their members could be found in top governmental positions, but they had always argued that the positions were won through fair competition with other top clans."

"Whatever the case, it wasn't just the Ao family that faced attacks, as all of China stop governmental intuitions were sieged by what their military call 'insurgents'."

"A group of dissatisfied and disgruntled citizens of china who came together to try and make a change in the ruling power through force, but their methods were extreme."

"Hold on, I am receiving new information from our sources…"



"Alright, sorry for that,. It seems that the army of China have captured and interrogated some of these insurgents and have acquired information from them."

"According to them, they never expected or supported such devastation of Beijing. After all, they and their families lives right there."

"According to them, they were working with a separate group of foreigners who supplied them weapons and brought them together for the attack."

"They were responsible for the attack on th Ao family manor which led to such an outcome."

"Unfortunately, they cannot give any names or descriptions at this time, only that they were for sure foreigners."

"Currently, the Chinese army are ramping up inspections on all foreign elements in the country coming in and out, as well as those who are either tourists or residents."

"They are also demanding that the west given them an explanation, or they wouldn't hesitate to start world war 4."josei

"The west have also responded denying any attachments to such an attack, also berating and chastising any force who decided to partake in such action."

"The current death toll in Beijing is above 4 million, and still counting. The injured number also 12 million, and it is unknown how many will survive long enough to get treatment."

"The current tensions running through the world are high in wake of this devastating attack, as many countries are worried that this foreign terrorist group may target them."

"Russia has currently banned all travels in and out of the country and refuse to make any comments as to why."

"This is Charla of the BBC, and I have been your news anchor for this special announcement. Thank you."

Misery sighed and turned off the TV. He and the core members of Umbra were currently comfortably residing in a an underground lab belonging to Glorygore, that was more like a small resort than any research facility.

They had everything they wanted or needed here, and they could watch the events unfold even up to 2 weeks after the attack.

Right now, Shuangtian was receiving first class treatment by the AI itself remotely, and it was estimated that she would be strong enough to travel back to the Central Country for the blood transfusion.

Misery was the only one in the news room checking on the reports. The rest were either chilling in the resort like areas or plugged into Boundless through the pods stored here.

However, as leader of this operation, Misery had to observe the aftermath and see how it would affect them. After all, he was ex-military and especially es-special forces, so his ability with this thing was not small.

Soon, Justin Davis Banks came in and saw Misery seated here, while silently drink a can of Chinese brand rum. His mind seemed to be elsewhere, which made Justin smile.

"Oi, Rum Lord. Why the long face?"

Misery turned to glance at Justin and smiled slightly. "Just thinking about or next move."

Justin nodded and sat down, folding his arms. "China is currently likely in unrest, so we have to wait a month or two for things to cool down and we can file out one by one back home."

Misery smiled coldly. "Its a bit more than unrest. I think we underestimated the fallout here. The entire world is shaking in its boots, so a few months wouldn't be enough to offset this."

Misery took a lazy sip of his rum and made a slight face, but swallowed it. "We're trapped here for quite a while, so I hope you guys like Chinese food because we ain't gonna see the Central Country in a long time."

Justin Davis frowned. "Well, its not like its out fault right? Everything went as predicted and we even shielded our acts from the world. If it weren't for that golem, this would have been a low casualty, political terrorist attack from a rebel faction to oppressors."

Misery sighed. "That's true, but we'd probably have been better off letting the world see the golem as assume that it was some fantasy magic that use our powers to blow it up. That way, it would be less our fault and seem more like alien intervention or some shit."

Justin Davis folded his arms. "I thought you Linage fellows didn't want the world to know of your existence?"

Misery shrugged. "Yeah, they don't, but I don't really care."

Justin Davis choked on that and sighed on behalf of the Lineages. They really were teetering on the brink of exposure under the hands of this fellow.

"Well then, if we have literally no choice but to hide here, then lets make the most of it. There are enough facilities here to ensure that we are well entertained, not to mention we have a lot of work waiting in Boundless. Lets get to it." Justin Davis cheered as he rose to his feet and patted Misery's shoulder.

Misery lazily raised his can of rum and continued lazing about. He couldn't help but wonder how the God serpent fellows were doing at this time, and if their task had gone better than theirs….


Back to around 2 weeks ago, Draco and Eva were still seated high in the air, callously looking down at 8 arenas where two foes were fighting brutally, each one red-eyed and seeking like through death.

The God Serpents currently looked nothing like their usually dignified and important selves. Their tier of power had always been the highest in Umbra, so even among the arrogant core members who already looked down upon the entire human race, they were a level higher and looked down upon all existence below the core members.

However, after a short while of 'wrestling' with these foreign elements that were captured by Lucifer and kept here, that arrogance had been beaten out of them. Rather, a sturdy determination had come to replace it as they individually sought was to improve upon their great power through battle.

They had discovered new plateaus of power they had never thought of before, and especially acquired new applications that had never occurred to them. This could only be gained through fighting an opponent that perfectly suppressed your strengths and exposed all your weakness, which was the type of enemies that Draco and Eva placed for them.

However, more than just clever applications of familiar power, what had risen was their efficiency. Those below 100% purity did not have problems with efficient that those above that did, not even close and not even in the same way.

While those at 100% had to start from basically 0 Efficiency, those below that inherited the efficiency of their bloodline master. So if Lucifer had attained, say, 50% efficiency in Serpent God before he codified it into his bloodline for future generations, then regardless of whether you have 5% bloodline purity or 99%, your efficiency in using your bloodline energy to power your inheritances would start at 50%.

The best part was that this base efficiency could still increase throughout use in your life, and the God Serpents were currently achieving that. However, the obvious issue was that the God Serpents total power cap, even at 99% was not even 0.(put like, 10 billion zeroes here)1% of the power of one who had achieved even basic level 100%.

I.e, their Eternal Power was less than 1 points and very deep in the decimal zone. They could barely count as Eternal-qualified beings despite being powerhouses.

This was why Lucifer and Amaterasu had warned Draco and Eva not to deal with the primordials of earth. Those were likely true elementals that were, at least, at the weak level. Some might even be at the normal or elite level, there was no way to tell actually.

As for the number of times they had died, hehe. You think their eyes became bloodshot from joy or exertion? They had long become desensitized to death, after all it was just some excruciating pain, then their souls would enter a terrifying void full of malice and cruelty then be pulled back into the world of the living.

The best part was that they got to retain all their memories of the event, like nothing ever changed.

It was FREE trauma for them to harbor for the rest of their lives, and it just kept accumulating more and more with each death until death became an old friend that they secretly despised.

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